Prologue: Index 1987
Abell, Bess, 78, 127, 129, 136; quoted, 128 Abstracts of Service Records of Naval Officers ("Records of Officers"), 1829-1924, by Janis L. Wiggins, microfilm publication, 279 "Accessions and Openings," see National Archives and Records Administration Acheson, Dean, papers declassified, 274, and opened, 53 Aeronautics, Bureau of (Navy), records accessioned, 199, and declassified, 269 Africa, files relating to accessioned, 270 Agency for International Development (AID), records of predecessor agencies declassified, 46-47; declassified records opened, 198 Ali, Muhammed, photo, 168 American Citizens Concerned for Life, files accessioned, 276 American Council of Learned Societies, 56 "The American Experiment: Living With the Constitution" (exhibit), 58 "The American Experiment: Living With the Constitution," by Emily Williams Soapes, 185-189 American Women's War Relief Fund, 89 "Americans All! Ethnic Images in World War I Posters," by Shawn Aubitz and Gail F. Stern, 41-45 Amish, 165-166, 170 Anthony, Susan B., photo, 191 Apple Computer, 211-212 "Archival Purgatory: The Federal Records Centers," by Frank G. Burke, 4-5 Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, recordings and motion pictures donated, 49 Army, Department of the, files accessioned, 276, and declassified, 197, 198, 270 Asia, records relating to accessioned, 47, declassified, 269, and opened, 48 Atomic energy, recordings and motion pictures relating to donated, 49; records relating to accessioned, 198 Atomic Energy Commission, records accessioned, 50 Atterbery, Phil R., files accessioned, 27() Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, audiovisual records transferred, 199 Aubitz, Shawn, and Gail F. Stern, "Americans All! Ethnic Images in World War I Posters," 41-45 Bache, Richard, 224 Baker, Carlos, materials relating to opened, 276 Baldridge, Malcolm, sound recordings accessioned, 272 Ballantine, Arthur A., correspondence opened, 52 Barker, Desmond, J., Jr., files opened, 203 Barred and Disallowed Case Files of the Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880, by Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 154 Barrett, Edward W., records accessioned, 47 Beck, Ludwig, speech by accessioned, 20 Bendas, Wladyslaw Theodore 42 43 Bernbaum, Maurice M., files accessioned, 27() Bernhard, Berl I., files opened, 276 "The Best Years of Our Lives: Teaching Postwar American History, 1945-61," by Jean West Mueller and Wynell Burroughs, 260-268 Bill of Rights, 163-175; preservation of, 56 Binns, John, 161 Black Americans, article about, 7-21 Black, Ruby, 75, 100 Blackfeet Agency, records accessioned, 272 Blackmun, Harry A., 58; "The First Amendment and Its Religion Clauses: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?," 163-175; photo, 173 Blanchard, Stephen, 251, 255 Blanchard, Thomas, article about, 245-259; photo, 244, 259 quoted, 253 Blankenship, l. H., quoted, 185 Blech, Alice, 73 The Blue Eagle From Egg to Earth, by Hugh S. Johnson, manuscript opened, 53 Bohlen, Charles, testimony by declassified, 274 Bonnet, Henry Lucien, oral history interview accessioned and opened, 274 Bonneville Power Administration, recordings accessioned 272, 281; records accessioned~~ 2()1 "Bound to Last" (film), accessioned, 199 Bound Records of the general Land Office Relating to Private Land Claims in Louisiana, 1767-1892, by Timothy D. W. Connelly, microfilm publication, 279 Boutin, Bernard, papers opened, 54 Boutwell, George, 227; photo, 229; quoted, 227 Bowman, Gertrude, materials collected by opened, 202 Boxer Rebellion, article about, 34-40; 90-91 Brady, Mathew, photographs by accessioned, 200 Branner, John Caspar, 86, 88 Brazil, records relating to accessioned, 47 Brogden, Curtis E.7., 236 Buchanan, Patrick J., 203 Buck, Solon J., quoted, 28 Bundy, McGeorge, report by opened, 275 Burke, Edmund, List of Patents for Inventions and Designs, Issued by the United States, from 1790 to 1847, 254 Burke, Frank G., "Archival Purgatory: The Federal Records Centers," 4-5; quoted, 55, 56 "First Ladies as National Leaders," 68 69; "The Long Road from Philadelphia," 160-161; quoted, 55, 56, 209, 281 Burns, Arthur F., papers accessioned, 276 Burroughs, Wvnell, and Jean West Mueller, "The Best Years of Our Lives: Teaching Postwar American History, 1945-61," 260-268 Butt, Archie, quoted, 73 Byrnes, James F., photo, 268 Cahn, Edmund, quoted, 174 Calhoun, John C., 188 California State Archives, 58, 284 Cambodia, records relating to declassified, 269 Capone, Al, photo, 190 CARE, papers relating to opened, 276 Carpenter, Elizabeth S. "Liz," 78, 129, 131, 133, 134 Carter, Billy, records relating to accessioned, 271 Carter, Jimmy, 55; papers opened, 55; photo, 164 Carter, Rosalynn, 68, 79, 80, 281 Case Files of Disapproved Pension Applications of Widows andOther Dependents of Civil War and Later Navy Veterans ("Navy Widows' Originals"), 1861-1910, by Ivadnia E. Scott-Cora, microfilm publication, 154 Castro, Nash, 129 Cavaney, Bryron M., papers accessioned, 203 Census, Bureau of the, films accessioned, 272 Central America, records relating to accessioned, 47, 270 Central Intelligence Agency, records declassified, 270 Challenger Commission P.C. Nussl1wered Docunslents, 1986, microfilm publication, 154 Chambers, C.E., 42; poster by, 43 Chapin, Dwight, files opened, 203 Chapped, John G., 232 233 Charters