Prologue: Index 1989
"39 Men" (exhibition), 118-119, 120 Abbot, W. W., "An Uncommon Awareness of Self: The Papers of George Washington," 7-19 "Accessions and Openings," see National Archives and Records Administration Acheson, Dean, papers declassified, 161 Adams, Abigail, 4, 24, 28, 32; port. by Gilbert Stuart, 23 Adams, Charles Francis, 24, 28, 32; Letters of John Adams Addressed to His Wife, 24; Life of John Adams, 28; photo, 28; Works of John Adams, 24, 28 Adams, Dickinson W., and Ruth W. Lester, editors, Jefferson's Extracts from the Gospels, 52 Adams, Henry, History of the United States of America during the Administration of Thomas Jefferson, 52 Adams, John, 4, 5, 40, 188, 293, 294, 308, 311, 312, 315, 318, 326, 327, 354; article about, 21-37; Defence of the Constitutions of the United States, 29; diaries, 24, 28; letterbooks, 24; port., 307; port. by Gilbert Stuart, 20; quoted, 324 Adams, John Quincy, 24, 32, 40; port., 33 Adams Family Correspondence, 21, 24, 32, 36, 37 Adams Mansion, Quincy, MA, photo, 29 Adams Papers project, article about, 21-37 Admiralty court records, 176; article about, 187-195 Admiralty courts, 345 Advisory Committee on Presidential Libraries, 166 Agency for International Development, records of predecessor agencies declassified, 92 "Agents of Federalism: U.S. Marshals, 1789-1797," by Frederick S. Calhoun, 345-357 Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Bureau of, records transferred, 94 Air pollution, 248-249, 250 Alaska, 269; records relating to declassified, 92 Alaska Cession of 1867, 269 Albert, King of Belgium, 83 Alien and Sedition Acts, 216 Allied Control Commission, Italy, records declassified, 92 Alsop, Joseph W., oral history interview with accessioned, 162 America and Europe in the Political Thought of John Adams, by Edward Handler, 29 American Association of State and Local History, 276 American Council of Learned Societies, 380 "'An American Epic': Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I,'" by George H. Nash, 75-86 American Historical Association, 108 "American Voices: 200 Years of Speaking Out," by Stacey Bredhoff, 87-91 Ames, Fisher, 288-289; port., 289; quoted, 290, 297 Ames, John, 180-181 Ames v. Howard & Lathrop, 180-181 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, insect surveys accessioned and opened, 94 Anti Debris Society, 251 Antifederalists, 287, 311, 346, 347 Antonine, C. C., 234 "Appraisal of Department of Justice Litigation Case Files: Final Report," 167 Archival Research Coordinating Committee, 378 Archives: A Guide the National Archives Field Branches, The, by Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, 276, 375 Archives II, 169-170, 377-378; design illustration, 170 Armenian Americans, 270-273 Armstrong, John, 59, 65 Asians, 267-273 Asquith, Herbert, 81 Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company, 240 Atomic bomb, 88 Attornies general, 322, 345, 346, 347 Austria, 323 Bailey, Commodore Theodorus, 203 Baker, Richard Allan, 284; "The Senate of the United States: 'Supreme Executive Council of the Nation,' 1787-1800," 299-313 Balough, Joseph, 220 Bankruptcy, 176, articles about, 179-185, 207-213; case files, 374 Bankruptcy Acts, of 1800, 181-182; of 1841, 181, 182, 185; of 1867, 181, 207-213 Barclay, Thomas, 318 Barham, Charles, 187 Barrett, Edward W., files accessioned, 93 Barrett, John C., quoted, 354 Barrows, Roberta, oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 161 Battle of Fallen Timbers, 339 Bear, James A., Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, editors, Jefferson's Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-l826, 52 Beard, Charles A., 108; quoted, 105 Beck, David, 87-88 Beckley, John, 291 Bedinger, Daniel, quoted, 360 Belgium, article about, 75-86 Bemis, Samuel F., 112 Ben-Gurion, David, oral history interview with accessioned, 162 Bennett, Charles, 378 Benton, Elkridge, 226 Bergh, Albert E., 48, 50 Bettie Kratzer (ship), 203-204 Betts, Samuel, 193 Biddle, Clement, 351 Biddle, Nicholas, 70 Bill Hatahley, Widow Sleepy, Charlie Burke, et al. v. The United States of America, 244 Bill of Rights, 293; bicentennial activities, 167-168, 378 "Bill of Rights: Evolution of Personal Liberties, The" (teaching package), 378 Bixby, William K., 48 Black Americans, 267, 274, 277; and the right to vote, article about, 231-237 Blockade runners, Civil War, 197-205 Blount, William, 312 Bookbinder, Hyman, 380 Boston Public Library, 29 Bottoms, Daryl, 165 Boudinot, Elias, 289; port., 289 Bounty lands, 331, 332 Bowen, Catherine Drinker, John Adams and the American Revolution, 28 Bowers, Claude G., 49; Jefferson and Hamilton: The Struggle for Democracy in America, 48 Boyd, Julian P., 52, 72; quoted, 50, 51 Bradsher, Gregory, 164 Bredhoff, Stacey, "American Voices: 200 Years of Speaking Out," 87-91 Brennan, William J., 380 Brinkley, Alan, 380 British army, 8 Brown, John, Jr., 227 Brown, Norman, papers accessioned, 162 Brown, Ralph Adams, 32; The Presidency of John Adams, 29 Bryan, Mina R., 51 Budd, Charles P., 226 Bunce, Peter W., "Research at the Regional Archives," 372-375 Burg, Maclyn, 110 Burke, Frank, 111 Burnett, Edmund C., 51 Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., 218 Burr, Aaron, 190 Burton, Shirley, and Kellee Green, "Defining Disloyalty: Treason, Espionage, and Sedition Prosecutions, 1861-1946," 176-177, 215-221 Bush, George, 135 Business history, 176, 207; article about, 179-185 Butler, Pierce, 71, 72 Butler, Richard, 336, 337 Butler, Stuart Lee, Guide to Virginia Units in the War of 1812, 164 Butterfield, Lyman H., 32, 51 Cadwalader, John, 203-204 Calhoun, Frederick S., 284, 285; "Agents of Federalism: U.S. Marshals, 1789-1797," 345-357 California, 166, 247-255, 359, 360, 363 368, 369 Campo, Port of, files processed, 95 Canada, 62 Canada, National Archives of, 379 Canyon City and San Juan Railway, 240 24] Canyon City and San Juan Railway Company, The, v. The Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, 240-241 Capra, Frank, 258 Carpenter, Elizabeth, papers accessioned, 162 Carter, Clarence E., 51 Carter, Jimmy, 112, 126-130, 132; photo, 107, 131 Carter, Rosalyn, 128; photo, 131 Carter Presidential Materials Project, 127, 128 Cartozian, Tatos Osgihan, 271-273 "Casual Observer Beware: The Need for Using Scholarly Editions," by Charles T. Cullen, 68-73 Catanzariti, John, "'The Richest Treasure House of Information': The Papers of Thomas Jefferson," 39-55 Census, Bureau of the, censuses of manufactures accessioned and opened, 94 Censuses, 276, 322, 348, 351; of 1920, 376-377 Center for the Study of the Recent History of the United States, 120 "Challenge of Citizenship, The," by Paul S. Sarbanes, 154-155 Chambers, Susan, "Western Natural Resources: