New Accessions 1st Quarter FY 2019
New accessions are Federal records and other historical material, such as Presidential papers, recently added to the National Archives. These materials may not be available for research until they have been processed. Processing includes arranging and placing the materials in proper containers, describing the content of the materials in a finding aid, and reviewing the materials for any donor or general restrictions.
Below is a listing of new accessions for each National Archives unit. Some of these records may be stored at off-site facilities. Additionally, some newly accessioned records must be reviewed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Please contact the archival unit several weeks prior to your visit to verify the physical location of the records and the availability of records for researcher use.
- National Archives in Washington, DC
- National Archives at College Park, MD
- Field Archives
- National Archives at Atlanta, GA
- National Archives at Boston, MA
- National Archives at Chicago, IL
- National Archives at Denver, CO
- National Archives at Fort Worth, TX
- National Archives at Kansas City, MO
- National Archives at New York City, NY
- National Archives at Philadelphia, PA
- National Archives at San Francisco, CA
- National Archives at Seattle, WA
National Archives in Washington, DC
Record Group 49: Bureau of Land Management
Legislation Files, 1/1/2003-12/31/2004: 30 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2018-0171
Protest Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/2005: 14 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2018-0173
National Archives at College Park, MD: Cartographic Records Branch
Record Group 71: Bureau of Yards and Docks
Real Estate Records Permanent, 1/1/1909-12/31/1975: 57 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0071-2018-0002
Record Group 406: Federal Highway Administration
Maps of Federal and State Highways and Roads, 1828-12/31/1970: 16 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0406-2019-0010
National Archives at College Park, MD: Electronic Records Division
Record Group 29: Bureau of the Census
Geographic Reference Files from the 23rd Census of Population and Housing (2010 Census): 34658067 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0029-2014-0010
Thematic Maps from the 23rd Census of Population and Housing (2010 Census): 495 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0029-2018-0014
Summary Statistic Data Files from the 23rd Census of Population and Housing (2010 Census): Summary File 2: 110472 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0029-2018-0016
Record Group 49: Bureau of Land Management
Geographic Biotic Observations of Flora and Fauna Species Geospatial Data Files, 2006 - 2007: 2826225 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0049-2013-0193
Record Group 60: Department of Justice
Staff Email Records During the Tenure of Attorney General Janet Reno [Office of the Deputy Attorney General], 1993-2001: Eric Holder, Deputy Attorney General and Acting Attorney General, 7/18/1997 - 2/1/2001; Craig S. Iscoe, Associate Deputy Attorney General, 1/1/1996 - 12/31/2000; and Jennifer Prior, Associate Deputy Attorney General 4/1/2000-8/31/2001: 99938 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI--0060-2017-0204; LTI-0060-2017-0210, LTI-0060-2018-0077
Staff Email Records During the Tenure of Attorney General Janet Reno [Office of the Attorney General], 1993-2001: Rebecca K. Troth, Counsel to the Attorney General, 6/1/2000 - 1/31/2001: 1474 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0222
Staff Electronic Records During the Tenure of Attorney General Janet Reno [Office of the Attorney General], 1993-2001: Leslie Batchelor, Counsel to the Attorney General, 4/16/1999 - 4/9/2000 and Rebecca K. Troth, Counsel to the Attorney General, 6/1/2000: 12807 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0060-2016-0148; LTI-0060-2017-0221
Staff Email Records During the Tenure of Attorney General Janet Reno [Office of the Associate Attorney General], 1993-2001: Richard Jerome, Deputy Associate Attorney General 6/1/1997-1/31/2001: 28891 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0079
Staff Electronic Records During the Tenure of Attorney General Janet Reno [Office of the Associate Attorney General], 1993-2001: Richard Jerome, Deputy Associate Attorney General 6/1/1997-1/31/2001: 2881 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0080
Record Group 79: National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program Records: Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Washington, DC: 7486 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0079-2018-0075, LTI-0079-2018-0078, LTI-0079-2018-0079, LTI-0079-2018-0080
Record Group 82: Federal Reserve System
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Money Market Developments Summary Reports, 1970-1985: 263 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0082-2018-0001
Intermeeting Period Reports of Operations, 1971-1985: 216 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0082-2018-0002
Record Group 95: Forest Service
Forest Plan Implementation Course Files, 2001-2003: 88 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0095-2019-0090
Service First Plan Files, 2000-2003: 15 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0095-2019-0091
Forest Inventory Analysis Database Master Files, 1968-2016: 126218744 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0095-2017-0275
Record Group 220: Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Records of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, 2009-2015: Organizational Records: 9869 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0220-2015-0020
Record Group 237: Federal Aviation Administration
Accident and Incident Database System (AIDS) Files, 2017: 140795 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0237-2018-0036
Record Group 255: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Launch Vehicle Processing Shuttle Zone Locator System Files, 2008: 1 fully restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0291
Space Shuttle Program Research and Development Files, 1974-2010: 379 fully restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0288
Record Group 271: Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
Black Lung Automated Support System Files, 2017: 216699636 fully restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0271-2017-0001
Record Group 307: National Science Foundation
Proposal and Awards Data Files, FY 2015 and FY 2017: 299559 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0307-2018-0003, LTI-0307-2018-0004