Monitoring System, 56; 209210 Chile, records relating to accessioned, 47, and declassified, 46 China, 90-91; article about, 34 40; records relating to accessioned, 47, 270, and declassified, 197 China, People's Republic of, 282; papers relating to opened, 277 Chinese Exclusion Act, records relating to accessioned, 201 Choate, Rufus, quoted, 253 Christy, Howard Chandler, 41; poster by, cover, Spring Issue Civil War, photographs relating to accessioned, 200; teaching unit on, 155 Civilian Conservation Corps, records relating to accessioned, 201 Claiborne, Harry, records relating to accessioned, 271 Cleveland, Grover, 183 Clifford, Clark, files accessioned and opened, 202 Collingwood, Charles, photo, 118; quoted, 117, 118 Collins, J. Lawton, papers opened, 275 Colson, Charles, files opened, 276 Columbia University, 107, 111, 112, 114 Commerce, Department of, recordings accessioned, 272 Commission on Archival Cooperation, 56 Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion, 76 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 77, 127, 129, 133, 134 Commodity Credit Corporation, files accessioned, 271 Communist Party (U.S.A.), papers relating to declassified, 202 Confederate States Army, military service records closed, 281 "Congressional Records in the National Archives," by David R. Kepley, 23-33 Conkling, Roscoe, quoted, 236 "Constitutional Issues During the Eisenhower Administration" (conference), 210 Coolidge, Grace, 74 Cooper, Carolyn C., "The Evolution of American Patent Management: The Blanchard Lathe as a Case Study," 245-259 Coppock, Joseph D., papers opened, 274 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1918-1941, by Gregory L. Fraser, microfilm publication, 154 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Spain, 1918-1941, by Karl Weissenbach, microfilm publication, 154 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to "Negro Subversion," 1917-1941, by David Paynter, microfilm publication, 154 Cotter, William, fieldbooks accessioned, 198 Council of Economic Advisers, records relating to accessioned, 274 Covert, James W., quoted, 234 Cox, Samuel S., 233-234, 236; photo, 240 Crapo, William W., 235 Crow, Lon Worth, 17 Cuba, records relating to accessioned, 47, and declassified, 46 Cuban Missile Crisis, papers relating to opened, 275 Customs Service, records accessioned, 51 Dade County Planning Council (Florida), 13 Davis, Edith M., papers accessioned, 53 Davis, Floyd W., 9, 10, 13 de Gaulle, Charles, 122-123 Dean, John, files opened, 203 Debs, Eugene V., 193; photo, 193 Declaration of Independence, preservation of, 56, 160 161 Dent, Harry, files opened, 203 The Destruction of Slavery, edited by Ira Berlin et al., 208 Dewson, Molly, 104 Dickerman, Marion, 104 Dirksen, Everett, photo, 29; quoted, 28 Disarmament, records relating to accessioned, 198 Diver, William K., files accessioned, 48 Document preservation, 56, 160-161 Documentary teaching units, 260 268 Donovan and the CIA, by Thomas F. Troy, papers relating to declassified, 270 Donovan, William J., speeches by accessioned, 200 Draper, William G., records opened, 202 Dunnell, Mark l]., 235; quoted 224 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 107, 109, 113, 114, 208, 210, 265; accessions and openings, 53, 202, 274-275 Economic Cooperation Administration, records declassified, 269 Ehrlichman, John, files opened, 203; oral history interview with, 276 Eisenhower, Dwight D., ]07, 114, 265; fiscal year records accessioned, 275; medical history accessioned, 274; papers declassified, 202; photos, 109, 110, 263; quoted, 189 Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, 76, 13(); article about, 107-115; letters from accessioned, 274; papers relating to opened, 202; papers opened, 275; photos, 77, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113; quoted, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114 Eisenhower, Milton S., papers accessioned, 53 Eldridge, Isaac, 255 "The Electoral College: How Democratic Was--and Is--The Constitution?," by Abner J. Mikva, 177-184 Elizabeth Arden Salon, 111, 113, 114 "An Enduring Fascination: The Papers of Jacqeline Kennedy," by Mary Ann Watson, 117-125 Engineers, Office of the Chief of, files accessioned, 51 Engrossed Bills and Resolutions of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1817, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 154 Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 273 Equal Rights Amendment, 145, 147, 148 Ethnic advertising, article about, 41-45 Europe, records relating to, accessions 27() "The Evolution of American Patent Management: The Blanchard Lathe as a Case Study," by Carolyn C. Cooper, 245-259 Ewald, William B., papers accessioned, 275 ''Eyes Alone'' Correspondence of General Joseph W. Stilwell, January1942-October 1944, by David A. Langbart, microfilm publication, 207 Far East, records relating to declassified, 269 Far Eastern Affairs, Bureau of (State Dept ), records accessioned, 198 Faunce, John, 227, 229 Federal Bureau of Investigation, records declassified, 202, and transferred, 48 Federal Court Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 195 Federal courts, 170 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, files accessioned, 48 Federal Housing Administration, 19, 20 Federal Records Act of 1950, 29 Federal Records Centers, 211; article about, 4-5 Federal