Federal Records Management

A/V Series Inventory Form - Instructions

  1. Enter your name, organizational unit, and telephone number.


  2. Include building and room number. If original material (e.g., motion picture preprint, master tapes, or still negatives) is not in the same place, where is it?


  3. Which unit created these records?


  4. Include the following in the description:


    • a. Format (4x5, 16 mm, and 1/2-inch) and generation.
      b. Subject matter covered in the series.
      c. Purpose served by the series.
      d. Finding aids such as data sheets, shot lists, continuities, review sheets, catalogs, indices, and caption lists. Location of such aids.
      e. Related documentation. Do files exist elsewhere that include production contracts, scripts, or other documents concerning these records? Where?


  5. What is the date span of the series?


  6. What is the arrangement of the series (e.g., alphabetical by subject, chronological, or numerical)?


  7. What is the volume of the series? (See conversion table.)


  8. Are there restrictions on access to or release of items in the series? If so,' what statute, exemption to the FOIA, or regulation authorizes this restriction? Are any items copyrighted?


  9. How many cubic feet (or, if negligible, items) were added to this series last year?


  10. How many requests for copies does your unit handle in a month? Who requests the copies and why?


  11. What is the basis for cutting off a series so earlier parts can be retired without disturbing the remainder of the series? (End of calendar year, every 5 years, etc.)


  12. Have parts of the series been retired to agency storage areas or to a Federal records storage center? How often? If parts of the series have been retired to a Federal records storage center, attach copies of the SF 135's.


  13. Which item of your agency's records schedule applies to this series? If none applies, what happens to the records your unit no longer needs?


  14. How long does your unit intend to keep those items added to the series last year in order to respond to internal agency requests?


Conversion Table
(All of these equal 1 cubic foot)

Still Pictures - Negatives

  • 2,300 35mm 6-exposure strips
  • 8,640 2x2-inch mounted slides
  • 2,184 4x5-inch file sheets
  • 5,960 21/4x31/4-inch file sheets

Still Pictures - Prints

  • 2,350 8x10-inch glossies
  • 9,400 4xS-inch glossies

Motion Pictures>

  • 6 35mm reels (1,000 feet)
  • 11 16mm reels (1,200 feet)
  • 15 16mm reels (800 feet)
  • 32 16mm reels (400 feet)

Video Recordings

  • 10 3/4-inch cassettes
  • 3 2-inch reels
  • 9 1-inch reels
  • 43 1/2-inch reels

Sound Recordings

  • 76 16-inch disc recordings
  • 144 12-inch disc recordings
  • 48 7-inch audiotape reels
  • 16 10-inch audiotape reels