November Lectures at the National Archives
Press Release · Monday, October 5, 1998
Washington, DC
In November, the National Archives and Records Administration presents free lectures and booksignings that relate to space exploration, the atomic bomb, cartoon history, and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.
The programs are free and open to the public and will take place at the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW. The public may verify times and dates by calling the National Archives public events line at (202) 501-5000. TDD users may call (202)501-5404.
Please Note: The theater at the downtown National Archives Building is equipped with a system that allows the hearing-impaired to use a set of headphones, or neck loop and a small receiver, to enhance the volume of the public address system. Visitors may request these devices in the projection booth.
Monday, November 2 -- Space Exploration
William E. Burrows, director of the New York University Science and Environmental Reporting Program, has covered the subject of space for 35 years. In This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age, he recounts the space story from the urge to fly through plans for interstellar missions. Today he will explain why "the first space age" ended with the Cold War. Published by Random House. Noon. Theater.
Tuesday, November 3 -- Frontier and Military History
Transportation costs determined Fort Riley's location when the U.S. Army founded the post in the 1850s, and the fort has long been the largest employer in the state of Kansas. William A. Dobak, National Archives staff member, will discuss the Army’s effect on the growth of local communities, the subject of his new book, Fort Riley and Its Neighbors: Military Money and Economic Growth, 1853-1895. University of Oklahoma Press. Noon. Room 105.
Wednesday, November 4 -- Designs for Democracy series
The Historic American Buildings Survey: Our Nation’s Oldest Federal Preservation Partnership. The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) was established in 1933 as the preservation keystone of FDR’s New Deal. Designed to provide relief to unemployed architects during the Depression, HABS was a unique public/private confederation that has thrived to become our nation’s premier historic architectural documentation collection. Paul D. Dolinsky, chief of HABS, will trace the early preservation precedent, the creation of HABS, and the survey’s time line over the past 65 years. The audience may view the "Designs for Democracy" exhibit following today’s lecture. Noon. Room 105.
Thursday, November 5 -- The Press: Presidency and Campaigns
Richard Reeves chronicles the evolution of the pressCfrom the Pony Express to the InternetCin his new book, What the People Know: Freedom and the Press. Today he will discuss how the press has the covered the Presidency and campaigns. Published by Harvard University. Noon. Room 105.
Monday, November 9 -- Atomic Bomb
Two aspects of the atomic bomb - its creation and deployment - will be discussed. Al Christman will discuss Target Hiroshima: Deak Pearsons and the Creation of the Atomic Bomb, published by the Naval Institute Press, in which he made extensive use of recently declassified archival materials. J. Samuel Walker will discuss Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan, published by the University of North Carolina Press. Noon. Room 105.
Monday, November 16 -- Designs for Democracy series
Angel Island: Guardian of the Western Gate. Angel Island is the largest island in the San Francisco Bay. Today Valerie Natale, formerly on the staff of Congressman Tom Lantos’s district office, will discuss the history of Federal government institutions on Angel Island, including the quarantine station, the two military bases, and the Immigration Station. Ms. Natale will also discuss her research at the National Archives San Bruno facility and resources that are available there. The audience may view the "Designs for Democracy" exhibit following today’s lecture. Noon. Room 105.
Tuesday, November 17 -- Cartoon History
Patrick M. Reynolds, cartoonist of the "Flashbacks" cartoon strip, which appears in the Sunday comic sections of national newspapers, will discuss the history of Center Market. The market once operated on the land now occupied by the National Archives Building. Reynolds is the author of Flashbacks Volume One: A Cartoon History of the District of Columbia and Flashbacks Volume Two: District of Columbia Neighborhoods, A Cartoon History. Today he will show slides of his work and sketch during his talk. Published in paperback by Red Rose Studio. Noon. Room 105.
Wednesday, November 18 -- First Ladies/Jacqueline Kennedy
French painter and illustrator Jacqueline Duhême began her career as the atelier assistant of Henri Matisse. At the request of Jacqueline Kennedy, Duhême accompanied the First Lady and her sister, Princess Lee Radziwill, on their tour through Rome, India, and Pakistan. Her exquisite watercolors of the Kennedys’ 1961 visit to France and her 1962 journey with the First Lady are published for the first time in Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad. Artisan Publishing. Noon. Room 105.
For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.
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