Statistical Tables and Summary Data from Science and Engineering Surveys, 2002-2015: 1057 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0307-2017-0029
Record Group 317: Labor-Management Services Administration
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Filing Acceptance System Structured Database, 2015-2018: 7162070 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0317-2017-0001, LTI-0317-2019-0001
Record Group 406: Federal Highway Administration
General Records of the National Safe Routes to School Task Force, July 2006 to July 2008: 163 unrestricted LDR accessioned under NN3-406-18-001
Record Group 510: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
Executive Secretary Controlled Correspondence System Electronic Data and Image Files, 2011: 5383 partly restricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0510-2015-0004
Record Group 539: United States Sentencing Commission
Transcripts of Public Hearings of the Commission, 1987: 5 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0539-2018-0003
Commission Meeting Materials, 1987: 93 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0539-2018-0005
Record Group 566: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Index to Alien Case Files at the National Archives at Kansas City: 183886 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0566-2018-0003
Record Group 588: Records of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Annual Budget Submissions to Congress, FY 2008 - FY 2016: 45 unrestricted LDR accessioned under LTI-0588-2018-0004
National Archives at College Park, MD: Motion Pictures Branch
Record Group 255: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Apollo 11 Films from JSC Institutional File Roll Collection, 7/16/1969-7/24/1969: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0344
Johnson Space Center Mission Audio tapes from MIR Program, SSP Program and ISS Expeditions 1-17, 4/1/1981-7/30/2011: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0260
Record Group 508: Scholarship and Fellowship Granting Foundations
Video Recordings, 1/1/2003-11/16/2018: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0508-2019-0007
National Archives at College Park, MD: Still Pictures Branch
Record Group 15: Department of Veterans Affairs
Photographs and Other Graphic Materials Compiled for Use in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, and Predecessor Publication, Bulletin of Prosthetics Research, 1/1/1964-9/30/2016: 89 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0015-2018-0014
Record Group 57: U.S. Geological Survey
Historical Seismic Instrumentation Photos, 1/1/1924-12/31/1948: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0057-2019-0025
Record Group 64: National Archives and Records Administration
Ceremonies and Event Files, 1998-2008: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0064-2016-0053
Record Group 255: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Apollo and Skylab Project Film, 1/1/1968-12/31/1973: 14 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0255-2012-0343
Research and Development Project File, 4/1/2000-4/30/2000: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0189
Still Imagery of KSC Facilities, Launch Complexes, Orbiter, and Astronauts (Negatives), 1/1/1981-12/31/1985: 81 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0255-2016-0534
Record Group 370: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Digital Photographs - Pribilof Islands, 1/1/1956-12/31/1982: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0370-2016-0038
Digital Photographs, 1/2/2001-12/31/2007: 0 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0370-2016-0033
Record Group 411: Records of the Government Accountability Office
Digital Photographs, 1/1/1990-12/31/2012: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0411-2017-0025
Record Group 508: Scholarship and Fellowship Granting Foundations
Digital Photographs Relating to Vietnam Education Foundation Officials and Events (along with caption data in Excel spreadsheet format), 2009-2016: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0508-2019-0008
National Archives at College Park, MD: Textual Records Division
Record Group 13: National Mediation Board
Emergency Board Case Files, 1/1/1995-12/31/1997: 9 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0013-2018-0002
Emergency Board Case Files, 1/1/1997-12/31/1997: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0013-2018-0001
Record Group 38: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1942-12/31/1946: 19 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0021
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1942-12/31/1949: 15 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0001
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1944-12/31/1946: 27 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0133
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1955-12/31/1957: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0006
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1957-12/31/1957: 55 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0095
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1957-12/31/1958: 10 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0103
Central Correspondence File, 1/1/1958-12/31/1958: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0074
Central Correspondence File, 10/1/1952-9/30/1953: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0034
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1943-12/31/1950: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0076
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1949-12/31/1953: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0146
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1950-12/31/1953: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0011
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1950-12/31/1954: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0064
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1958: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0046
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1954-12/31/1954: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0102
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1956-12/31/1956: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0070
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1962-12/31/1962: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0060
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1987-12/31/1987: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0157
