Federal Records Management

AC 16. 2022

Date: February 9, 2022  

Memorandum to Federal Agency Records Officers: Draft General Records Schedules for Agency Review

NARA’s General Records Schedule (GRS) Team invites all federal agencies to participate in the review process for five revised GRS. These draft schedules include revisions to allow for conversion of GRS disposition instructions into instructions that a computer system can implement. This is part of our greater effort to provide the GRS in a machine-implementable format. The following draft GRS are attached to this message:

  • GRS 2.2, Employee Management Records
  • GRS 2.3, Employee Relations Records
  • GRS 2.5, Employee Separation Records
  • GRS 2.6, Employee Training Records
  • GRS 4.4, Library Records

We have learned that we receive the most useful information from agency subject matter experts (SMEs) -- agency staff working in functions whose records the schedules describe. Please forward these schedule drafts to your agency SMEs. Their feedback will be invaluable. 
Please use the attached comment form to submit comments. Please use a separate comment form for each schedule. We will accept comments through March 9, 2022. Please send your comments to GRS_Team@nara.gov. If you have any issues with the attachments below, please reach out to the GRS Team.
We appreciate you and your agency staff taking the time to review these drafts and provide comments.

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government

GRS 2.2 FY22 Review Package.pdf
GRS 2.3 FY22 Review Package.pdf
GRS 2.5 FY22 Review Package.pdf
GRS 2.6 FY22 Review Package.pdf
GRS 4.4 FY22 Review Package.pdf
GRS Comment Form.doc
