Press Release
Press Release · Thursday, April 17, 2003
Press Release
April 17, 2003
Films at the National Archives in May and June
Washington, DC . . . In May and June the National Archives and Records Administration presents film screenings with topics relating to the Great Depression, the Battle of the Bulge, and American Agriculture.
The screenings will be held in Room 105 of the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW, and in the auditorium at the National Archives at College Park, located at 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD unless otherwise noted. All programs are free and open to the public. Free parking is available at the National Archives at College Park. The times and dates may be verified by calling the National Archives public events line at (201) 501-5000. The hearing impaired should call TDD (202) 501-5404 for information.
Washington, DC Films
Friday, May 9-The Great Depression
*The Land, 1942. When Robert Flaherty was invited to direct a film for the U.S. Film Service, it was to be one of the rare instances when "The Father of Documentary Film" would have an opportunity to focus his camera on his own country. Unlike his previous films, such as Nanook of the North and Man of Aran, he would be dealing with contemporary problems and themes. The Land took Mr. Flaherty to almost every part of America during the summer of 1939, and he was appalled by the poverty he saw among migrant workers living in a land of abundance. Begun under the auspices of the U.S. Film Service, The Land was eventually completed and released in 1942 by the Department of Agriculture but rarely seen. (45 minutes.) Noon.
Friday, May 23-Memorial Day
*Battle of the Bulge, 1998. Combining rare archival film and photographs with compelling eyewitness accounts, this acclaimed documentary recounts the single biggest and bloodiest battle American soldiers have ever fought-in which nearly 80,000 Americans were killed, maimed, or captured. Battle of the Bulge looks at the December 1944 battle against Nazi forces through the eyes of the U.S. soldiers and combat officers in the field. In their own words, they describe the events leading up to the attack, the unpreparedness and surprise of the Allied forces, and the grueling physical and psychological conditions under which they fought. From PBS's The American Experience series. Produced by Thomas Lennon. (90 minutes.) Noon.
Friday, June 13-American Agriculture
*The Plow That Broke the Plains, 1936. This classic film about the Dust
Bowl has been one of the most widely praised and studied documentaries to be
produced in America. His masterful use of music, verse, and edited images were
to influence a generation of nonfiction filmmakers. Written and directed by
Pare Lorentz. (30 minutes.)
*Harvest, 1967. This film produced for the United States Information
Agency is a lyrical and visually stunning portrait of the American farmer. Directed
by Carroll Ballard. (40 minutes.) Noon.
College Park, MD Films
(For descriptions of the College Park films, see previous listings)
Monday, May 12
*The Land (45 minutes.) Noon.
Tuesday, May 27
*Battle of the Bulge (90 minutes.) Noon.
Monday, June 16
*The Plow That Broke the Plains (30 minutes.)
*Harvest (40 minutes.) Noon.
For PRESS information, contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700. To verify the date and times of the programs, the public should call the Public Events Line at: 202-501-5000, or view the Calendar of Events on the web at:
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