Documenting the Struggle for Control," 177, 239-245 Changing Political Thought of John Adams, The, by John R. Howe, Jr., 29 Character of John Adams, The, by Peter Shaw, 32 Charles (ship), 187-188 Charles Wiedemann v. Penn Mining Company, 248-249 Charleston, SC, 359, 361-363, 368, 369 Child, David Lee, 185 Child, Lydia Maria, 185 China, 317, 318 Chinard, Gilbert, Honest John Adams, 28 Chinese Exclusion Acts, 374 Churchill, Winston, 380 Citizenship, articles about, 154-155, 267-273 City of the Constitution 381 Civil rights movement, 143-144 Civil War (U.S.), 176, 190, 192, 197-205, 207, 215, 216-218, 226, 274, 276 Clapp, V. W., photo, 40 Cleveland, Grover, 104 Coastal fortifications, 340, 342 Codingham, Robert, 187 Cody, Isaac, 226 Cody, Mary B., 226 Cody, William "Buffalo Bill," 225-226; port., 222 Colby, Bainbridge, 103 Colfax, LA, 235 College of William and Mary, 71 Colonel Gus Lynn (ship), 226; records of, 225 Colorado, 239, 240, 244 Colorado, USS, 203; painting of, 202-203 Columbia, SC, 362 Columbia University, Oral History Project, 110 Comité National de Secours et d'Alimentation, 78, 79, 83 Commission for Relief in Belgium, 76-81, 83, 84, 86; Educational Foundations 84; photo of members of the, 81 Committee on Authorities and Program Alternatives, 379 Committee for Foreign Affairs, 315 Committee of Secret Correspondence, 315 "Common Defence: The Department of War, 1789-1794, The," by Theodore J. Crackel, 331-343 Commonwealth v. Randolph, 68, 70-71 The Complete Anas of Thomas Jefferson, 72 Comstock, Anthony, 193 Comstock Act of 1873, 193-194 Confederate States of America, 199, 215, 217 Confederation government, 284, 287, 303, 308, 317 Confiscation acts, 217 Congressional Record, 106 Connor, Robert D. W., 104, 105-106 Conspiracies Act, 216 Constellation, USS, painting of, 340 "Constitution Under Stress, The" (exhibit), 381 Constitution, USS 190; painting of, 186 Constitutional Convention, 4, 7 Consular Convention with France, 318, 325 Consular service, 317-318, 324-325 Consumer Protection Agency, papers relating to opened, 163 Continental Army, 8 Continental Congress, 285, 315 Coolidge, Calvin, 100, 104, 121; quoted, 115 Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, 48 Copperhead movement, 217-218 Coren, Robert, et al., Guide to the Records of the United States Senate at the National Archives, 1789-1989, 164 Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941, by Dale Harley Whitaker, microfilm publication, 165 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China, 1918-1941, by Herbert Rawlings-Milton, microfilm publication, 165 Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in Italy, 1918-1941, by Daryl Bottoms, microfilm publication, 165 Corriston, Mark A., 177; "Discovering Frontier History Through Territorial Court Records," 223-229 Cosway, Maria, 43 Council of Economic Advisers, records relating to accessioned, 161 Crackel Theodore J., 284; "The Common Defence: The Department of War, 1789-1794," 331-343 CRB Educational Foundation, 84 "Creating a New Government," by Don W. Wilson, 284-285 Cressy, Josiah, 193 Crimes Act of 1790, 215, 216 Cronkite, Walter, 380 Cruikshank, William J., 235 Cuban Missile Crisis: President Kennedy's Address to the Nation, The, 165 Cullen, Charles T., 51-52; "Casual Observer Beware: The Need for Using Scholarly Editions," 68-73 Cunningham, Noble, Jr., 45, 52; quoted, 45 Curtis, Mrs. Laurence A., quoted, 366-367 Cushman, Edward E., 269 Dakota Territory 223, 227 Dallek, Robert, papers accessioned, 162 Dalton gang, 227 228; photo, 229 Daughters of the American Revolution, 154-155 Dawes Act of 1887, 267 Dayley, Edwin R., papers accessioned, 162 Dearborn, Maj. Gen. Henry, 62 Debs, Eugene V., 219-220; quoted, 219 Defence of the Constitutions of the United States, by John Adams, 29 Defense, Office of the Secretary of, records reviewed for declassification, 92 "Defining Disloyalty: Treason, Espionage, and Sedition Prosecutions, 1861-1946," by Shirley Burton and Kellee Green, 176-177, 215-221 "Defining a Public Role for Former Presidents" (conference), 380 Delta Gamma Foundation, 120 Denty, John R., 208-211 Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, 24041 Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, The, v. The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company, et al., 240-241 "Department of State: The Formative Years, 1775-1800, The," by David S. Patterson, 315-328 Design Program for a National Archives Facility in Maryland, The, 169 Diaries of George Washington, The, 18 Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, 21, 32 Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the United States, 277 Directory of Historical Agencies in North America, 276 Dirksen, Everett, quoted, 75 "Discovering Frontier History Through Territorial Court Records," by Mark A. Corriston, 177, 223-229 Displaced Persons Commission, records relating to accessioned, 93 District of Columbia, 166, 327 Document management, 167 Document preservation, exhibit on, 168 Documentary editing, 4-5, 18-19, 21-22, 32-33, 36-37, 39, 51-52, 54, 59, 61-62, 67, 68-73 "Documenting the Presidency of John Adams: The Adams Papers Project," by Richard Alan Ryerson, 21-37 "Documenting Regional Business History: The Bankruptcy Acts of 1800 and 1841," by James K. Owens, 179-185 Dodd, H. W., photo, 40 Domestic Policy Association, 112 Dongan, Thomas, 187 Dunmore, Lord, 9, 10 Durand, Asher Brown, portrait of James Madison by, 66 Durell, Edward H., 234 Dwight D. Eisenhower Foundation, 109 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 109, 110, 111, 112, 150, 165, 380; accessions and openings, 161; exhibits, 143; museum, 143; records declassified, 161 Eames, Patricia, 379 Earthquakes, article about, 359-371 Eaton Dorothy, Index to the George Washington Papers, 18 Edison, Thomas, 88 Edwards Woodruff v. