
National Archives Marks 150th Anniversary of Medal of Honor with Talk and Display
Press Release · Thursday, January 5, 2012

Washington, DC…On Tuesday, January 10, at noon, the National Archives honors the 150th anniversary of the Medal of Honor with a panel discussion, book signing, and special document display. Gen. Nicholas B. Kehoe, president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, moderates a discussion with Medal of Honor recipients Harvey C. “Barney” Barnum, Jr., and Brian Thacker. A book signing of Medal of Honor: Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty will follow the program; the book is available at a discount from the Archives Shop (202-357-5271) before and during the event. The event is free and open to the public and will take place in the William G. McGowan Theater of the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Attendees should use the Special Events entrance on the corner of Constitution Avenue and 7th Street, NW.

Featured document display:  The Medal of Honor
The National Archives marks this anniversary with a special document display in the East Rotunda Gallery of the National Archives Building that runs through Monday, January 16, 2011.
The display includes a Medal of Honor awarded – but never presented – to Sgt. James Hill, 14th New York Artillery, for extraordinary heroism on July 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Virginia – Sgt. Hill captured a flag and shot a Confederate officer who was rallying his men. Hill died in captivity at Andersonville, Georgia, before the medal could be presented. The display also features a letter of recommendation for a Medal of Honor for Pvt. Samuel E. Eddy of Company D, 37th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.

For 150 years, the Medal of Honor has been America’s symbol that soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and coast guardsmen have the esteem of their fellow countrymen for deeds on the battlefield that are far above and beyond the call of duty. It has been awarded fewer than 3,500 times. December 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln’s creation of the Medal of Honor.

The National Archives is located on the National Mall on Constitution Avenue at 9th Street, NW. Fall/winter Exhibit Hall hours are 10 AM – 5:30 PM daily except Thanksgiving and December 25 (through March 14). For information on National Archives Public Programs, call (202) 357-5000, or view the Calendar of Events online.

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