
The National Archives Presents First Volume of the Public Papers to the President
Press Release · Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Washington, DC

Today, in a traditional Oval Office ceremony, President Bush will be presented the first volume of the "Public Papers of George W. Bush," documenting the first six months of his Administration. The volume will be presented by John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States; Bruce R. James, the Public Printer; Raymond A. Mosley, Director of the Federal Register; and Government Printing Office and National Archives staff who prepare the Presidential materials.

The 880-page volume is published by the Office of the Federal Register, a part of the National Archives. The book contains the full text of public speeches, news conferences, messages and statements, and communications to Congress. Four appendices provide additional materials such as a digest of announcements concerning Presidential activities, nominations submitted to the Senate, and lists of additional White House press releases and Presidential documents published in the "Federal Register." In the Foreword President Bush writes, "This was a period of significant and shared accomplishment on a range of important issues."

The Public Papers of the Presidents series includes volumes documenting the Administrations of Presidents Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. Contemporaneous appearances of the volumes began during the Kennedy Presidency. The publication is edited and annotated by the Office of the Federal Register and is the authoritative record of the Presidency used by scholars, researchers, and writers. Volumes can be obtained through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.

Other official publications of the Office of the Federal Register include the "Federal Register," the "Code of Federal Regulations," the "Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents," the "U.S. Government Manual," and the "U.S. Statutes at Large," among others. The Office of the Federal Register acts as the Government's central publication point and offers a variety of services to the Government and the public to improve access to information.


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