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, et al., 251 Eisenberg, David, et al., The Judiciary Act of 1789, 165 Eisenhower, David, 166 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 39, 40, 110; paintings by, 380; papers opened, 161; quoted, 40, 143 Electronic records, 379 Elk v. Wilkins, 267 Emerson, William R., 112 Emory University, Carter Center, 128, photo, 101 Enforcement acts, 231-237 Environmental litigation, 247-255 Espionage Act of 1917, 218, 219, 220 "Establishing a Presidential Library: The Jimmy Carter Experience," by Donald B. Schewe, 101, 125-133 Evans, Rudolph, Statue by, 38 Exhibits, 87-91, 118-119, 120, 130, 168, 170, 378-379 Family history research, 372-375, 377 Farrand, Max, 51 Fawcett, John, 75 "FDR and the Future of Liberalism" (conference), 380 Federal Bureau of Investigation, copies of files accessioned, 162 "Federal Court Records in the Regional Archives System," by Don W. Wilson, 176-177 Federal Election Commission, records accessioned and opened, 94 Federal Elections, Office of, records accessioned and opened, 94 Federal Gazette, 297 Federal Records Act, 39 Federalist, The, 320 Federalists, 287, 288, 295, 311, 346 Federation of Genealogical Societies, 372 Feis, Herbert, 108 Fenn, Dan H., Jr., oral history interview with accessioned, 162 Fennell, John D., 210 Ferrell, Robert, 380 Ferris, John, 112 "Fighting Man, The" (exhibit), 379 Film industry, 257-265 Finding aids, 274-277, 375 First Amendment rights, article about, 87-91; exhibit on, 378 First Federal Congress, 288-297, 304, 310-313, 346 Fish, Hamilton, quoted, 106 Fishbourn, Benjamin, 309 Fitzgerald, Jerome, 227 Fitzpatrick, John C., 18, 50, 51 Flambeau, USS, 203 Flanders, Henry, 203 Florida (ship), 197; painting of, 199 Floriston Pulp and Paper Company, 249; records of, 248 Flying Cloud (ship), 192-193; sketch of, 189 Flynn, Errol, 261, 262; photo, 260, 261 Foundation Universities, 84 Ford, Gerald R., 41, 109, 112, 120, 146, 380 Ford, Paul Leicester, 48 Ford Foundation, 52 Ford, Worthington C., 28, 51; Writings of John Quincy Adams, 28 Foreign Affairs, Department of, 316-318, 320, 327 Foreign service, 323 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 213; port., 212 Forsyth, Robert, 354 Founding Fathers Papers, Inc., 52 France, 78, 79, 83, 84, 315, 317, 318, 323, 325-326, 339; U.S. relations with, 215-216 Franchise, 177; article about, 231-237 Francqui, Emile, 81 Franklin, Benjamin, 40, 43, 284, 285, 315; port., 314; quoted, 155, 317-318 Franklin, William, 188 Franklin, D. Roosevelt Library, 101, 103-108, 109, 111, 112, 152; accessions and openings, 160; anniversary celebration 380; exhibits, 140, 141, 143; grants, 166; museum, 136, 140, 141, 143; photo, 106; W. Averell Harriman Conference Center, 380 Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inaugural Address of 1933, by Raymond H. Geselbracht, 165 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 380; grants, 166 Free-Soil movement, 226-227 Freidel, Frank, "Roosevelt to Reagan: The Birth and Growth of Presidential Libraries," 100, 103-113 French and Indian War, 8, 12, 14, 15 French Revolution, 325-326 "From Piracy to Censorship: The Admiralty Experience," by Robert C. Morris, 187-195 Frontier history, article about, 223-229 Fulbright, J. William, 380 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 380 Gallatin, Albert, 311; port., 312 Gellert, Charles Lawrence, The Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews: Motion Pictures in the National Archives, 381 Genealogical research, 377, 379-380; articles about, 156-159, 274-277, 372-375 Genealogical Society of Utah, 374 Genêt, Edmond, 325-326, 339; port., 325 Geographic Index to Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division of the War Department General Staff, 1917-1941, by Katherine Nicastro, microfilm publication, 165 Georgia, 166, 306, 362 Georgia Gazette, 291 Georgia Historical Society, 166 Georgia Institute of Technology, 112 Georgia State University, 112 Gerald R. Ford Library, 109, 111, 112, 120, 148; accessions and openings, 163; conferences, 380; exhibits, 140-141 Germany, 75-76, 81; records relating to accessioned, 93, and opened, 160 Gerry, Elbridge, quoted, 289 Geselbracht, Raymond H., Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inaugural Address of 1933, 165; On War Against Japan: Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" Address of 1941, 165 "Getting Started: Beginning Your Genealogical Research in the National Archives" (film), 374 Gibson, Charles P., quoted, 220 Gibson, Hugh, quoted, 83 Gideon, Clarence Earl, 88; petition of, reproduced, 89 Giles, Aquila, 354 Gilpin, Henry D., editor, The Papers of James Madison, 61 Gilpin, Thomas, 181 Gleason, S. Everett, 108 Goddard, Mary Katherine, 87 Gold mining, 249-254 Goldstein, Louis L., 378 Gothenburg, Sweden, 65 Gould, Lewis, 112; photo, 113 Grant, Cary, 262; photo, 262 Grassley, Charles, 120 Grazing rights, 244 Grants and fellowships, 166-167 Great Britain, 57, 59, 62, 65, 75-76, 80, 81, 258, 262, 312, 315-316, 325, 326, 339 "Great Compromise," 301-303 Green, Joseph C., photo, 78; quoted, 78-79, 83 Green, Kellee, and Shirley Burton, "Defining Disloyalty: Treason, Espionage, and Sedition Prosecutions, 1861-1946," 176-177, 215-221 Grover, Wayne C., 376 Grover, William D., 165 Guide to the National Archives of the United States, 274 Guide to Pre-Federal Records in the National Archives, A, 285 Guide to the Records of the United States House of Representatives at the National Archives, 1789-1989, by Charles E. Schamel et al., 164 Guide to the Records of the United States Senate at the National Archives, 1789-1989, by Robert Coren, Mary Rephlo, David Kepley, and Charles Smith, 164 Guide to Virginia Units in the War of 1812, by Stuart Lee Butler, 164 Gunn, James, 309 Habeas corpus, writs of, 217, 218 Haines, Gerald, 75 Hale, Edward Everett, Man Without a Country, 218 Hallett, Moses, 240-241 Hamilton, Alexander, 28, 40, 43, 48, 49, 190, 291, 293, 300, 310-311, 320, 325, 326, 338, 339, 341, 354; port., 338; quoted, 190; Report on Manufactures, 311 Hamilton [Ohio] True Telegraph, 216 Hancock, John, 188 Handler, Edward, America and Europe in the Political Thought of John Adams, 29 Haraszty, Zoltan, John Adams and the Prophets of Progress, 29 Hardesty, Robert L., papers accessioned, 162 Harmar, Brig. Gen. Josiah, 334, 336 Harper and Brothers, 59 Harriman, W. Averell, 380 Harry S. Truman Library, 109, 120, 151; accessions and openings, 161; exhibits, 140, 143, 381; museum, 140, 143, 144; records declassified, 161 Hartzel, Elmer, 220 Hartzel v. U.S., 220 Hawaii, 269 Hawkins, John Isaac, 43 Haywood, William D. "Big Bill," 219 Hazard, Ebenezer, 4-5, 284; Historical Collections of State Papers and Other Authentic Documents, 4, 47 Heald, Edward, 241-242 Heald, George M., 241-242 Heald, Walter, 241-242 Height, Dorothy, 380 Heller, Francis, 380 Herald of Freedom (newspaper), 227 Herbert Hoover Library, 109, 111, 153; accessions and openings, 160; article about, 115-123; conferences, 120, 380; exhibits, 118-119, 120, 143, 380; museum, 136, 143, 144; photo, 116 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, 119 Heuvel, William J. vanden, 166 Hickenlooper, Bourke, 121 Hickock, "Wild Bill," 227; port., 227 Hill, James T., papers declassified, 161 Historical Collections of State Papers and Other Authentic Documents, edited by Ebenezer Hazard, 4, 47 Historical Materials in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 165 Historical Materials in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 165 History of the United States of America during the Administration