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1987-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0119
Central Correspondence Files, 1/1/1987-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0062
Correspondence Files, 1/1/1946-12/31/1953: 24 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0124
Correspondence Files, 1/1/1953-12/31/1960: 22 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0242
Correspondence Files, 1/1/1969-12/31/1970: 17 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0230
Correspondence Files, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2016-0017
Development Testing and Evaluation Project Case Files Related to Guided Missiles, 1/1/1945-12/31/1952: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0044
Directive Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1961: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0039
Directives Case Files, 1/1/1990-1/31/1994: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2017-0020
Directives Files, 1/1/1952-12/31/1952: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0114
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1971: 31 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0262
Historical Files Relating to Pacific Combat, 1/1/1945-12/31/1945: 26 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2017-0034
Incoming and Outgoing Message Files, 11/1/1985-1/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0037
Incoming and Outgoing Message Files, 11/1/1985-1/31/1987: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0025
Incoming and Outgoing Message Files, 5/1/1986-5/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0041
Incoming Correspondence Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/1990: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2016-0035
Incoming Correspondence Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/1990: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2016-0025
Operating Plans Relating to Sonar and Anti-Submarine Training and Exercises, 1/1/1953-12/31/1957: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0018
Organizational and Functional Charts and Manuals, 1/1/1942-12/31/1977: 10 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2018-0118
Outgoing Correspondence Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/1990: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2016-0023
Outgoing Correspondence Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/1990: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2016-0005
Policy, Strategy and Planning Files, 1/1/1962-12/31/1967: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0258
Program Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1959: 14 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0038-2015-0148
Record Group 40: Department of Commerce
Plans and Reports Files, 1/1/1981-12/31/1982: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0006
Program Subject Correspondence Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/2007: 4 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0004
Program Subject Correspondence Files, 1/1/1993-12/31/2007: 4 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0008
Publications, 1/1/1987-11/30/2003: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0011
Secretariat Program Operations Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 5 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0012
Secretariat Program Operations Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 41 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0003
Secretariat Program Operations Files, 1/1/1997-12/31/1997: 34 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0040-2018-0009
Record Group 59: Department of State
Country and Subject Files, 1/1/1990-12/31/1992: 16 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2017-0087
Defense and Conventional Forces Subject Files, 1/1/1980-12/31/1987: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0020
Defense and Conventional Forces Subject Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1987: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0023
Foreign Case Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1987: 18 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0049
Investment Policy Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/1987: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0124
Meeting Files, 1/1/1946-12/31/1987: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0059
Multilateral Development Bank Subject Files, 10/1/1985-12/31/1987: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0014
Special Collections Files, 1/1/1946-12/31/1987: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0036
Subject Files Relating to Bridges and Expropriation, 1/1/1972-12/31/1987: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0081
Subject Files Relating to Foreign Litigation, 1/1/1948-12/31/1987: 19 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0033
Subject Files, 1/1/1975-12/31/1987: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0048
Trade Relations Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/1987: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0069
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Files, 1/1/1975-12/31/1987: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0059-2018-0058
Record Group 60: Department of Justice
Congressional Committee Chairman Correspondence Files of the 109th Congress, 1/1/2004-12/31/2006: 14 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0127
Files of Deputy Associate Attorney General Richard Jerome, 6/1/1997-12/31/2001: 41 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0093
Files of Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Jonathan D. Schwartz, 10/1/1995-5/31/2001: 19 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0022
Subject Files of Attorney General Griffin Bell, 1/1/1976-12/31/1980: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0035
Subject Files of Attorney General Janet Reno, 1/1/1993-12/31/1997: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0091
Subject Files of Attorney General Janet Reno, 1/1/1993-12/31/2000: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0060-2017-0150
Record Group 65: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Classification 10 (Red Cross Act) Headquarters Case Files, 4/3/1922-5/18/1922: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0043
Classification 100 (Domestic Security) Headquarters Case Files, 1/1/1941-4/14/1992: 318 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2019-0003
Classification 12 (Narcotics) Headquarters Case Files, 5/18/1922-10/5/1932: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0044
