"Inside the Vaults" Video Short Commemorating Veterans Day
Press Release · Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Press Release
November 10, 2010
National Archives Launches "Inside the Vaults" Video Short Commemorating Veterans Day
Video highlights National Personnel Records Center and military records requests
Washington, DC…How does a veteran apply for a copy of his military service records? Can this be done online? How does the National Military Personnel Records Center (NPRC), operated by the National Archives, in St. Louis process these requests? How many requests are received each week? And how long does it take? Find out at:
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In commemoration of Veterans Day, the National Archives today launched its ninth "Inside the Vaults" video short featuring the National Archives National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO. Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero said "As a Navy veteran myself, I know the importance of having access to military records. The NPRC preserves and makes these records available to those who have served our nation."
The National Archives-produced 3:06 minute "Inside the Vaults" video short "America’s Veterans and the National Archives," is a journey inside the vaults of one of the National Archives and Records Administration's largest operations. The video features National Archives employee and veteran Ricky Moe as he traces his own military file.
NPRC staff showcase both the hi-tech and the low tech - from computer systems that track each request, to painstaking work by conservators to reconstruct documents damaged by a devastating fire in 1973.
Background on the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis
The National Personnel Records Center is a central repository of personnel-related records, both military and civil service. The NPRC's mission is to provide world class service to Congressional offices, Government agencies, military veterans, former civilian Federal employees, family members, as well as researchers and historians. Records include Military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century, as well as medical treatment records of retirees from all services, as well as records for dependent and other persons treated at naval medical facilities.
Background on "Inside the Vaults"
"Inside the Vaults" is part of the ongoing effort by the National Archives to make its collections, stories, and accomplishments more accessible to the public. "Inside the Vaults" gives voice to Archives staff and users, highlights new and exciting finds at the Archives, and reports on complicated and technical subjects in easily understandable presentations. Earlier topics include the conservation of the original Declaration of Independence, the new Grace Tully collection of documents at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library, and the transfer to the National Archives of the Nuremberg Laws. The film series is free to view and distribute on our YouTube channel [http://tiny.cc/Vaults].
Created by a former broadcast network news producer, the "Inside the Vaults" video shorts series presents "behind the scenes" exclusives and offer surprising glimpses of the National Archives treasures. These videos are in the public domain and not subject to any copyright restrictions. The National Archives encourages the free distribution of them.
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See Discovering the Civil War [http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/civil-war] online exhibit.
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