Regional Council, Region 11, records accessioned, 51 Federal Register, 55 Federal Reserve Board of Governors, records relating to opened, 52 Fine Arts Committee for the White l House, 77, 133 "The First Amendment and Its Religion Clauses: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?," by Harry A Blackmun, 163-175 First ladies, articles about, Summer issue "First Ladies as National Leaders," by Frank G. Burke, 68-69 First Lady's Committee for a More Beautiful Nation's Capital, 71, 78, 127, 129 Flanigan, Peter, files opened, 203 Flathead Agency, records accessioned, 272 Food for Peace, papers relating to opened, 276 Ford, Elizabeth Bloomer "Betty," 79, 8(), 281; article about, 143 153; photos, 82, 83,142,144-149,151,152; quoted, 143, 145, 147, 149, 15]-152 Ford, Gerald R. ,143; papers and materials accessioned, 203-204, 276; photos, 82, 83, 142, 144, 146, 152, quoted, 151 Forest Service, records accessioned, 201, 271 Fort Leavenworth (KS), architectural drawings transferred and accessioned, 273 Francis, Sharon, 78, 129 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, illustrations from, 179, 180 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, grants awarded, 282 Franklin D Roosevelt Four Freedoms Foundation, grants, 212, 214 Franklin D Roosevelt Library, 96, 100, 101, 102, 104; accessions and openings, 5253, 273; museum gallery opened, 58 Geological Survey, records accessioned, 201 Gerald R. Ford Library, 211; accessions and openings, 203-204, 276-277; article pertaining to, 143-153 Gerald R Ford Museum, 211, 281 Gergen, David, files opened, 203, 204 Girls Scouts of America, 74, 88, 90, 91 92, 211 Gordon, John Brown, 236, 237 Gould, Jack, quoted, 124 Gould, Lewis L, "Modern First Ladies An Institutional Perspective," 71-83 Government Printing Office, films accessioned, 199 Graham, Billy, photo, 175 Gramling, John C, 13; photo, 9; quoted, 9-10, 11 Grants and fellowships, 58, 59, 212, 214 Great Lakes, 225, 229 Gruenther, Alfred, 109, 111; papers opened, 202, 275 Guatemala, records relating to accessioned, 47 Guide to Historical Material in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, edited by Ronald E Whealan, 154 Guide to the Records of the United States Congress, 32 Guthrie, James, 225 Gwirtzman, Milton, papers opened, 276 Hagerty, James, 111; quoted, 112 Hagner, Isabella "Belle," 73, 74, 78, 80 Hahn, H. Bentley, papers opened, 54 Haldeman, H. R. files opened, 276; oral history interviews with, 276 Halprin, Lawrence, 79 Halsted, Anna Roosevelt, 104 Hamilton, Alexander, picture of, 24 Hammer, Armand, photo, 140 Hansen, Laurence J. papers accessioned, 274 Harper's Weekly, engravings from, 188, 231 Harris, Patricia, videotapes of accessioned, 272 Harrison, Benjamin, 183 Harry S. Truman Award, 208 Harry S. Truman Library, 155, 265, 282; accessions and openings, 53, 202, 273 274 Harry S. Truman Library Institute, grants available, 282-283, and awarded, 5 Hartmann, Robert T., papers opened, 204 Haskell Institute, records accessioned, 50 Hayes, Rutherford B. 183, 237 "A Heavy Sea Running: The Formation of the U. S. Life-Saving Service, 1846-1878," by Dennis R. Means, 223-243 Helm, Edith Benham, 74, 75, 76, 98; photo, 94 "Help by the Carload" (film), accessioned, 199 Hemingway, Ernest, papers relating to opened, 276 "Herbert Hoover and the Boxer Rebellion," by Tom Walsh, 34-40 Herbert Hoover Library, 210-211, 281; accessions and openings, 52, 202 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, grants, 212 Hickok, Lorena, 75, 100, 104 Highway Beautification Act of 1965, 129 Historic New Orleans Collection, 279 Holm, Jeanne, 145 Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), 8, 14, 16 20 Hoover, Herbert, S6, 89; article about, 34 40; "History of Inside Circle," 36; papers relating to opened, 202; photo, 35, 90; quoted, 34, 36, 37, 39 Hoover, J. Edgar, records transferred and accessioned, 48 Hoover, Lou Henry, 34, 68, 74-75, 210-211; article about, 85-93; photos, 40, 73, 74, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93; quoted, 86, 88, 90 Housing and Urban Development, Department of, videotapes accessioned, 272 Housing, federal policies on, article about, 7-21 Howard, Harry N., files accessioned, 270 Howard, Katherine, 108; papers opened, 275 Hoyt, Mary Finch, 79 Hughes, Alice, quoted, 113 Huron (ship), 233 "'I Want You to Write to Me': The Papers of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt," by Frances M. Seeber, 95-105 I Was Jacqueline Kennedy's Dressmaker, by Mini Rhea, quoted, 119 "'If There Was Anything You Forgot to Ask . . .': The Papers of Betty Ford," by Karen Rohrer, 143-153 "Ike Was Her Career: The Papers of Mamie Doud Eisenhower," by Martin M. Teasley, 107-115 Immigrants, article about, 41-45 Immigration History Research Center, 58 Immigration and Naturalization Service, records accessioned, 201 Indexes to Records of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, microfilm publication, 154 India, files relating to accessioned, 270 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, records accessioned, 50-51, 272 Information Resources for Archivists and Records Administrators, by Victoria Irons Walch, 206 207 Institute for Pacific Relations, records relating to opened, 271-272 Internal Revenue Service, 45 International Archives Preservation Seminar, 208-209 International Boundary and Water Commissions records