
Special Programs to Highlight National Archives Records in January
Press Release · Thursday, November 29, 2007

Washington, DC


More Information

In January, the National Archives will feature two programs highlighting records from its holdings. Both programs are free and open to the public and will be held in the National Archives Building and at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Please note: For programs at the National Archives Building, the public must use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance, between 7th and 9th Streets, NW, Washington, DC. The National Archives at College Park, MD is located at 8601 Adelphi Road. For directions to both locations, see the Washington, DC Area Locations web page.

Tuesday, January 8, at 11 a.m., National Archives Building Research Center
Genealogy in 2020
Join us for a look at the future of genealogy research. Beau Sharbrough, vice president of content for, will relate a cautionary tale about jumping to conclusions based on limited information. He will also discuss the differences among primary records—especially those that have been digitized. (This lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, on Thursday, January 10, at 11 a.m.)

Tuesday, January 15, at 11 a.m., National Archives Building Research Center
Time and Punishment: 200 Years of Penal Reform in the District of Columbia
Archives technician Alison Gavin will discuss primary and secondary resources relating to the horrific conditions of the DC jail and workhouse over the past 200 years and explore how history has influenced the present state of the District’s prison system. (This lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, on Thursday, January 17, at 11 a.m.)

From the Records Book Group
There is no book group discussion in January. The group will meet again on Tuesday, February 19, at 11 a.m. to discuss Lindbergh, by A. Scott Berg.

Both Archives facilities are fully accessible. To request an accommodation (e.g., sign language interpreter) for a public program, please e-mail or call (202) 357-5000 at least two weeks prior to the event. To verify the date and times of the programs, the public should call (202) 357-5333, or view the Calendar of Events online.

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For Press information, contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (202) 357-5300.


This page was last reviewed on January 15, 2025.
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