Federal Records Management

Records Management Assessments

What is a Records Management Assessment?

Based on the statutory authority outlined in 44 U.S.C. 2904(c), NARA’s Oversight and Reporting Division established the Records Management Assessment process in 2018 as a way to evaluate how specific issues affect RM programs, policies, processes, and procedures across the Federal government. A Records Management Assessment is a concise study and evaluation of a particular topic as it relates to Records Management within Federal agencies. Completed reports will be published below by fiscal year.
View a detailed overview of the Records Management Assessment process

Role of Participating Agencies 

Unlike RM inspections that focus on agency compliance and corrective actions, assessments were designed to focus on the real-life experiences agencies have with the specific assessment topic. Hence, assessments are shorter in duration and require less effort from participating agencies than inspections.

Assessment Objectives

  1. Evaluate a specific topic, activity, tool, or requirement’s impact on Federal RM programs, policies, processes, and procedures 
  2. Understand the real-life experiences of Federal agencies with regard to the assessment topic and RM
  3. Gauge the efficacy of Federal agencies’ implementation of RM policies, and compliance with relevant Federal RM regulations​ and NARA guidance
  4. Analyze assessment data to identify agency successes and challenges related to the assessment topic and the agency’s RM policies, processes, procedures, and tools 
  5. Publish a comprehensive report that summarizes NARA’s treatment of the assessment topic, outlining findings and recommendations, as well as highlight any best practices from participating agencies

Fiscal Year 2024

Fiscal Year 2023

Fiscal Year 2022

Fiscal Year 2021

Fiscal Year 2019

Fiscal Year 2018