of Thomas Jefferson, by Henry Adams, 52 Hitchcock, Alfred, 262, 264 Hitler, Adolf, 380 Hobohoilthle (Indian Chief), 66 Hochman, Steven, 380 Hodgdon, Samuel, 337 Hoffman, Walter, 241-242 "Hollywood's Immigrants: Naturalizing the Makers of America's Dream Machines," by Diane S. Nixon, 177, 257-265 Holocaust, Israel and the Jews: Motion Pictures in the National Archives, The, compiled by Charles Lawrence Gellert, 381 Homesteaders, 241-242 Honest John Adams, by Gilbert Chinard, 28 Hoover, Herbert, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 143; article about, 75-86; papers relating to opened, 160; photo, 81, 114, 120, 123, 153; quoted, 76, 80, 81, 84, 86, 119 Hoover, J. Edgar, FBI files concerning accessioned, 162 Hoover, Lou Henry, 111, 119, 120, 121, 143; photo, 117, 123 Hoover Dam, papers relating to opened, 160 Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace, 104, 105 Hopkins, Harry, 105 Horace A.W. Tabor, Jerome B. Chaffee, et al. v. Wirt Dexter, Howard Oviatt, and Thomas J. Cooper, 240 Horrocks, David, quoted, 111 "House of Representatives: First Branch of the New Government, The" by Raymond W. Smock, 287-297 Howard, Charles, 181 Howard, Harry N., papers declassified, 161 Howe, Elias, Jr., 181; photo, 180 Howe, John R. Jr., The Changing Political Thought of John Adams, 29 Howe v. Underwood et al., 181 Howell, Wilbur Samuel, editor, Jefferson's Parliamentary Writings, 52 Hudson, Thomas, 127 Hulston, John K., oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 161 "Human Drama: Presidential Museums Tell the Story," by Frank H. MacKaman, 100, 135-145 Humphrey, Hubert H., papers relating to accessioned, 162 Humphreys, David, quoted, 7 Hunt, Edward Eyre, quoted, 81, 83 Hunt, Gaillard, editor, The Writings of James Madison, Comprising His Public Papers and His Private Correspondence, 61 Hutchinson, William T., 61 Hydraulic Miners Association, 251 Hydraulic mining, 248-254 Immigration, articles about, 257-265, 267-273; microfilm publications, 277 Immigration and Naturalization Service, 374 In Re Halladjian, 270 Index to the George Washington Papers, by Dorothy Eaton, 18 India, 317 Indian affairs, 331, 332-339, 342 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 374; case files processed, 95 Indian Territory, 223, 228 Indians (India), 269-270 Industrial Workers of the World, 218-219 Inman, Henry, 193; port., 191 Innes, Henry, 354 Inouye, Daniel, 378 Intergovernmental Committee or Refugees, records relating to accessioned, 93 Intergovernmental Records Project, 167 Interior, U.S. Department of the, 240, 243 International Refugee Organization, records relating to accessioned, 93 International Security Affairs Committee, files relating to accessioned, 93 Iowa, 223 J. C. Calhoun (ship), 199, 202-203 Jackson, Donald, 18 Jameson, J. Franklin, 103 Japanese Americans, 88 Jarvis, John Wesley, portrait of John Randolph by, 70 Jay, John, 284, 308, 312, 315, 317, 318, 320, 324, 326, 327; port., 318; quoted, 324 Jay Cooke and Company, 208 Jefferson, Thomas, 28, 71-73, 284, 291, 308; 311, 312, 318, 320, 322-327, 338, 347, 348, 351; "Anas," 71-73; article about, 39-55; port., 41, 321; quoted, 4, 5, 42, 43, 45, 47, 322, 324, 325, 327; reproductions of correspondence, 44, 58; statue of by Rudolph Evans, 38; Summary Journals of Letters, 71-73 Jefferson and Hamilton: The Struggle for Democracy in America, by Claude G. Bowers, 48 Jefferson and His Time, by Dumas Malone, 52 Jefferson Memorial (Washington, DC), 49; photo, 50; statue for, 38 Jefferson's Extracts from the Gospels, edited by Dickinson W. Adams and Ruth W. Lester, 5 Jefferson's Literary Commonplace Book, edited by Douglas L. Wilson, 52 Jefferson's Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, edited by James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, 52 Jefferson's Parliamentary Writings, edited by Wilbur Samuel Howell, 52 Jensen, Merrill, The New Nation, 284 Jessup, Philip C., files accessioned, 93 Jewish history, 381 Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, 112, 148; article about, 125-133; exhibits, 130; museum, 138, 144; photo, 101, 124, 126, 127 John Adams, by Page Smith, 29 John Adams and the American Revolution, by Catherine Drinker Bowen, 28 John Adams and the Prophets of Progress, by Zoltan Haraszty, John F. Kennedy Library, 112, 149; accessions and openings, 162; exhibits, 138, 141, 143, 144; museum, 141, 143; photo, 104; workshop for Young Politicians, 112 "John Marshall's Notes of Evidence in the Case of Commonwealth v. Randolph," 70-71; page from, reproduced, 69 Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, by Dave Powers and Kenneth P. O'Donnell, research materials for accessioned, 162 Johnson, Andrew, 207, 218 Johnson, Henry, 88 Johnson, Lyndon B. 40-41, 135, 144; FBI files concerning accessioned, 162; papers relating to accessioned, 162; quoted, 145 Johnson, Tom, 166 Johnson, William Samuel, 306; port., 304 Johnstone, Richard M. Jr., 45, 52; quoted, 54 Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1823, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 294 Journal of Impeachment Proceedings Before the U.S. Senate, 1798-1805, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 165 Journals of the Proceedings of the President, 1793-1797, The, 18 Jova/Daniels/Busby, 128 Joyce, James, photo, 192; Ulysses, 188, 194 Judicial system, U.S., Fall issue Judiciary Act of 1789, 176, 190, 199, 293, 308, 345, 346-347, 352, 354 Judiciary Act of 1789, The, by David Eisenberg et al., 165 Justice, U.S. Department of, 167 Kansas Territory, 223, 225, 226-227 Kaplan, Lawrence, 381 Kellogg, William P., 234; photo, 234 Kennedy, Edward M., 70; papers accessioned, 162 Kennedy, John F., 146, 165; papers relating to accessioned, 162; quoted, 40, 41 Kennedy, Robert F., papers relating to accessioned, 162 Kennedy: The New Generation, by Frank Teti, photos used in accessioned, 162 Kent, James, quoted, 291 Kentucky, 166, 287, 334, 336, 339, 354 Kepley, David R., 164, 165 Ketcham, Ralph M., 52 Keyserling, Leon, papers accessioned, 161 King, Rufus, 306 Kirwan, William E., 378 Kizis, Frank, papers opened, 160 Klein, Julius, correspondence with opened, 160 Knox, Henry, 309, 331-334, 336, 337, 338-342; port., 330; quoted, 333, 334, 342 Knox, William, 332 Kohn, Richard H., quoted, 334 Krueger, Gen. Walter, 151 Krusten, Eva, 165 Ku Klux Klan, 236 Kurtz, Stephen G., 29; The Presidency of John Adams: The Collapse of Federalism 1795-1800, 28 Lambert, Edgar Lewis, 203 Land claim disputes, 241-244 Land grants, 239, 244 Land Management, Bureau of, 244, 374 Langdon, John, 306, 308 Langer, William L., 108 Lash, Joseph P., papers accessioned, 160 Lathrop, Wells, 181 Laughton, Charles, 264; photo, 265 Law enforcement, 285 