
National Archives Holds Genealogy-related Programs in January 2011
Press Release · Friday, December 17, 2010

Washington, DC…In January, the National Archives kicks off the new year with a series of genealogy-related programs highlighting records from its holdings. All programs are free and open to the public, and will be held in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Please note that three of the programs will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Visitors to all programs in the National Archives Building Research Center (Room G-24) should use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance, between 7th and 9th Streets, NW. The National Archives at College Park, MD, is located at 8601 Adelphi Road. See directions to both locations.

Tuesday, January 4, at 11 a.m., Research Center Lobby
Archives Library Information Center “Walkabout”
Learn how to use the Archives Library Information Center for both print and online genealogy research during a 1-hour library “walkabout” with the Chief Librarian. (The tour will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, main lobby, Thursday, January 6, at 11 a.m.)

Friday, January 7, at 11 a.m., Room G-24, Research Center
Introduction to Genealogy
Archives staff present a lecture on basic genealogical research in Federal records. This lecture is offered the first Wednesday of every month.

Tuesday, January 11, at 11 a.m., Room G-24, Research Center
Improving the FOIA Process: The FOIA Ombudsman’s Perspective
Staff from the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), known as the FOIA ombudsman, discuss lessons learned in OGIS’s first year and offer practical tips to help researchers make better use of FOIA to access Government records. (The lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, Thursday, January 13, at 11 a.m.)

Wednesday, January 19, at 11 a.m., Room G-24, Research Center
Beyond the Basics: Discharge Certificates for the War of 1812
Archives staff teach “beyond the basic” archival research skills for genealogists on the third Wednesday of the month. This month’s topic will be discharge certificates for the War of 1812.

Saturday, January 22, at 10 a.m., Room G-24, Research Center
Beyond the Basics: Census Strategies and Search Tips
Archives staff teach “beyond the basic” archival research skills for genealogists on the third Saturday of the month. This month’s topic is census strategies and search tips.

Saturday, January 22, noon–4 p.m., Room G-24, Research Center
“Help! I’m Stuck”
Not sure where to begin? Has a genealogical problem stumped you? An archivist is available from noon to 4 p.m. to answer your questions. Sign up for a 20-minute appointment at the Microfilm Research desk in Room G-26.

Tuesday, January 25, at 11 a.m., Room G-24, Research Center
Alien Files (A-Files) for Genealogy Research
Learn how the Alien Files are a rich source of biographical information for family research in a joint NARA and USCIS presentation. The A-Files are U.S. immigration documents generated and collected since the mid-20th century and contain a wealth of data, including visas, photographs, applications, affidavits, correspondence, and more. (The lecture will be repeated at the National Archives at College Park, MD, in Lecture Room B, Thursday, January 27, at 11 a.m.)

Save the date!
National Archives 7th Annual Genealogy Fair:  Become Your Family’s Detective
Wednesday, April 20, and Thursday, April 21, 2011, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
National Archives Research Center
This two-day program showcases the Federal records located at the National Archives as resources for family history research. Speakers and exhibitors include National Archives staff, historians, and genealogy professionals. The fair provides information and guidance for experienced genealogy professionals and novices alike. Reservations are not required, the fair is free and open to the public, and presented in partnership with the Foundation for the National Archives.

The National Archives Building and the National Archives at College Park are fully accessible. To request an accommodation (e.g., sign language interpreter) for a public program, please e-mail or call 202-357-5000 at least two weeks prior to the event. To verify the date and times of the programs, the public should call 202-357-5333, or view the Calendar of Events online.

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