
Release of 9/11 Commission Staff Monograph After Second Review
Press Release · Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Washington, DC

WHAT: After a second review by the executive branch, a September 12, 2005 version of the 9/11 Commission Staff Monograph on the Four Flights and Civil Aviation Security has been released by the U.S. Department of Justice and transferred to the National Archives. This newer version of the report contains fewer redactions than the version first released on January 28, 2005.

The full text of the January 28, 2005 version can be found on the National Archives’ web site at

WHERE: The newly released September 12, 2005 version of the monograph will be posted on the National Archives web site:

WHEN: At 2 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2005.

BACKGROUND: The 9/11 Commission closed on August 21, 2004 and transferred legal custody of its records to NARA. In accordance with the Federal Records Act, the Commission has established a general restriction from public access on its records until 2009. However, the reports, hearings, and other information made publicly available by the Commission before it closed its operations on August 21, 2004 are available on the Commission's archived web site (, which is a federal record maintained by the National Archives. Because the Commission was part of the legislative branch, its records are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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For further information, contact the National Archives Public Affairs Office at 202-501-5526.


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