Lawford, Peter, photo, 258 Lawton, Umemura and Yamamoto, 128 Leach, Andrew, 182; financial records of, 183 Leadville, CO, 240 Lear, Tobias, 336, 351; quoted, 17 Lecompte, Samuel D., 227 Lee, Henry, 8 Lee, Richard Henry, 306 "Legacy of Ebenezer Hazard, America's First Documentary Editor, The," by Don W. Wilson, 4-5 Legal Papers of John Adams, 21, 32 Legion of the United States, 338 Leland, Waldo, 107 Lemkin, Raphael, 380 Lenox, David, 354-356; quoted, 354 Lester, Ruth W., 51; editor, Jefferson's Extracts from the Gospels, 52 Letters and Other Writings of James Madison, Fourth President of the United States, edited by William Cabell Rives, 61 Letters of John Adams, Addressed to His Wife, edited by Charles Francis Adams, 24 Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Tennessee, 1871-84, by Eva Krusten and William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 165 Lewis, Robert, 162 Liberty (sloop), 188 Liberty Memorial Museum, 120 Library of Congress, 17, 18, 47, 48, 61, 62, 104-105, 107, 156; Manuscript Division, 100, 103 Life of George Washington, by John Marshall, 73 Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914-1917, The, by George H. Nash, 75 Lincoln, Abraham, 197, 199, 217; papers of, 107; quoted, 218 Lincoln, Benjamin, 331; quoted, 334, 336 Lipscomb, Andrew A., 48, 50 Little Chief Mine, 240 Little Pittsburg Consolidated Mining Company, 240; photo, 241 Livingston, Robert R., 284, 316-317, 327; port., 317 Lloyd George, David, 81 Loma Prieta earthquake, 359, 363, 367-368, 369 Lorre, Peter, photo, 259 Los Angeles, Port of, case files processed, 95 Lothyan, Phillip E., "A Question of Citizenship," 177, 267-273 Louisiana, 231-237 Louvain, University of, 84 Lowell, Waverly B., "Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Early Environmental Litigation," 177, 247-255 Lowry, Thomas, 352 Lubin, Isador, papers accessioned and opened, 160 Lusitania, 188; photo, 188 "Lycidas," by John Milton, quoted, 8 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 109, 112, 149, 165; accessions and openings, 162; exhibits, 139, 140, 143-144; museum, 143-144; photo, 110, 113 McCall, Jack, 227 McCarran-Walter Immigration Act of 1952, 267 McCulloch, Hugh, 203 McDonald, Forrest, 52 McElwee, John, 216-217 McEnery, John D., 234-235 McGhee, George C., files accessioned, 93 McGillivray, Alexander, 334 McGuire, James C., 59 McHenry, James, 288 MacKaman, Frank, H., "Human Drama: Presidential Museums Tell the Story," 100-101, 135-145 Maclay, William, 291, 308 MacLeish, Archibald, 105 MacNeil, Neil, papers relating to opened, 160 Madison, Dolley Payne, 59, 61, 67; port., 60 Madison, James, 4, 5, 40, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 301, 303, 317, 320, 354, article about, 57-67; as President, 57, 59, 62, 65; port., 56, 291; portrait by Asher Brown Durand, 66; quoted, 5, 300; reproduction of correspondence, 58 Mahoney, William P., oral history interview with accessioned, 162 Maid of Erin Mine, 240 Malone, Dumas, 73; Jefferson and His Time, 52; quoted, 54 Man Without a Country, by Edward Everett Hale, 218 Manley, John, papers accessioned, 162 Maritime law, federal records relating to, 188 Marshall, George C., photo, 40 Marshall, John, 68, 70, 71, 73, 190, 326; Life of George Washington, 73; portrait by Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin, 70 Maryland, 306, 341 Mason, Frank, papers opened, 160 Mason, George, 289 Mason, Stevens, 312 Massachusetts, 166, 189, 303, 304 Massachusetts Historical Society, 22, 24, 48, 103 Masterson, Jim, 227 Mayaguez, S.S., exhibit about, 140-141 Means, Gardiner C., papers accessioned, 160 Melby, John F., oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 161 Merchant Marine, log books from inspection stations accessioned, 94 Merrimac (ship), 190 Mexican land grants, 239, 244 Mexico, 262 Michel, Robert, 378 Microfilm publications, 165, 372, 374, 375, 376-377; catalogs of, 276-277, 377; Central America, 165; China, 165; Department of Justice, 165; Italy, 165; Tennessee, 165; U.S. Senate, 165; War Department, 165 "Milestone Documents in the National Archives" (publications series), 165 Militia, national, 334, 336 Military service records, 372, 374, 375; microfilm publication, 277 Miller, Lynn C., Three Americans in Paris, script accessioned, 162 Miller, William, 354-355 Milligan, Lambdin P., 218 Milligan v. Slack, 218 Milton, John, "Lycidas," quoted, 8 Mineral Resources, 239-240, 248 Mining industry, 240, 248-254 "Mini Page" (newspaper supplement), 378 Minnesota, 166 Mississippi River Valley, 360 Missouri Democrat, 217 Missouri Historical Society, 48 Mollenhoff, Clark, 121 Monroe, James, quoted, 351 Monticello, Charlottesville, VA, 41, 45, 47, 48; photo, 46, 49 Moore, Andrew, 351 Morison, Samuel Eliot, 105 Morgan, Capt. John Hunt, 216; photo, 216 Morley, Felix, 121 Morocco, 317 Morris, Gouverneur, 70, 71, 303 Morris, Robert C., 176; "From Piracy to Censorship: The Admiralty Experience," 187-195 Mount Vernon, 10, 12, 14, 17; port., 14 Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, 18 Mudd, Roger, 380 Muhlenberg, Frederick A.C., 291; port., 286 Muir, John, 247 Mullendore, William C., papers opened, 160 Muskogee Indians, 66 Napoleonic Wars, 65 Nash, Columbus, 235 Nash, George H., 104, 119; "'An American Epic': Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I,'" 75-83; The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914-1917, 75 National Aeronautics and Space Council, records relating to accessioned, 93 National Archives and Records Administration, see also National Archives Regional Archives System and Presidential libraries; 18, 62; accessions and openings, 92-95, 160-163; Agency Services Division, 380; Archives II, 169-170, 377-378; Center for Electronic Records, 167, 379; Center for Legislative Archives, 164; declassified records, 92, 161; exhibits, 87-91, 118-119, 120, 130, 168, 170, 378-379; genealogical research, 156-159, 274-277, 372-375; Media Preservation Branch, 377; Microfilm Rental Program, 377; News and Notices, 166-170, 376-381; Office of the Federal Register, 164; Office of the National Archives, 169; Office of Presidential Libraries, 120, 127, 128, 146; Office of Records Administration, 168-169; presidential libraries, Summer issue; publications, 164-165; Records Declassification Division, 92; Textual Records, 93-94 National Archives Building, 169 National Archives Gift Collection, 92 National Archives Regional Archives System, Fall issue, 372-375, 376-377, 378; Central Plains Region, court records in, 223-229; Great Lakes Region, court records in, 215-221; Mid Atlantic Region, 94-95, court records in, 197-205; New England Region, court records in, 179-185; Northeast Region, court records in, 187-195; Pacific Northwest