AC 05.2025
Date: October 15, 2024
Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Announcing NARA’s Strategic Framework
Last week Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan shared a framework for a new strategic plan for the National Archives and Records Administration.
The strategic framework outlines a refreshed articulation of our agency’s mission, vision, and values. The framework sets four high level strategic goals to drive the National Archives forward to better preserve, protect, and share the historical records of the United States.
NARA is working on the development of a new NARA strategic plan. As we develop the strategic plan, we will seek input from the federal records management community. Please be on the lookout for future opportunities to formally provide feedback on the draft plan.
Until the strategic plan is developed and published, the strategic framework will guide NARA’s decision-making as we continue to undergo digital transformation. The Archivist has stated that her primary goal is investing and building NARA’s digital future. As part of this goal, NARA will continue to lead efforts to modernize records management practices across the federal government.
We hope you will find this framework useful in understanding NARA’s plans and actions. We know NARA can not succeed in our mission to the nation without a strong and productive partnership with you and all federal agency records managers.
If you have any questions or comments about the framework, please feel free to reach out to
William Fischer
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government (Acting)