accessioned, 198 International Cooperation Administration, report by declassified, 274 international Council on Archives, 209 Inventors, article about, 245-259 Islam, 169, 170 Jackson, Kenneth T., quoted, 19 Japan, records relating to declassified, 197 Japanese-Americans, films relating to transferred, 199-200 Japanese Peace Conference, 1951, records relating to accessioned, 48, and declassified, 197 Jefferson, Thomas, 18, 211; picture, 166; quoted, 160 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 56, 161 Jimmy Carter Library, 55, 208; symposium at, 281 John F. Kennedy Library accessions and openings 53-54, 203, 275-276; article pertaining to, 117-125; publications, 154; seminar on the Constitution, 58 John Paul II, photo, 174 Johnson, Hugh S., papers opened, 53 Johnson, Lady Bird, 68, 71, 78, 79, 80, 281; articles about, 127-135, 136-141; photos, 79, 80, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 140; quoted, 130, 133, 134, 136, 138-139, 141 Johnson, Lyndon B., 71, 77, 138, 139; photo, 79, 186; quoted, 141 Johnston, Eric, records accessioned, 270 Joint Chiefs of Staff, records declassified, 197, 198 Judge Advocate General, Office of the (Army), photographs accessioned, 200 "A Journey of the Heart: The Papers of Lady Bird Johnson," by Nancy Kegan Smith, 127-135 Justice, Department of, records accessioned, 270 Kamp, Carl O., files accessioned, 48 Kempton, Greta, papers opened, 274 Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 68, 76, 77, 78, 130, 133, 136; article about, 117-125; photos, 70, 78, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125; quoted 117-118 Kennedy, John F., 121, 122, 183; papers relating to opened, 275; photos, 118, 121, 124; quoted, 123; White House Social Files opened, 275 Kennedy Library Foundation, research grants available, 59, 214, 283 Kennedy, Robert F., 57-58; condolence books accessioned, 48; papers relating to opened, 276 Kepley, David R., "Congressional Records in the National Archives," 23-33 Keyes, Frances Parkinson, quoted, 74 Khachigian, Kenneth, files opened, 203 Khrushchev, Nikita, 123 Kimball, Sumner Increase, 223, 226, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 237; photo, 228, 243; quoted, 227, 230 King, Martin Luther, Jr., condolence books accessioned, 48 Kitt, Eartha, 132 133; quoted, 133 Klaber, Eugene H., 9, 11 Klein, Herbert, files opened, 203 Klutznik, Philip, sound recordings accessioned,272 Komer, Robert W., files opened, 203 Kootenai River Basin, records relating to accessioned, 201 Korea, records relating to declassified, 197, 198 Korean war, photographs relating to accessioned, 200; records relating to declassified, 46 Korologos, Tom, files opened, 203 Kreps, Juanita, sound recordings accessioned, 272 Krogh, Egil, files opened, 203 Kuralt, Charles, quoted, 123 LaGuardia. Fiorello, photo, 98 Lampe, Joseph A., papers accessioned, 276 Lash, Joseph, 75, 97 Lasker, Mary, 79, 129; photo, 135 Latin America, records relating to accessioned, 47, declassified, 46, and opened, 48 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, files accessioned, 198 Law, Weather and Richardson, Attorneys, files opened, 277 Lawson, John, fieldbooks accessioned, 198 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, 28, 29 Leonhart, William, files opened, 203 "Let's Talk about the Atom" (radio series), recordings donated, 49 Life-Saving Stations Act (1874), 229 Lincoln, Abraham, 182-183 Lincoln Francis F., files accessioned, 270 Linde Air Products Co, technical records declassified and accessioned, 50 Lindh, Patricia, 145 Lists of Navy Veterans for Whom There Are Navy Widows' and Other Dependents' Disapproved Pension Files ("Navy Widows' Originals"), microfilm publication 154 Lombardo, Ivan, oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 274 Long Island, NY, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230 "The Long Road from Philadelphia," by Frank G Burke, 160-161 Longanecker, David E., files accessioned, 270 Lord, Walter, research materials for The Past that Would Not Die opened, 54 Lou Henry Hoover Gallery, 211 Louisiana State University, 58, 284 Lowell, Robert, quoted, 132 Lyle, David A., 230 Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, grants available, 214, 283, and awarded, 59, 283-284 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 136, 210; accessions and openings 203; article pertaining to, 127-135 McCaffree, Mary Jane 76, 112, 113 McAllister, Walter W., files accessioned, 48 McCarthy, Joseph, 265 McGhee, George C., records accessioned, 47 McGuire, John R. files accessioned, 271 McLean, Hulda Hoover, materials collected by opened, 202 Mackaman, Frank H., 281 MacLeish, Archibald, records declassified, 46 Madison, James, 166, 169, 180; quoted, 174 Mailer, Norman, quoted, 124 Malek, Frederick, files opened, 203 Malraux, Andre, 123 The Man Behind the Quill, by Arthur Plotnik, 205-206 Management and Budget, Office of, records accessioned, 48 49 Manhattan Engineer District, records accessioned, 50 Marcos, Imelda, 146-147 Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 48 Marshall, George C., photo, 268 "The Marshall Plan: Cooperating to Rebuild Europe" (exhibit), 282 Martin, Preston, files accessioned, 48 Mason, George, quoted, 180 Massachusetts, 163, 165 Massachusetts Humane Society, 224 Matthews, H. Freeman, files declassified, 197 Mattingly, Thomas W., report by