New Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
Press Release · Thursday, January 15, 2009
Press Release
January 15, 2009
Federal Register Announces New “Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents”
Just in time for the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States
More Information
- Office of the Federal Register
- Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (
- (link opens in a new window)
- FDsys web site
Washington, DC…The Office of the Federal Register (OFR), which is part of the National Archives, has created a new publication, to be called the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents. The Daily Compilation will appear on the Government Printing Office’s (GPO) new Federal Digital System (FDsys) January 20, 2009, to coincide with the incoming President’s term of office. The web site will be accessible via by January 20. The online Daily Compilation will replace the printed Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.
Like its predecessor, the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents will contain formal Presidential orders and statements, remarks at press conferences, messages to Congress, agencies, and foreign leaders, as well as other materials released by the White House Press Secretary. Material appearing in the Daily Compilation is edited for accuracy and annotated with additional information to provide an authoritative record of the Presidency.
The Daily Compilation project is a joint effort of the OFR/GPO partnership. OFR and FDsys program staff have joined forces to make the Daily Compilation the first publication specifically engineered for the new FDsys platform. In the coming year, the OFR and GPO will launch new web services on FDsys, which will gradually replace GPO Access throughout 2009. The Daily Compilation is just one aspect of the OFR/GPO partnership’s commitment to provide state-of-the-art information services to the American people.
GPO describes FDsys as transformational and unparalleled in scope. As an FDsys Web publication, the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents will reach a much broader audience and will be updated frequently, as information is released by the White House press office. The Daily Compilation web site will integrate with historical Weekly Compilation files to provide continuity and permanent public access.
The Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents traces its origins to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States series, established in 1957 as an official publication for the President’s public statements and formal issuances. The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents was created on August 2, 1965, at the behest of President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson cited a need for the President’s statements and writings to be published on a more frequent basis to provide for better communication among members of his administration, and with the American people. The hardbound Public Papers series will be maintained to serve the needs of libraries and other institutions.
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