Region, court records in, 267-273; Pacific Sierra Region, court records in, 247-255; Pacific Southwest Region, 95, court records in, 257-265; Rocky Mountain Region, 95, court records in, 239-245; Southeast Region, court records in, 207-213; Southwest Region, 225, court records in, 231-237 National Archives World War II Commemorative Committee, 378-379 National Endowment for the Humanities, 18, 19 National Historical Publications Commission, 18, 3940 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 5, 41, 52, 112, 276; grants, 166-167 National Park Service, records accessioned, 95 National Security Affairs, Office of the Special Assistant for, records declassified, 161 National Security Council, records declassified, 161 Native Americans, 66, 239, 243-244, 267-273, 276, 277, 331, 332-339, 348, 374 Natural resources, 177; articles about, 239-245, 247-255 Naturalization, article about, 154-155 Naturalization records, 177, 374; accessioned, 95; articles about, 257-265, 267-273 Navajo Indians, 244 Naval Act of March 27, 1794, 340 Navigation Act, 187 Nebraska, 223 "'Necessary fence, A': The Senate's First Century" (exhibit), 170 Negri, Pola, photo, 256 Netherlands, 315, 317, 318 Nevada, 166, 249 Neville, Gen. John, 354-356 New Brunswick, Canada, 62 New Hampshire, 304 New Jersey, 190, 341 New Madrid, MO, 360-361, 362, 369 New Mexico, 239, 243 New Nation, The, by Merrill Jensen, 284 New Republic, 86 New York, 166, 189, 190, 287, 304, 306 New York Herald, 362 New York Times, 86, 112, 160, 192, 254 New York Times Company, 52 "News and Notices," see National Archives and Records Administration Nicastro, Katherine, 165 Nixon, Diane S., "Hollywood's Immigrants: Naturalizing the Makers of America's Dream Machine," 177, 257-265 Nixon, Edgar B., 107 Nixon, Richard M., 109, 110, 381 Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, accessions and openings, 162-163 Norstad, Lauris, papers opened, 161 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 381; U.S. Mission to, records relating to accessioned, 93 "NATO and the Founding of the North Atlantic Alliance" (conference), 381 North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, 250-254 North Carolina, 306, 311 North Dakota, 239 Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 223 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 380 O'Donnell, Kenneth P., papers accessioned, 162 O'Neill, James E., 127; quoted, 106 Obscenity, federal court records relating to, 188, 193-194 Ochs, Adolph S., 51 Office of Management and Budget, records accessioned, 94 Oil policy, records relating to accessioned, 93 Oklahoma, 223, 225, 227, 236 On War Against Japan: Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" Address of 1941, by Raymond H. Geselbracht, 165 Open range land, 244 Optical Digital Image Storage System (ODISS), 167 Oral history interviews, 110 Oregon, 166, 269-273 Oregonian (newspaper), 270 Organization of American Historians, 108 Otis, Samuel, 291; port., 303; quoted, 287 "Over There" (exhibition), 119 Owens, James K., 176; "Documenting Regional Business History: The Bankruptcy Acts of 1800 and 1841," 179-185 Ozawa v. United States, 269, 270, 272 Page, Walter Hines, 76; quoted, 83 Palfrey, William, 318 Paper-making machines, 180-181 Papers of George Washington, The, 18 Papers of James Madison, The, article about, 57-67 Papers of James Madison, The, edited by Henry D. Gilpin, 61 Papers of John Adams, 21, 24, 32, 33, 36, 37 Papers of John Marshall, The, 68, 70-71 Papers of Thomas Jefferson, The, 39-55, 68, 71-73 Parkinson, Benjamin, 356 Parks and History Association, 381 Patent disputes, 176, 179-181 Patents, 322 Patterson, David S., "The Department of State: The Formative Years 1775-1800," 284, 315-328 Payne, John C., 59 Peale, Charles Willson, 43 Peel, Roy V., 376 Pegler, Westbrook, 121 Penn Mining Company, 248-249 Pennsylvania, 166, 306, 334, 336, 340-341 Percy, Lord Eustace, 84; quoted, 86 Perrine, Henry, 91 Peterson, Merrill, quoted, 48-49 Petition, right to, article about, 87-91 Petitions, 293 Philadelphia, PA, 351 Philip Morris, 378 Phoenix Indian School, case files processed, 95 Pickering, Timothy, 322, 326, 347-348, 351 Playwriting competition, 378 Plowman, Robert J., "An Untapped Source: Civil War Prize Case Files, 1861-65," 176, 197-205 Poland, papers relating to declassified, 161 Political Science of John Adams, The, by Correa M. Walsh, 29 Polygraph, 43, 45; photo of, 42 Poole v. the Ship Flying Cloud, 193 Population censuses, 276, 372, 375, 376-377 Postal service, 322 Postmaster generals, 284, 322 Potter, Constance, 375; "A Researcher's Map to National Archives Finding Aids," 274-277; "Research at the National Archives," 156-159 Powers, Dave, papers accessioned, 162 Presidency of John Adams, The, by Ralph Adams Brown, 29 Presidency of John Adams: The Collapse of Federalism 1795-1800, The, by Stephen G. Kurtz, 28 "Presidential Gifts," 146-153 Presidential libraries, Summer issue; accessions and openings, 160-163; advisory committee on, 166; exhibits, 118-119, 120, 130, 378-379; grants, 166 "Presidential Libraries," by Don W. Wilson, 100-101 Presidential Libraries Act, 100, 109, 126 Presidential Libraries Act of 1986, 113 Presidential Library Conference, 112 Presidential museums, article about, 135-145; educational programming, 145; items displayed at, 146-153 Presidential Records Act of 1978, 109 "Presidential Revival: How the Hoover Library Overcame a Mid-Life Crisis, A" 101, 115-123 Presley, Elvis, 110 PRESNET, 121 Prince, James, 348 Princeton University, 40, 41, 43, 51 Princeton University Press, 39, 51 Prize court records, 176, 189, 190; article about, 197-205; Civil War files, 190, 197-205 Project GAMMA, records relating to accessioned, 93 Project Troy, records relating to accessioned, 93 Prussia, 317, 318, 323 Psychological Strategy Board, files accessioned, 93, 161, and declassified, 161 Public domain lands, 239 Public Papers of President Ronald Reagan, 164-165 Pueblo and Arkansas Valley Railway Company, 241 Pueblo Lands Act, 243 Pueblo Lands Board, 243 Quebec, Canada, 62 "Question of Citizenship, A," by Phillip E. Lothyan, 177, 267-273 Rachal, William M.E., 61 Railroad industry, 240-241 Randolph, Ann (Nancy), 71 Randolph, David Meade, 347-348 Randolph, Edmund, 7, 301-302, 326, 348; quoted, 354 Randolph, John, of Roanoke, 68, 70-71; port., 70 Randolph, Richard, 68, 70-71 Randolph, Theodorick, 71 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 47-48; photo, 47 Rawlings-Milton, Herbert, 165 Read, Leonard, papers relating to opened, 160 Reagan, Nancy, photo, 131 Reagan, Ronald, 109, 132; photo, 131 Reclamation, Bureau of, aerial survey films accessioned, 95 Reconstruction, article about, 231-237 Reed, Roland L., 168 Reedy, George