
ISOO 2003 Annual Report Now Available Online
Press Release · Monday, April 26, 2004

Washington, DC

Press Release
April 26, 2004

ISOO 2003 Annual Report Now Available Electronically

Washington, DC. . . The Information Security Oversight Office’s (ISOO) Report to the President for 2003 is now available on its web site. The annual report can be found at:

Within several weeks of this notice, hard copies of the Report may be picked up in ISOO’s offices in Room 500 of the National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20408, or by contacting ISOO: telephone, (202) 219-5250;
fax, (202) 219-5385; or e-mail,

The Report profiles data about the government-wide security classification program, primarily during Fiscal Year 2003. In his transmittal letter to the President included in the Report, ISOO Director J. William Leonard notes:

"The hallmark of 2003 was, of course, the amendment you issued to Executive Order 12958. In this revision, you called upon all agencies to make the concept of automatic declassification of 25-year older or older historical classified records a reality by December 31, 2006."

Director Leonard notes further:

". . . implementation of the National Industrial Security Program seems to be at a crossroads. Several issues, including excessive security clearance delays for industry, continue to hamper industry’s ability to be responsive to Government’s needs. The responsible agencies have developed a number of initiatives addressing this long standing issue on security clearances, as well as other issues."

In addition to the data regarding declassification, highlights of the Report also include:

  • Data on the number of authorized classifiers: The Report notes that the number of authorized original classifiers throughout the executive branch decreased by 1 percent to 3,978.
  • Data on the actions of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): In addition to other information, the Report notes that the ISCAP approved declassification guides for the Department of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Data on Declassification: Under the Automatic and Systematic Review Declassification programs, agencies declassified 43,093,233 pages of historically valuable records. Under mandatory review, agencies declassified in full 218,764 pages; declassified in part 80,520 pages; and retained classification in full on 10,889 pages.

Established in 1978, ISOO is responsible to the President for overseeing the government-wide security classification program, and receives policy and program guidance from the National Security Council. ISOO has been a component of the National Archives and Records Administration since 1995. Copies of ISOO Reports to the President from prior years are also available.

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