Archivist of the United States Creates Holdings Protection Program
Press Release · Monday, December 7, 2009
Washington, DC…Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero announced today the creation of the National Archives and Records Administration Holdings Protection Program and the appointment of key team members.
In making the announcement, Mr. Ferriero said, “The issue of collections security is one of my highest priorities. We absolutely must be able to ensure that the National Archives is able to safeguard the documentary heritage of our nation. This new initiative will help us achieve that goal.”
At the same time, Eric Peterson was appointed as the team leader, effective December 7, 2009. Most recently, Mr. Peterson was the Special Security Officer for the Naval Information Operations Command in Suitland, MD, where he was responsible for loss prevention and classified programs. For two years, Mr. Peterson was a senior declassifier for the Navy working, at the National Archives at College Park. Mr. Peterson will lead a seven-member team composed of archives specialists, loss prevention specialists, and a trainer.
The Holdings Protection Program will serve as a nationwide resource developing and administering policies to enhance holdings protection of original records, regardless of their format to reduce the loss of and aid in the recovery of holdings while ensuring ready access for research by all stakeholders. The team will work with individual offices within the National Archives in Washington, DC, the regional archives and records centers, and the 13 Presidential libraries.
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