accessioned, 274 Mayer, Dale C., "Not One to Stay at Home: The Papers of Lou Henry Hoover," 85-93 Means, Dennis R., "A Heavy Sea Running: The Formation of the U.S. Life-Saving Service, 1846-1878," 223 243 Megill, H. Newlin, 26, 28 Merchant marine logbooks, 273 Merchant vessels, logbooks accessioned, 48, 51, 52 Merrick, George E., photo, 15; quoted, 13 Merryman, J. H., 229 Metropolis (ship), wreck of the, 230 233 Metzger, Emanuel, papers opened, 275 Mexico, records relating to accessioned, 198 Miami Advisory Council on Housing, 9 Miami Colored Chamber of Commerce, 9 Miami, Florida, article about, 7-21; maps, 17, 18 Miami Herald quoted, 9, 13 Michler, N., fieldbooks accessioned, 198 Microfilm publications, 154 155, 207, 279; Black Americans, 154; Brazil, 115, 207, 279; Canada, 155; Denmark, 155; Ecuador, 155; Federal Reserve System, 154; France, 279; Great Britain, 155; Immigration and Naturalization Service, 279; Joint Army and Navy boards, 155; Korea, 154-155; Land Management, Bureau of, 155, 279; Naval Personnel, Bureau of, 279; Paraguay, 155; Southern Claims Commission, 154; Space Shuttle Challenger, 154; Spain, 154; State, Department of, 155, 279; Switzerland, 207; U.S.S.R., 154 155; United Nations, 154 155; U.S. Army commands, 207; U.S. Congress, 154 155; war crimes trials, 207; War Department, 154; War Industries Board, 207; World War 11, 207 Middle East, files relating to accessioned, 270 Mikva, Abner J., 211; "The Electoral College: How Democratic Was and Is the Constitution?," 177-184; photo, 183 "Milestone Documents in the National Archives" (publication series), 206 Military service records, Tennessee volunteer units, 281 Miller, Page, quoted, 209 Minutes of the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System, 193-1985, and of its Executive Committee, 1936-1955, by Lockwood Wright, microfilm publication, 154 Minutes of War Industries Board Meetings, 1917-1918, by Wilmah M. Getchell, Jr., microfilm publication, 207 Mission Indians, Agua Caliente Band, records relating to accessioned, 51 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 130, 139 "Modern First Ladies: An Institutional Perspective," by Lewis L. Gould, 71-83 Mohl, Raymond A, "Trouble in Paradise: Race and Housing in Miami During the New Deal Era," 7-21 Moley, Raymond, oral history interviews with opened, 52 A More Perfect Union: The Creation of the U.S. Constitution (booklet), 206 Morganthau, Elinor F., papers donated, 52-53 Morganthau, Henry, Jr., papers donated, 52-53 Mormons 169; documents relating to, 167 Mount, Charles Merrill, 280 Mowrer, Handley Richardson Hemingway, papers opened, 276 Moyers, Bill, 172 Mueller, Jean West, and Wynell Burroughs, "The Best Years of Our Lives: Teaching Postwar American History, 1945-61," 260-268 Mutual Security Agency, records declassified, 269 Nast, Thomas, engraving by, 18, 188, 238, 242 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), papers relating to opened, 53-54 National Amateur Athletic Federation, 91-92 National Archives and Records Administration, accessions and openings, 46-54, 197-204, 269-277; Advisory Committee on Preservation, 281 282; Atlanta Branch, 50, 191, 194; Boston Branch, 193, 194; budget, 56-57, 281; Chicago Branch, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195; Civil Archives Division, 47-49, 198 199, 270-271; declassified records, 4647, 53, 197-198, 202, 269-270, 274; Denver Branch, 50 195, 269, 272-273; and document preservation, 160-161; field branches (article about), 190 195, 196; Fort Worth Branch, 191; Kansas City Branch, 50-51, 155, 191, 193, 194, 195, 211, 273; Legislative Archives Division, 23, 26, 32, 58 59, 271-272; Los Angeles Branch, 51, 195, 201; Military Archives Division, 199; Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch, 155, 265; New York Branch, 51, 191, 194; news and notices, 55-59, 208 214, 280-284; Office of the Federal Register, 278; Office of Public Programs, 155, 260-268; Office of Records Administration, 209, 279; Philadelphia Branch, 52, ] 91, 194, 195, 200-201, 211, 273; presidential libraries, 52-54; publications, 154 155, 205 207, 278 279; Records Declassification Division, 46-47, 197-198, 269-270; Seattle Branch, 192, 194, 195, 201; Special Archives Division, 4950, 199-200, 272 National Archives Gift Collection, materials donated to, 49; photographs accessioned, 200 "The National Archives: New Challenges, New Opportunities," by Don W. Wilson, 220-221 National Council for United States-China Trade, records opened, 277 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 58, 208, 209, 281; fellowship grants, 284 National Recovery Administration, papers relating to opened, 53 National Security Council, Komer-Leonhart File opened, 203; records declassified, 46, 53, 202, 275, and opened, 53 Naturalization, case files opened, 51, 52, 201 Naval Air Training Center, records accessioned, 50 Naval Districts and shore establishments, records accessioned, 50 Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 199, and declassified, 197 Navy, Department of the, 230, 234; records accessioned, 273 Negro Civic League (Miami), 9 Nenninger, Timothy, and Garry Ryan, eds., Soldiers and Civilians: The U.S. Army and the American People, 206 Neustadt, Richard E., papers opened 203 New Deal, article about, 7-21 New Era (ship), 225 New Jersey, 169, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 