Press Release
Press Release · Friday, February 25, 2000
Press Release
February 25, 2000
Eisenhower Recordings to Be Made Available at the Eisenhower Library and the National Archives
The National Archives and the Eisenhower Library will open seven dictabelt recordings of conversations between President Eisenhower and others in the Oval Office of the White House during1955. Summaries and transcripts of the conversations will be included with the tapes. Relevant supporting documentation will also be for sale. The tapes will be sold in sets. Subjects of the recordings are as follows:
WHEN:Tape #1: January 19, 1955, conversation between President Eisenhower and Representative Frances Bolton [R-Ohio] discussing educational matters and the need for self-discipline among American youth. After Congresswoman Bolton leaves, President Eisenhower briefly discusses his upcoming press conference with Press Secretary James Hagerty. China is the main topic.
Tape #2 & 3: March 5, 1955, conversation between President Eisenhower and Paul G. Hoffman, Chairman of the Board of Studebaker-Packard Corporation about Department of Defense contracts and the role of Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson, (former chairman of General Motors) in the letting of those contracts.
Tape #4, 5, 6 & 7: January 4, 1955, President Eisenhower has two separate Oval Office meetings concerning the reappointment of Oswald Ryan, a member of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) whose term had expired. The first of three dictabelts records his conversation with Leonard Hall, Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Eisenhower expresses frustration about the CAB and discussions follow about possible replacements for Ryan. The topic of local Republican election campaigns in Florida comes up, and Hall complains about the need to "find some way of getting control of the Negro vote." Later in the afternoon, Eisenhower greets Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks and Assistant Secretary of Commerce Robert Murray who discuss and defend Ryan's work at the CAB. Possible successors to Ryan are discussed along with airline route cases before the CAB. The final dictabelt is a very brief conversation between Eisenhower and two staff members. Secretary Ann Whitman tries to teach the President to operate the dicatbelt machine.
Wednesday, March 1, 2000, Eisenhower Library at 9 AM (CST), National Archives at 10 AM (EST).WHERE:
The dictabelts will be for sale at the Eisenhower Library, located at 200 SE 4th Street, Abilene, KS and at the National Archive Public Affairs staff, located in Room G-5, Pennsylvania Avenue, between 7th and 9th Streets, NW.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The cost of each tape, including a summary and transcription of the conversation is $16. (Because tape #7 is only two minutes in length, it will be given free of charge when purchasing the set of tapes 4,5,& 6.) The cost of each packet of supporting documents, corresponding to the tapes is $10. Checks should be made payable to the Eisenhower Library. Credit cards will also be accepted.
For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.
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