The National Archives Presents Today’s Document Online
Press Release · Monday, January 23, 2006
Press Release
January 23, 2006
The National Archives Presents Todays Document Online
Washington, DC. . . For the first time, the National Archives website now includes a new Todays Document feature, viewable online at, highlighting a specific document, record or photo from the holdings of the National Archives relating to the current day, and/or current exhibitions and programs at the National Archives. This new feature - available on the home page - draws from the online resources of the National Archives, including Our Documents, the Online Exhibit Hall, Teaching with Documents, and the Archival Research Catalog (ARC). Todays Document features a high-resolution image of the selected document/photo/record and a background description, with links to more in-depth content and related educational and research materials elsewhere on the web site. Featured documents have included the Zimmerman Telegram, President Dwight D. Eisenhowers 1961 Farewell address, and a handwritten draft of President John F. Kennedys 1961 Inaugural Address.
The National Archives user-friendly public web site grants visitors immediate access to the nations treasures and the National Archives most-requested information. The website features information for the general public, genealogists, veterans and their families, educators and students, researchers, records managers, preservation and archives professionals, information security specialists, federal employees, Members of Congress, and the media. Visitors can easily access National Archives news and locations, the calendar of events, information on public programs, and much more.
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