Archivist Allen Weinstein Honors Jim Detlefsen of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library
Press Release · Friday, December 2, 2005
Washington, DC…At the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) annual State of the Archives Address and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, December 1, 2005, Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein recognized Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Computer Systems Administrator Jim Detlefsen for his outstanding contribution to the Hoover Library.
In his remarks, Professor Weinstein addressed NARA employees saying, "Your professionalism, your commitment to the work at hand, your response to NARA customers and partners, your sense of mission, have all been exemplary. I thank each and every NARA employee who has contributed to my understanding of the agency. Our customers recognize, as I do, the high quality of work performed at NARA."
Professor Weinstein presented Jim Detlefsen with the "Outstanding Contribution to NARA" award for his outstanding service and support to the Hoover Presidential Library as the Librarys System Administrator for many years. Mr. Detlefsen sets aside his personal needs to assist others, frequently giving up evenings and weekends to resolve computer network problems. He willingly assists others with any and all audio-visual needs and stands by to insure that everything is working properly.
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