235 Newell, William A., 224, 226; photo, 225 "News and Notices," see National Archives and Records Administration Nielson, Aksel, 108, 111 Nixon, Diane S., 57-58 Nixon, Patricia, 136, 281; photos, 108, 137; quoted, 109 Nixon Presidential Materials Project, accessions and openings, 203, 270; special files opened, 108 Nixon, Richard, 55-56, 183, 208; photos, 175, 186; White House Social Files opened, 276 Nixon White House Special Files, 55-56 Norfolk Navy Yard, records accessioned, 273 North Carolina, 163, 230, 232, 233 Nor'west League (Miami), 11 "Northwest Ordinance Constitution for a Growing Nation" (exhibit), 211 "Not One to Stay at Home The Papers of Lou Henry Hoover," by Dale C Mayer, 85-93 Nuclear weapons tests, records relating to declassified, 274 "A Nuclear Explosion Puts Out Gas Well Blaze" (motion picture), 49 O'Hair, Madalynn Murray, 193 O'Hare, Kate Richards, 193 Office of Management and Budget, records accessioned, 271 Office of Strategic Services, records declassified, 270 Oliver Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, 191, 192 "On Being First Lady An Interview with Lady Bird Johnson," by Nancy Kegan Smith, 136 141 On His Own: Robert F. Kennedy, 1964-1968, by Milton Gwirtzman and William vanden Heuvel, papers relating to opened, 276 Open Market Committee, records relating to opened, 52 The Open Society, by Abba Schwartz, background materials opened, 54 Oral history interviews, 282 Ordnance Corps, 223, 229 Orrick, William H. Ir, papers opened, 203 Our Family, Our Town (book), 206 Page, Thad, quoted, 28 Panama Canal, records relating to accessioned, 47 Panama Canal, records relating to accessioned, 270, and declassified, 269 The Past that Would Not Die, by Walter Lord, research materials opened, 54 Patent Drawings (booklet), 206 Patent management, article about, 245-259 Patent Office, 246, 252, 253, 254, 255 Patriotism, article about, 41-45 Paul, Charles H., papers opened, 275 Peace and Prosperity: 1953-1961, (teaching unit), article about, 260-268 "Pennsylvania Ratification" (exhibit), 211 Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 56, 161 Philadelphia Navy Yard, records accessioned, 273 Pierre Indian Agency, records accessioned, 51 Pledge of allegiance, 171 Plotnik, Arthur, The Man Behind the Quill, 205-206 Post Office Department, papers relating to opened, 54 Poulain, Simone, 78 Powhatan (ship), 225 Preservation in State Archives, 56 President's Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Forces, papers relating to opened, 202 Presidential libraries, 68-69, 72, 280; accessions and openings, 5254, 202-204, 273-277; articles about, Summer issue; guide to, 205 Presidential Libraries and Collections, by Fritz Veit, 205 Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership, by Richard E. Neustadt, papers relating to opened, 203 Price Administration, Office of, records accessioned, 52 "Primarily Teaching" (workshop), 265 Prohibition: The 18th Amendment, The Volstead Act, The 21st Amendment (booklet), 206 Project Head Start, 127, 138 Property Management and Disposal Service (GSA), records declassified, 269 Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified, 274, and opened, 53 Public housing, article about, 7-21 Public Papers of Ronald Reagan, 278 Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 273 Public Works Administration (PWA), 8, 9, 10, 11 Pugh, John, quoted, 235 Pullen, Frances Kaye, 144 145 Quartermaster General, Office of the, records transferred and accessioned, 273 Racial discrimination 97-98 Racial segregation, article about, 7-21 Raleigh, Henry, 42; poster by, 44 Randell, Clarence B. journals opened, 202 Randolph, Mary, quoted, 74 Rash, Bryson, papers accessioned and opened, 202 Reagan, Nancy, 73, 79, 80; quoted, 80 Reagan, Ronald, 265; photo, 174; public papers published, 278 "Recent America" (exhibit), 265 Reclamation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 273 Records disposition and management, 1-5 "Records Management Oversight: A Look Ahead" (symposium), 209 Records of the American Delegation, U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Korea, and Records Relating to he United States Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK), 1945-1948, by J. Dane Hartgrove, microfilm publication, 154-155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949, microfilm publication, 207 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Canada, 1910-1929, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Denmark, 1910-1929, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Ecuador, 1910-1929, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of France, 1930-1939, microfilm publication, 279 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Great Britain, 1930-1939, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Paraguay, 1910-1939, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Switzerland, 1910-1939, microfilm publication, 207 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954, microfilm publication, 207 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Political and Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954, microfilm publication, 207 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Political and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954, by J. Dane Hartgrove, microfilm publication, 279 Records of the Joint Board, 