E., papers accessioned, 162 Regional Archives System, see National Archives Regional Archives System Regional Libraries Information Network (RLIN), 166-167 Remsen, Henry, Jr., 72, 323 Rephlo, Mary, 164 Republican party, 62, 233, 234, 311 Research Libraries Group 166-167 "Research at the National Archives," by Constance Potter, 156-159 "Research at the Regional Archives," by Peter W. Bunce, 372-375 "Researcher's Map to National Archives Finding Aids, A" by Constance Potter, 274-277, 375 Revolutionary War, 4, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19 Rhode Island, 189, 306, 311 Richard M. Nixon Museum, 145 Richards, David, 168 "'Richest Treasure House of Information, The': The Papers of Thomas Jefferson," by John Catanzariti, 39-55 "Right To Vote: The Enforcement Acts and Southern Courts, The" by Barbara Rust, 177, 231-237 Rives, William Cabell, 57, 61; editor, Letters and Other Writings of James Madison, Fourth President of the United States, 61 Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Project, 162 Rogers, John A., 202 Ronald Reagan Foundation, 166 Ronald W. Reagan Library, 109, 145, 147, 166 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 107, 112 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49, 51, 100, 101, 103-108, 111, 115, 119, 146, 154-155, 165, 220, 380; photo, 102, 105, 106; Public Papers and Addresses, 105; quoted, 113 Roosevelt, Theodore, 48, 100, 104 Roosevelt Freedom Medal, 380 "Roosevelt to Reagan: The Birth and Growth of Presidential Libraries," by Frank Freidel, 100, 103-113 Rosenman, Samuel I., 105 Ross, Rodney, 164 Royal African Company, 187 Rubin, Sam, photo, 104 Rush, Benjamin, quoted, 155 Russell, Jonathan, 61 Russell, Majors and Waddell, 225, 226 Rust, Barbara, "The Right to Vote: The Enforcement Acts and Southern Courts," 177, 231-237 Rutherford B. Hayes Library, 100, 105 Rutland, Robert A., 62 Ryan, Frederick J., Jr., 166 Ryerson, Richard Alan, "Documenting the Presidency of John Adams: The Adams Papers Project," 21-37 S. G. Wight, Chester Bullack, M. B. Stevens v. The Henriette Mining and Smelting Company, Ltd. and J.J.B. DuBois, 240 St. Clair, Arthur, 334, 336, 337, 338; port., 334 Saint-Mémin, Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de, engraving by, 70 Samuel Rotan (ship), 202-203 San Andreas fault, 359 San Francisco, CA, 359, 361, 363-368 Sandia Pueblo Indians, 243-244 Sangster, James, 88, 90, 91 Santa Rosa Polish Refugee Camp, records relating to accessioned, 93 Sarbanes, Paul S., 378; "The Challenge of Citizenship," 154-155 Savage, Edward, portrait by, 15 Savannah, GA, 166, 362 "Saving Our Sources: Conservation at the National Archives" (exhibit), 168 Sawyer, Lorenzo, 247 Scenic Hudson, Inc., papers accessioned, 160 Schaefer, William Donald, 378 Schamel, Charles, et al., Guide to the Records of the United States House of Representatives at the National Archives, 1789-1989, 164 Schewe, Donald B., "Establishing a Presidential Library: The Jimmy Carter Experience," 101, 125-133 Schirm, Tiffany, 120 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 112, 380 Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy, 166 Scott, Charles, 336 Sedition Act of 1918, 218, 219, 220 Seely, Oran W., 88, 90, 91 Selections from the Private Correspondence of James Madison from 1813 to 1836, 61 "Senate of the United States: 'Supreme Executive Council of the Nation,' 1787-1800, The," by Richard Allan Baker 299-313 "Setting the Stage for Reappraisal: The Papers of James Madison," by J.C.A. Stagg, 57-67 Sewing machine industry, 181 "Shanghai Bill," 227 Shaw, Peter, The Character of John Adams, 32 Shaw, Samuel, 318 Sherman, Roger, 289, 303; port., 301; quoted, 300 Shipman, Fred, 107, 108 Ships, Bureau of, records accessioned, 94 Short, William, 308-309 Shulman, Marshall D., files accessioned, 93 Sidey, Hugh, 120 Sierra Club, 247 Singer, Isaac M., 181 Skiff, John, 215, 216 Skinner, John, 352, 354 Smith, Charles, 164 Smith, Page, 32; John Adams, 29 Smith, Richard Norton, "A Presidential Revival: How the Hoover Library Overcame a Mid-Life Crisis," 101, 115-123 Smith, Robert, 65 Smith Act, 220 Smock, Raymond W., 284; "The House of Representatives: First Branch of the New Government," 287-297 Society of the Cincinnati, 8 South Carolina, 359, 361-363 Southern California Edison, papers relating to opened, 160 Spain, 315, 323 Sparks, Jared, 18; quoted, 17 Special Committee on Migration, records accessioned, 93 Stagg, J.C.A., "Setting the Stage for Reappraisal: The Papers of James Madison," 57-67 Stagg, John, 332; quoted, 336 Stanford University, 104, 105, 109 Stanhope, David, photo, 127 Stanton, Lucia C., editor, Jefferson's Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, 52 State, U.S. Department of, 48, 284, 347, 348; article about, 315-328; records accessioned, 92-93, 94, and declassified, 92; Thomas Jefferson papers at, 48 State of Nevada v. Floriston Pulp and Paper Company, 249 Stephan, Max, 220 Stevens, Edwin R., 269 Stewart, William J., 127 Storm King Mountain Project, papers concerning accessioned, 160 Strauss, Lewis, 121 Strategic Services, Office of, research conference of, 379 Stuart, Gilbert, portrait of Abigail Adams by, 22; portrait of John Adams by, 20 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 51, 52 Sutherland, Gen. Richard K., personal papers declassified, 92 Swan, Caleb, 332 Sweden, 65, 317, 318 Swerczek, Ronald, 75 Symington, Stuart, papers opened, 161 Szucs, Loretto Dennis, and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, The Archives: A Guide to the National Archives Field Branches, 276, 375 Tabor, Horace A. W., 240; photo, 240 Taft, William Howard, 100, 104 Tassel, David Van, 127 Tauke, Tom, 120 Territorial affairs, 322 Territorial courts, 177, 239, 269; article about, 223-229 Teti, Frank, photos by, accessioned, 162 Thalken, Thomas T., 111 Thind, Bhagat Singh, 269-270, 271, 272 "This Fierce Spirit of Liberty: The Making of the Bill of Rights" (exhibit), 378 Thomas, Helen, 380 Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Commission, 50, 51 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission, 48, 49, 52 Thompson, "Big Bill," 220 Thomson, Charles, 285 Three Americans in Paris, by Lynn C. Miller, script accessioned, 162 Thursday's Child (yacht), 192 Time, Inc., 52 Titanic (ship), 188; photos, 193, 194 "'To Surrender All His Estate': The 1867 Bankruptcy Act," by Beverly Watkins, 176, 207-213 Todd, John Payne, 61 Tomlinson, V. W., 270 Treason, 176-177; article about, 215-221 Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 322, 338, 352 Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 317 Treaty of Paris, 316 Trevett, Samuel R., 65 Trohan, Walter, 121 Truckee River, 249 Truman, Harry S., 108-112, 