Federal Records Management

AC 31.2017

May 31, 2017

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Agency Review of New Draft General Records Schedule (GRS 6.4 Revised)

NARA’s General Records Schedule (GRS) Team is continuing to revise and add to the General Records Schedules. We are putting out for comment a new draft GRS that will effectively replace GRS 6.4 Public Affairs Records with GRS 6.4 Communications and Information Sharing Records. One of the substantial additions to this draft is the inclusion of items for web and social media records.

We have learned that we receive the most useful information from agency subject matter experts (SMEs)—agency staff working in functions whose records the schedules describe. Please forward these schedule drafts to your agency SMEs. Their feedback will be invaluable. Their review - and yours - should focus on these questions:

  • Are records correctly and completely described?
  • Are retention periods too long, too short, or just right?
  • Are items missing that should be included?
  • Are items present that should be deleted?

Please use the attached comment form to submit comments.

We appreciate your staff taking the time to review this draft and provide comments.

Please send any questions and comments to GRS_Team@nara.gov. We will accept comments through June 30, 2017.

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government


AC 31.2017- GRS 6.4 Revised Comment Form.docx

AC 31.2017- GRS 6.4 Revised Initial Review Package.pdf
