National Archives and University of Maryland Hold Electronic Records Conference October 7-8
Press Release · Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Washington, DC
Partnerships in Innovation II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond
More Information
- Directions
- Conference Program
- Conference Details (registration forms, lodging information, and transportation)
Contact: 301-837-0740
The National Archives and the University of Maryland will host a conference about Electronic Records on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7-8, 2008, in College Park, MD. Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein will provide opening remarks for the event, which will be held at the National Archives at College Park, and the University of Maryland. Both buildings are fully accessible.
"Partnerships in Innovation II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond" will focus on the leadership and coordination of the National Archives and the University of Maryland in addressing the challenges of electronic records, highlighting key partnerships and projects established to draw upon the innovative minds in universities, government agencies, and the private sector.
The two-day conference will feature panel presentations on topics such as the release of the National Archives Electronic Records Archives (ERA) System, Standards and Policies for Trusted Digital Repositories, Institutional Repositories: Lessons Learned, Partnerships in Research, Tools and Technologies, and DataNet: A Digital Preservation Network for the Future.
Conference speakers will include the following experts in electronic records technologies and practices:
- Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist, Office of Records Services, National Archives;
- Kenneth Thibodeau, ERA Program Director, National Archives;
- Don Sawyer, Senior Scientist, NASA;
- Joseph JaJa, Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, and
- Rick Rogers, President, Fenestra Technologies.
See the full conference program.
The registration fee for the two-day event is $175 ($50 for full-time students) and includes lunch and refreshments on both days. See details, registration forms, and information on lodging and transportationp.
For additional conference information, please call (301) 837-0740 or e-mail
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The conference is open to the media. For press information, contact the National Archives Public Affairs Staff at (202) 357-5300.
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