119, 143; photo, 40; quoted, 39, 111, 120, 151 Truman, Mary Jane, oral history interview with accessioned and opened, 161 Trumbull, John, quoted, 297 Tuck, Joseph W., 202 Tucker, George, 47, 48 Tucker, St. George, 71 Tully, Grace, 107 Tuscany, 323 Tuttle, Arthur, quoted, 220 Twohig, Dorothy, 18 Ulysses, by James Joyce, 188, 194 "Uncommon Awareness of Self: The Papers of George Washington, An" by W. W. Abbot, 7-19 Underwood, Orson, 181 Union Navy, 199 Unisys Corporation, 167 United Nations Affairs, Bureau of, files accessioned, 93 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, records relating to accessioned, 93 U.S. Air Force, papers relating to opened, 161 United States of America as Guardian of the Indians of the Pueblo of Sandia in the State of New Mexico v. George Abousleman, et al., 243-244 U.S. Army, 236; files relating to opened, 162 U.S. Army Commands, records declassified, 92 U.S. Army Corps, records declassified, 92 U.S. circuit courts, Fall issue, 346 U.S. Coast Guard, merchant marine log books accessioned, 94 U.S. Corps of Artillerists and Engineers, 342 U.S. Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture, 189 U.S. Courts of Appeals, 219, 220, 236, 270 U.S. Customs Service, case files processed, 95 U.S. district courts, Fall issue, 346; case files accessioned, 95; naturalization index cards processed, 95; naturalization records accessioned, 95; records available, 374 "United States Expands West: 1786-1841, The" (teaching package), 380 United States Food Administration, 83 U.S. Freehold Land and Emigration Company, 244 U.S. House of Representatives, 233, 299, 301, 303, 304, 306, 308, 310, 311, 313, 346, 351; article about, 287-297; guide to records in the National Archives published, 164 United States marshals, 285, 322; article about, 345-357 U.S. Navy, 339-340; records of navy installations processed, 95 U.S. Postal Service, papers relating to accessioned, 162 U.S. Senate, 346, 347; article about, 299-313; Committee on Privileges and Elections, 234; guide to records in the National Archives published, 164 U.S. Supreme Court, 190, 199, 217, 218, 220, 235, 240, 244, 267, 269, 270, 303, 308, 346; records accessioned, 94 U.S./USSR Genealogical Exchange Advisory Board, 379-380 United States v. Cruikshank, et al., 235 U.S. v. Eugene Debs, 219 U.S. v. George M. Heald, Edward Heald, and Walter Heald, 241 United States v. Jack McCall, 227 U.S. v. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, 250-254 United States v. Ulysses, 194 University of Chicago, 61 University of Iowa, 119, 120, 121 University of Maryland, 378 University of Michigan, 109; Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 111 University of Missouri-St. Louis, 381 University of Texas, 110, 112 University of Virginia, 18, 19, 48 University of Virginia at Charlottesville, 62 "Untapped Source: Civil War Prize Case Files, 1861-65, An" by Robert J. Plowman, 176, 197-205 Upshur, Lt. Comdr. J. H., 203 Utah, 166, 239, 244 Vaganov, Fedor M., 380 Valis, Wayne, papers opened, 163 Vallandigham, Clement, 218; photo, 218 Vanderbilt Mine, 240 Varick, Capt. Richard, 12, 14 Vergennes, Comte de, 315 Vietnam war, papers relating to accessioned and opened, 162 Virginia, 68, 70-71, 166, 287, 306, 334, 336, 341, 347 Virginia Historical Society, 61 Virginia Militia, in the War of 1812, guide to published, 164 Virginia Regiment (British army), 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 Virginia State Library, 48 von Steuben, Baron Frederic, 338 Wabash Indians, 333-334, 336, 337 Walch, Timothy, 120, 121 Walsh, Correa M., The Political Science of John Adams, 29 War Department, 217, 284; article about, 331-343 War of 1812, 57, 59, 62, 66; guide to Virginia units published, 164 "War Leaders" (exhibit), 379 "War Lords, The" (exhibit), 380 War Refugee Board, records relating to accessioned, 93 Ware, Caroline, papers accessioned and opened, 160 Warmoth, Henry C., 234; photo, 235 Warren, Charles, quoted, 346 Washington, George, 4, 5, 43, 50, 73, 100, 104, 115, 285, 293, 297, 308-310, 312, 320, 322, 324-327, 331, 332, 334, 336, 342, 346, 347, 348, 351, 354; diary, 12, 18; letter books, 10, 12, 14, 15; military papers, 12, 14; papers of, article about, 7-19; port., 6, 8, 11, 15, 17; quoted, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 288, 333, 337, 338, 341, 352, 354, 356; reproduction of correspondence, 44 Washington, Henry A., 48 Washington, Lund, 10 Washington, Martha, 10; port., 9 Washington Family, The (portrait), by Edward Savage, 15 Water pollution, 248, 249-254 Water rights, 244, 249 Water Rights law, 244 Watkins, Beverly, "'To Surrender All His Estate': The 1867 Bankruptcy Act," 176, 207-213 Watt, James, 43 Wayne, Anthony, 338-339; port., 339 Welles, Gideon, 199; photo, 196 "Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Early Environmental Litigation," by Waverly B. Lowell, 177, 247-255 Western European Union, records relating to accessioned, 93 "Western Natural Resources: Documenting the Struggle for Control," by Susan Chambers 177, 239-245 Westmoreland, Gen. William C., files opened, 162 Westward expansion, teaching package on, 380 Whiskey Rebellion, 340-341, 354-356 Whitaker, Dale Harley, 165 White, Alexander, 295; quoted, 297 White, Leonard D., 61; quoted, 327 White House Central Files, opened, 162-163 White House Conference on Child Health, 119 Whitehead, Alfred North, 144 Whitlock, Brand, 84 Wiedeman, Charles, 248-249 Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 120 Wilkinson, James, 338, 339 Williamson, Hugh, quoted, 354 Wilson, Don W., 380; "Creating a New Government," 284-285; "Federal Court Records in the Regional Archives System," 176-177; "The Legacy of Ebenezer Hazard, America's First Documentary Editor," 4-5; on opening of the 1920 census, 376-377; "Presidential Libraries," 100-101; quoted, 166, 167, 377, 379 Wilson, Douglas L., editor, Jefferson's Literary Commonplace Book, 52 Wilson, James, 303 Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow, 100 Wisconsin, 166 Wisconsin Territorial Act, 223 Wolverton, Charles E., 269-270, 272 Wood, Grant, 119; oil painting by, 118 Woodruff, Edwards, 251 Woolsey, John M., 194 Works of John Adams, edited by Charles Francis Adams, 24 World War I, 218-220; Belgian relief during, 75-86; educational materials on, 120; exhibit on, 119 World War II, 220, 258, 262; anniversary commemoration, 378-379; publications relating to, 165; records identification project, 168-169; records relating to accessioned, 93, and declassified, 92 Writings of James Madison, Comprising His Public Papers and His Private Correspondence, The, edited by Gaillard Hunt, 61 Writings of John Quincy Adams, edited by Worthington C. Ford, 28 Wyler, William, 258 Wyoming, 239, 241-242 |