Classification 17 (Fraud Against the Government - Veterans Affairs) Headquarters Case Files, 6/13/1922-11/25/1960: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0045
Classification 22 (National Motor Vehicle Traffic Act) Headquarters Case Files, 3/15/1923-9/30/1927: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0046
Classification 24 (Profiteering) Headquarters Case Files, 4/13/1920-2/23/1942: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0047
Classification 41 (Explosives) Headquarters Case Files, 11/8/1921-7/20/1946: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0048
Classification 43 (Illegal Wearing of Uniform) Headquarters Case Files, 10/22/1921-2/25/1964: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0049
Classification 45 (Crime on the High Seas) Headquarters Case Files, 10/13/1922-1/23/1951: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0050
Classification 46 (Fraud Against the Government) Headquarters Case Files, 12/19/1944-2/26/1962: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0051
Classification 47 (Impersonation) Headquarters Case Files, 11/21/1922-5/8/1943: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2019-0001
Classification 79 (Missing Persons) Headquarters Case Files, 6/10/1933-11/20/1937: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0065-2019-0002
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Atlanta, Georgia, 4/27/1976-12/20/1989: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0029
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Chicago, Illinois, 5/27/1969-2/7/1992: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0030
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Cleveland, Ohio, 7/13/1974-3/3/1992: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0031
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Dallas, Texas, 4/2/1974-12/23/1992: 14 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0033
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Detroit, Michigan, 10/30/1973-12/2/1991: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0032
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 12/16/1974-11/17/1987: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0034
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Phoenix, Arizona, 4/3/1950-8/4/1992: 15 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0036
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Portland, Oregon, 10/20/1970-2/23/1989: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0035
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Sacramento, California, 5/27/1969-12/15/1992: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0037
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Tampa, Florida, 3/1/1983-5/1/1992: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0040
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery) Field Office Case Files - Washington Field Office, 8/1/1963-5/1/1989: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0041
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery), Field Office Case Files - San Diego, California, 9/23/1974-9/26/1991: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0038
Classification 91 (Bank Robbery), Field Office Case Files - Seattle, Washington, 11/29/1977-12/13/1988: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0065-2018-0039
Record Group 72: Bureau of Aeronautics
Records Relating to the History of Pilotless Aircraft and Guided Missiles, 1/1/1958-12/31/1958: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0072-2017-0002
Record Group 95: Forest Service
Federal Register Policy Notice Case Files, 10/1/2000-9/30/2007: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0094
Land Status Title Files, 1/1/1925-12/31/1981: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0098
Municipal Supply Watershed Case Files, 1/1/1928-12/31/1977: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0296
Municipal Supply Watershed Case Files, 8/1/1964-1/31/1987: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0145
Policy Files, 7/1/1969-9/30/1985: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0069
River Basin Study Files, 1/1/1956-12/31/1963: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0307
Small Watershed Project Case Files, 1/1/1954-12/31/1963: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0099
Special Use Administration Files Relating to Ski Areas, 1/1/1993-12/31/2007: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0141
Timber Management Policy Files, 1/1/1983-12/21/1986: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0013
Water Uses and Development Files, 1/1/1910-12/31/1979: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0245
Record Group 118: United States Attorneys
Subject Files, 11/1/1990-12/31/1993: 34 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0118-2017-0001
Record Group 122: Federal Trade Commission
Annual Reports, 01/01/1899-12/31/1963: 94 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0054
External Court Case Files, 1/1/1989-12/31/1989: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0026
External Court Case Files, 1/1/1997-1/31/1997: 19 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0025
General Files, 1/1/1969-6/30/1976: 17 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0058
Public Docket Case Files, 1/1/1975-12/31/1983: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0006
Public Docket Case Files, 1/1/1975-12/31/1988: 29 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0145
Public Docket Files, 1/1/1996-12/31/1996: 36 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0049
Public Docket Files, 1/1/1996-12/31/1996: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0122-2018-0027
Record Group 166: Foreign Agricultural Service
Circulars, 1/1/1946-12/31/2005: 22 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0166-2018-0001
Conference and Cooperative Program Files Relating to Japan, 1/1/1964-12/31/1997: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0166-2018-0005
Conference Files, 1/1/1970-10/26/1985: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0166-2018-0002
Conference Files, 1/1/1989-12/31/1997: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0166-2018-0003
Foreign Agriculture Service Directive Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1997: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0166-2018-0004
Record Group 181: Naval Districts and Shore Establishments
Base Headquarters Records, 1/1/1959-12/31/1959: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0181-2017-0004
Operational Testing and Evaluation Program Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1964: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0181-2016-0056
