
Archives Celebrates Homecoming of Long-Lost Lincoln Letter
Press Release · Thursday, May 21, 2009

Washington, DC

WHAT: A ceremony at which a donor will present to the National Archives an original letter written by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This letter, in President Lincoln’s own hand on Executive Mansion letterhead, was originally part of the Records of the U.S. Treasury. At some point in time prior to when the records came to the National Archives, half of the letter containing the substance of President Lincoln’s letter was torn from the volume and ended up in private hands. The donor, who is a private collector, is giving this letter to the National Archives.

With the exception of the half that remained in a volume at the National Archives, the contents of the letter have not been available to scholars or the general public. This will be the first time that the letter will be available to the media.

WHO:  Acting Archivist of the United States Adrienne Thomas
Director of Access Programs for the National Archives, James Hastings
Senior Conservator for the National Archives, Morgan Zinsmeister
Donor of the letter
National Archives experts will be available to answer questions

WHERE:  Archivist’s Reception Room, Room 105
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
(Use Pennsylvania Avenue entrance)

WHEN:  9:30 a.m., Thursday, May 28, 2009


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