
White House Lecture Series Featured in December at the National Archives
Press Release · Thursday, October 25, 2001

Washington, DC

In December, the National Archives and Records Administration presents public programs covering a wide variety of topics including a special series of lectures about the White House, the Aaron Burr conspiracy, the American flag, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.

The programs are free and open to the public and will take place in room 105 at the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets. The public may verify times and dates by calling the National Archives public events line at (202) 501-5000. TDD users may call (202) 501-5404.

Monday, December 3- The White House
In The White House: The History of an American Idea, William Seale examines the legacy of the mansion's 200 years and brings together the story of the architecture of the White House and the story of the First Families and designers who shaped it. Mr. Seale served as White House historian for the White House Historical Association. Noon. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

Tuesday, December 4-American Historical Fiction
Journalist and author David Nevin returns to discuss his latest book, Treason. The fourth book of "The American Story" series, it centers on the Burr conspiracy. The year is 1803, and a fledgling America is struggling with the concept of democracy and the new two-party system. As the Federalists and Democrats are vying for control in Congress, three powerful men-Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Gen. James Wilkinson-appear in desperate collision with each other in a tale of treason that puts the very future of the nation and its tender new democracy at stake. 7 p.m. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

Wednesday, December 5-The White House
White House Curator Betty Monkman will discuss her book The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families. Ms. Monkman describes some of the historic objects that each President and his family acquired and used while living and entertaining there. She traces the house's history from its humble beginnings-John and Abigail Adams moved in to a partially finished building in November 1800-through its sacking during the Madison administration to Jacqueline Kennedy's impressive efforts to keep the history of the house alive. Noon. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

Friday, December 7-Old Glory
Kit Hinrichs and Delphine Hirasuna will discuss their book, Long May She Wave: A Graphic History of the American Flag. Far from being a static symbol, the flag has been subjected to countless graphic interpretations over its 224-year history, each version owing more to the personality of the maker than to established formal conventions. This book catalogs Hinrich's collection of more than 3,000 Stars and Stripes artifacts, ranging from Civil War-era banners and Native American braided moccasins to an early 20th-century "friendship" kimono and original flag art by several of the world's leading designers. Noon and 7 p.m. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

Monday, December 10-Abraham Lincoln series
Emphatically the Black Man's President: New Light on Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln Every commentator of Lincoln and race relations quotes Frederick Douglass's 1876 speech in which the famed black orator deemed the Rail Splitter "preeminently the white man's President." Michael Burlingame will describe the speech and another little-known 1865 address by Douglass on Lincoln. He will also explore the reasons why Douglass's portrayals of Lincoln were so contradictory. Dr. Burlingame, a celebrated scholar and author on Abraham Lincoln, recently retired as professor of history at Connecticut College, New London CT. Co-sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Institute of the Mid-Atlantic. Noon.

Thursday, December 13-The White House
John Riley will present "The White House: Two Hundred Years as Home, Office, and Stage." Mr. Riley examines the history of the construction of the building and its major construction phases, life in the White House for the First Family, the historic events that occurred there, and the ceremonial aspects of this revered edifice. Mr. Riley is Director of Education and Scholarship Programs of the White House Historical Association. Noon. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

Friday, December 14-The White House
The Presidential library system is a nationwide network of libraries administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. These are not traditional libraries, but rather archival depositories for preserving and making available the papers, records, and other historical materials of U.S. Presidents since Herbert Hoover. Nancy Smith, Director of the Presidential Materials Staff, will discuss the role, history and holdings of the Presidential libraries. Ms. Smith will highlight her talk with a selection of documents and audiotapes of the Presidents and First Ladies. Noon. Reservations are recommended; call 202-208-7345.

For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail. To verify the date and times of the programs, the public should call the Public Events Line at: 202-501-5000, or view the Calendar of Events on the web at:


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