1903-1947, by Richard R. Higgins, microfilm publication, 155 Records of the Special Boards of Inquiry, District No. 4 (Philadelphia), Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1893-1909, by Shawn Aubitz, microfilm publication, 279 "Redlining," 16-21 Reisenberg, S., 42; poster by, 43 Religion and the Constitution, article about, 163-175 Reuter, Richard, papers opened, 276 Reviews of U.S. Army War Crimes Trials in Europe, 1945-1948, by Edward J. McCarter, microfilm publication, 207 Reynolds, Jackson, 85, 88 Rhode Island, 163, 169, 228 Richmond Whig, engraving from, 181 Roberts, Charles B., 234, 236; quoted, 235 Robertson, Albert J., files accessioned, 48 Rockefeller, Laurance, 79 Rohrer, Karen M., "'If There Was Anything You Forgot to Ask . . . ': The Papers of Betty Ford," 143 153 Roosevelt, Edith Kermit, 72, 73, 78 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 68, 71, 74, 78, 80, 130, article about, 95-105; letters donated, 53; photos, 75, 76, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104; quoted, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 24, 101; photos, 27, 97 Rose, Harold M., quoted, 14 Rosen, Elliot A., interviews conducted by opened, 52 Rowe, James H., Jr., papers accessioned, 273 Rubottom, Roy R., records declassified and accessioned, 46, 47 Russell, Anna, 209 Russell, Charles, 134; illus. of work by, 140 Russian soldiers, in China, 36, 39-40; photo, 38-39 Ryan, Garry, and Timothy Nenninger, eds., Soldiers and Civilians: The U.S. Army and the American People, 206 Sadat, Anwar, photo, 83 Safer, Morley, 148-152; photo, 149 San Juan Boarding School, records accessioned, 272 Sanderson, Isabelle, quoted, 11 Sargent, Aaron A., photo, 239 Saulnier, Raymond J., papers accessioned, 274 Scali, John, files opened, 203 Schafer, Ernst, photos of Tibet accessioned, 200 Schaffer-Bernstein, Carola von, 99-100 Schellenberg, T. R., 26, 31 Schlafly, Phyllis, quoted, 148 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., papers opened, 54; quoted, 7 Scholastic Software, 211-212 Schussele, Christian, 256; painting by, 259 Schwartz, Abba, papers opened, 54 "See the U.S.A." program, 128, 131 Seeber, Frances M., "'I Want You to Write to Me': The Papers of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt," 95-105 Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 30 Senate Historical Office, 30, 32 Shackleton, Polly, 79 Shallus, Jacob, 205-206 Sherman, John, 233; photo, 239 Shoe (cartoon strip), 260 Siskiyou National Forest, records relating to accessioned, 201 "60 Minutes" (CBS television show), 148-152 Slum clearance, article about, 7-21 Small, A.B., quoted, 10 Smith, Nancy Kegan, "A Journey of the Heart: The Papers of Lady Bird Johnson," 127-135; "On Being First Lady: An Interview with Lady Bird Johnson," 136-141 Snow, William P., files accessioned, 270 Snyder, John W., correspondence with opened, 274 Snyder, Murray, quoted, 113 Soapes, Emily Williams, "The American Experiment: Living with the Constitution," 185-189 Social Bureau (White House), 72, 74, 75 Social studies teaching units, article about, 260-268 Soldiers and Civilians: The U.S. Army and the American People edited by Garry Ryan and Timothy Nenninger, 206 South America, records relating to accessioned, 270, and declassified, 274 South Pacific Commission, records of U.S. delegation to accessioned, 47-48 Southeast Asia, records relating to declassified, 197, 269 Southern Housing Corporation, 8-9, 10 State, Department of, papers related to opened, 54; records accessioned, 47-48, 198, 270, declassified, 46, 197, 269, and opened, 48 Statue of Liberty, videotape of 1986 festivities donated, 49 Stern, Gail F., and Shawn Aubitz, "Americans All! Ethnic Images in World War I Posters," 41-45 Stewart, C. Allen, files accessioned, 270 Stockton, John P., 226, photo, 227 Stowe, David, files accessioned and opened, 202 Strachan, Gordon, files opened, 203 Strategic Services, Office of, sound recordings accessioned, 200 Stravinsky, Igor, photo, 121 "Studying the Constitution: Resources in the National Archives Field Branches," 190-195 Syers, William A., interviews by opened, 277; papers accessioned, 203 Symington, Stuart, quoted, 109 Taft, Helen Herron, 73 Tatum, Laurie, papers opened, 202 Teaching materials, article about, 260-268 Teasley, Martin M., "Ike Was Her Career: The Papers of Mamie Doud Eisenhower," 107-115 Teeter, Robert M., papers opened, 277 Tennessee Eastman Corporation, technical records declassified and accessioned, 50 Territorial Papers of the United States, 26 Texas, 225, 226 Thomas, Helen, 114, 118; quoted, 118-119 Thomas, Lowell, 112 Thompson, Malvina "Tommy," 75, 98; photo, 94 Thorne, Frederick, films by transferred, 199-200 A Thousand Days, by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., manuscript opened, 54 Tibet, photos of accessioned, 200 Tilden, Samuel, 183 "'Tis Done! We Have Become a Nation" (exhibit), 211 "A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy," (television show), 123-124 Transcribed Reports of Committees of the U. S. Senate, 1817-1827, by David Kepley, microfilm publication, 155 Transcribed Reports and Communications Transmitted by the Executive Branch to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1918, and Transcribed Reports of Senate Committees 1789-1817, by David Kepley, microfilm publication, 155 Treasury, Department of the, and the