Federal Records Management

AC 07.2024


Date: December 04, 2023  

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Release of Success Criteria for Digitizing Permanent Records

I am pleased to announce the release of the Success Criteria for Digitizing Permanent Records

This guidance supports the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulation concerning digitization standards for permanent records (36 CFR 1236 Subpart E). It provides guidance for agency officials responsible for digitizing, managing, and transferring their permanent records to the National Archives. 

The guidance provides high-level success criteria for digitizing permanent records. These criteria have been organized around four key concepts: Policies, Access, Systems, and Disposition. The success criteria can be used by agencies to address and measure compliance with the requirements in the regulation. The guidance also provides a series of discussion questions to assist agencies in implementing and understanding the digitization processes and requirements.

The success criteria has been published on NARA’s website for Digitization of Federal Records. If you have questions or comments about this guidance or other products on our website, please contact rmstandards@nara.gov.

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government