Policy, Strategy and Planning Files Relating to Ship Designs and Material, 1/1/1960-12/31/1962: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0181-2017-0036
Recruiting Files, 1/1/1977-12/31/1987: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0181-2018-0031
Record Group 255: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Aircraft Records of the Administrator, 1/1/1975-1/1/1981: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0255-2018-0282
Record Group 257: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Program Subject Files of the Associate Commissioner, 5/22/1962-12/31/2002: 10 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0257-2018-0016
Record Group 258: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Exhibit Files, 1/1/2007-12/31/2007: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0258-2018-0003
Record Group 286: Agency for International Development
Development Assistance Project Files, 10/1/1990-9/30/1996: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0286-2018-0005
Development Assistance Project Files, 10/1/2003-9/30/2012: 6 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0286-2018-0008
U.S. Economic Assistance Project Files, 10/1/1990-10/31/1999: 57 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0286-2018-0003
Record Group 289: Office of Naval Intelligence
Fleet Support Files, 1/1/1955-12/31/1956: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0289-2018-0005
Port Intelligence Guides, 1/1/1965-12/31/1965: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0289-2018-0019
Program Files, 1/1/1953-12/31/1953: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0289-2018-0011
Program Files, 1/1/1958-12/31/1958: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0289-2018-0007
Record Group 309: Small Business Administration
Publications, 1/1/2002-12/31/2002: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0309-2015-0044
Record Group 311: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Conference and Training Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1992: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0311-2018-0034
Meeting Minutes and Related Files, 1/1/1978-10/31/2001: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0311-2018-0072
Record Group 313: Naval Operating Forces
Deck Logs, 1/1/1966-12/31/1974: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2017-0023
Deck Logs, 1/1/1973-12/31/1973: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2017-0004
Deck Logs, 1/1/1986-6/30/1986: 6 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2017-0007
Deck Logs, 1/1/1987-12/31/1987: 6 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2018-0020
Deck Logs, 1/1/1987-6/30/1987: 6 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2018-0004
Flag Files, 1/1/1948-12/31/1963: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0008
Flag Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1957: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0103
Flag Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1964: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0038
Flag Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1962: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0009
Flag Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1963: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0014
Flag Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1964: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0004
Flag Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1968: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0034
Flag Files, 1/1/1964-12/31/1964: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0128
Flag Files, 1/1/1964-12/31/1964: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0101
Flag Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1965: 14 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0107
Flag Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1965: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0032
Flag Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1965: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0002
Flag Files, 1/1/1966-12/31/1966: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0123
Flag Files, 1/1/1966-12/31/1970: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0074
Flag Files, 1/1/1967-12/31/1967: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0053
Flag Files, 1/1/1967-12/31/1967: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0003
Flag Files, 1/1/1967-12/31/1968: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0122
Flag Files, 1/1/1967-12/31/1968: 10 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0113
Flag Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/1970: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0112
Flag Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/1974: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0052
Flag Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1971: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0065
Operational Testing and Evaluation Project Case Files, 1/1/1967-12/31/1970: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0015
Operational Testing and Evaluation Project Case Files, 1/1/1969-12/31/1969: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0119
Operational Testing and Evaluation Project Case Files, 1/1/1972-12/31/1972: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0058
Program Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1963: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0079
Program Files, 1/1/1968-12/31/1968: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0100
Project Case Files and Program Records, 1/1/1965-12/31/1966: 12 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0120
Project Case Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1975: 22 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0057
Project Case Files, 1/1/1969-12/31/1969: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0067
Project Case Files, 1/1/1969-12/31/1969: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0018
Project Case Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1971: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0064
Project Case Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1971: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0006
Project Case Files, 1/1/1972-12/31/1972: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0118
Project Case Files, 1/1/1973-12/31/1973: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0069
