
National Archives Endorses DOD Electronic Records Management Standard
Press Release · Wednesday, January 15, 2003

College Park, MD

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) today endorsed Department of Defense Electronic Records Management Software Application Design Criteria Standard, version 2 (DoD 5015.2-STD, June 2002) for use by all Federal agencies. NARA took this step as part of the E-Gov Electronic Records Management Initiative for which NARA is the managing partner. Complementary guidance planned by the Initiative will assist agencies in implementing enterprise-wide electronic records management (ERM) using a DoD 5015.2-compliant software package.

In announcing the endorsement in NARA Bulletin 2003-03 to Heads of Federal Agencies, Archivist of the United States John Carlin stated "We are pleased to continue our collaboration with the Department of Defense on this records management standard and to work with the Department of Defense as a partner agency on the E-Gov initiative. We share the belief that a single standard with broad Federal support will provide a consistent voice to the developer community identifying our baseline of functional requirements. Multiple standards may negatively impact E-Government objectives related to improving interoperability and consistent information assurance capabilities."

Stephen Galvan, the OMB E-Gov Portfolio Manager overseeing the Electronic Records Management Initiative, added "NARA endorsement of this latest version of the design criteria highlights an important development that agencies can use in identifying both ERM requirements and available COTS that deploy the standards to enhance both ERM and inter-agency information sharing capabilities."

The text of the bulletin is available at
. More information on NARA's Electronic Records Management Initiative is available at

E-government is an integral part of the President's Management Agenda to make it easier for citizens and businesses to interact with the government, save taxpayer dollars and streamline citizen-to-government transactions. A copy of the President's E-government strategy, which includes information on each of the E-government Initiatives, is available on the OMB Web site at


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