Life-Saving Service, article about, 223-243; records accessioned, 50 "Trouble in Paradise: Race and Housing in Miami During the New Deal Era," by Raymond A. Mohl, 7-21 Troy, Thomas F., papers declassified, 270 Truman, Bess, 76, 130 Truman Centennial (1984), papers relating to accessioned and opened, 202 Truman Doctrine, 282 Truman, Harry S., 265; classified papers opened, 53; Memoirs quoted, 268; photo, 268; records opened, 274 The Truman Years, 1945-1953 (teaching unit), 155; article about, 260-268 Tyler, Benjamin Owen, 160-161 Unbound Records of the General Land Office Relating to Private Land Claims in Louisiana, 1805-1896, by Timothy D. W. Connelly and Richard C. Crawford, microfilm publication, 155 Unbound Records of the House of Representatives for the Eighth Congress, 1803-1805, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 155 Unbound Records of the U.S. Senate for the Eighth Congress, 1803-1805, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 155 "Underground Nuclear Explosion Excavates Artificial Lake" (motion picture), donated, 49 Unger, Leonard, files accessioned, 270 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 56 United Jewish Appeal, papers relating to donated, 52 United Nations, 104; files relating to accessioned, 270 U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, records accessioned, 49 U.S. Army Signal Corps, photographs accessioned, 200 U.S. Attorneys, case files accessioned, 201 U.S. Coast Guard, 237; records accessioned, 51, 52, 198, 273, and declassified, 198 U.S. Constitution, and the electoral college, article about, 177-184, Braille edition, 279; exhibit about, 58, 185 189; preservation of, 56, 160-161; religion clauses, article about, 163-175; seminar on, 58 U.S. Courts of Appeals, records accessioned, 273 U.S. District Courts, records accessioned, 50, 51, 52, 200, 201, 273 U.S. Food Administration, files accessioned, 50 United States Government Manual 1987/88, 278 United States High Commissioner for Germany, records declassified, 46, 269 U.S. House of Representatives, 23, 26, 28-29, 30, 32; records accessioned, 198 199, opened, 271, and transferred, 199, 271 United States Information Agency (USIA), master videotapes transferred and opened, 49; photos accessioned, 200 U.S. Life-Saving Service, article about, 223-243 U.S. Marine Corps, records accessioned, 199 U.S. Secret Service, records declassified, 274 U.S. Senate, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32; committee records accessioned, 271; records accessioned, 198, 199, declassified, 198, and transferred, 199 U.S. Supreme Court, 169-170; audiotapes transferred and opened, 49-50 Van Deman, Ralph H., records opened, 271-272 Velde, Richard W., files accessioned, 198 Veterans Administration, records accessioned, 274 Vietnam, records relating to accessioned, 47, declassified, 269, opened, 203, 275, and transferred, 209 Vietnam war 132-133, 139, 141 Virrick, Elizabeth, quoted, 19 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 185 Wallace, George, 188 Walsh, Tom, "Herbert Hoover and the Boxer Rebellion," 34-40 Walters, Barbara, 111 War of 1812, 25 War Relocation Authority, films transferred, 199-200 Warnke, Paul C., speeches and statements accessioned, 49 Warren, Mrs. Earl, quoted, 108 Warren, Gerald, files opened, 203, 277 Washington Post, 28, 107 Watson, Mary Ann, "An Enduring Fascination: The Papers of Jacqueline Kennedy," 117-125 "We the People" (exhibit), 211 We the People: To the Bicentennial of the Constitution (recording), 211 Webb, James E., papers opened, 53-54 Weidenfeld, Sheila, 144, 146, 147-148, 149, 151; First Lady's Lady, 149 West, J. B., 108, 111 Whealan, Ronald E., ed., Guide to Historical Materials in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, 154 Whistle Stop Campaign (Lady Bird Johnson), 130-131, 138-139 White, E. B., quoted, 184 White House Central Files, 145, 146 White House Restoration Project, 123-124 White House Social Files, 72, 128, 129, 275 White, Margarita, files opened, 277 White, Paul D., photo, 77 Witthorne, Washington C., photo, 240; quoted, 236 Wilbur, Ray Lyman, quoted, 92 Wilcox, Francis O., files accessioned, 270, 273 William, Ralph, papers opened, 275 Williams, Roger, 166 Wilson, Don W., "The National Archives: New Challenges, New Opportunities," 220221; quoted, 211 Wilson, Edith Galt, 74, 85 Wilson, Ellen Axson, 73 Wilson, James, 180; quoted, 178 Wind River Agency, records accessioned, 272 "Winds of Change: New Directions in Oral History" (meeting), 282 "Women and the Constitution: A Bicentennial Perspective" (symposium), 281 Women Doer Luncheons, 127, 128, 129, 132 Women's Army Corps, papers relating to accessioned, 53 Wooden, McKinley, oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 274 Woolworth, Azariah, 245, 251, 253, 255, 256 "Worldnet" (satellite program), master videotapes transferred and opened, 49 World War I, 85, 88 89; article about, 41 45; files relating to accessioned, 50 World War 11, 97-100; photos relating to accessioned, 200; records relating to accessioned, 53, declassified, 197, and transferred, 199-200; sound recordings relating to accessioned, 200 "The Written Word Endures" (poster), 279 Wyatt, Walter, correspondence opened, 52 Young, David, files opened, 203 Ziegler, Ronald, files opened, 203 ZIP code, papers relating to opened, 54 Zobrist, Benedict, files accessioned and opened, 202 |