Republic of the Philippines International Agreement Case Files, 1/1/1946-4/30/1992: 46 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0313-2018-0006
Route Slip Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1965: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0313-2016-0029
Record Group 330: Office of the Secretary of Defense
Accounting Manual Upgrade Project Files, 1/1/1983-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0086
Briefing Books, 1/1/1983-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0124
Chronological Files, 1/1/1991-12/31/1991: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0031
Chronological Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0105
Chronological Files, 5/1/1981-11/30/1983: 17 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0088
Committee Files, 1/31/2013-9/30/2015: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under NN3-330-17-002
Committee Files, 8/1/1992-8/31/1995: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under NN3-330-17-004
Committee Files, 8/1/2004-1/31/2015: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under NN3-330-17-005
Congressional Correspondence Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0165
Congressional Correspondence Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0051
Congressional Relations Files, 2/1/1987-4/30/1987: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0058
Congressional Testimony Files, 2/1/1975-4/30/1975: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0057
Decimal Files, 1/1/1991-12/31/1991: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0176
Directive and Instruction Files, 10/1/1954-9/30/1971: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0180
Directive and Instruction Files, 4/1/1953-7/31/1967: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0028
Haiti Task Force Files, 11/1/1983-12/31/1997: 13 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0121
Information Security Files, 10/1/1972-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0114
Information Security Files, 7/1/1955-9/30/1978: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0041
Information Security Files, 7/1/1959-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0012
Information Security Policy Files, 1/1/1958-12/31/1982: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0108
Information Security Policy Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1987: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0009
Information Security Policy Files, 11/1/1953-12/31/1976: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0168
Investigative Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1967: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0141
Investigative Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1967: 15 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0129
Legal Advice and Assistance Files, 1/1/1972-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0038
Legal Advice Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1986: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0138
Near Eastern, African and South Asian Affairs Files, 1/1/1970-1/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0079
Policy and Proceedings Files, 1/1/1976-12/31/1976: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0183
Policy Files Relating to National Security Council Affairs, 1/1/1975-12/31/1977: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0052
Policy Files Relating to Taiwan, 1/1/1966-12/31/1977: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0020
Policy Files, 1/1/1962-8/31/1973: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0079
Policy Files, 1/1/1973-9/30/1976: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0098
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1957-12/31/1972: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0004
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1959-6/30/1972: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0027
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1972-1/31/1973: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0064
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1972-12/31/1972: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0019
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1973-12/31/1977: 23 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0109
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1977-12/31/1977: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0115
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1977-12/31/1977: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0059
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1977-12/31/1977: 13 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0048
Policy Issuance Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1982: 22 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0170
Policy Issuance Files, 11/1/1973-12/31/1981: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0106
Policy Issuance Files, 12/1/1963-12/31/1972: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0136
Policy Issuance Files, 4/1/1973-1/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0162
Policy Issuance Files, 7/1/1968-12/31/1973: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0134
Program and Financial Control Analysis Files, 1/1/1972-6/30/1978: 33 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0060
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0166
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1950-12/31/1977: 12 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0147
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1950-12/31/1977: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0078
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0035
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0012
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1976-12/31/1977: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0092
Security Assistance Program Files, 1/1/1976-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0046
Signature Files Relating to Office of Independent Counsel Investigations, 1/1/1986-12/31/1992: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0151
Signature Files Relating to Office of Independent Counsel Investigations, 1/1/1986-12/31/1992: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0065
Small Business and Economic Utilization Policy Files, 1/1/1987-12/31/1987: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0167
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Support Files, 1/1/1968-12/31/1972: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0069
Strategic Policy Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1977: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0143
Strategic Trade and Disclosure Files, 1/1/1964-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0041
Strategic Trade and Disclosure Files, 1/1/1973-12/31/1977: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0084
Strategic Trade and Disclosure Files, 5/1/1974-12/31/1977: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0021
Subject Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1982: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2018-0023
Tactical Air Force Review and Analysis Files, 1/1/1957-12/31/1986: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0038
Tactical Air Force Review and Analysis Files, 1/1/1978-12/31/1986: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0330-2017-0020
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Operation Planning Files Relating to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 8/1/1990-4/30/1991: 119 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0338-2016-0249
Technical Reports, 1/1/1983-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0338-2017-0092
Record Group 342: United States Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1947-12/31/1971: 100 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0094
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1956-12/31/1970: 22 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0085
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1958-12/31/1965: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0086
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1974: 42 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0081
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1960-12/31/1970: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0087
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1970: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0092
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1970: 20 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0082
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1971: 27 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0093
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1962-12/31/1974: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0089
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1964-12/31/1971: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0083
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1965-12/31/1970: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0088
Research and Development Files, 1/1/1968-12/31/1969: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0084
Research and Development Files, 1/31/1962-12/1/1970: 10 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0342-2018-0091
Record Group 343: Naval Air Systems Command
Aircraft Weight and Balance Files, 1/1/1944-12/31/1990: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2018-0001
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1985-12/31/1985: 30 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0053
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1986-12/31/1986: 26 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0077
Program Files, 1/1/1950-12/31/1981: 16 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0105
Program Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/1986: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0097
Program Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1980: 34 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0107
Program Files, 1/1/1980-12/31/1989: 16 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0023
Program Files, 1/1/1981-12/31/1989: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0051
Program Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1982: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0021
Program Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1982: 32 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0047
Program Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1987: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0049
Program Files, 1/1/1983-12/31/1983: 33 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0048
Program Files, 1/1/1984-12/31/1984: 37 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0015
Program Files, 1/1/1989-12/31/1989: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0026
Program Files, 1/1/1989-12/31/1990: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0113
Reading Files, 1/1/1981-12/31/1990: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0108
SH-60B Aircraft Program Files, 1/1/1977-12/31/1982: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0087
Technical Report Files Related to F-14 Aircraft, 1/1/1971-9/30/1981: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0085
Technical Report Files, 1/1/1949-12/31/1987: 50 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0070
Technical Report Files, 1/1/1981-9/30/1986: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0343-2016-0063
Record Group 344: Naval Ship Systems Command
Development Test and Evaluation Project Case Files Relating to the Penguin Combat System, 1/1/1976-12/31/1982: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0111
Inclining Experiment Reports, 1/1/1951-12/31/1972: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2017-0068
Investigation Files Relating to the Explosion of USS Iowa (BB-61) Turret 2, 1/1/1991-12/31/1991: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0048
Policy, Strategy and Planning Files, 1/1/1964-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0140
Project Case Files Relating to Landing Craft Air Cushion, 1/1/1981-12/31/1981: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2017-0009
Ship Case Files Relating to Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) Amphibious Ship Program, 1/1/1967-12/31/1972: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0123
Ship Case Files Relating to Submarine Rescue Chamber (SRC) and Deep-submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV), 1/1/1970-12/31/1977: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0062
Ship Case Files Relating to the Construction, Alteration, Overhaul, Repair and Maintenance of the Seabridge Class, 8/1/1971-12/31/1986: 4 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2017-0067
Ship Case Files Relating to the Design of Arleigh Burke (DDG 51), 1/1/1980-12/31/1987: 3 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0038
Ship Case Files Relating to the Design of Arleigh Burke (DDG-51), 1/1/1984-12/31/1987: 24 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0089
Ship Case Files Relating to the Design of T-AKR/NASSCO, 1/1/1984-12/31/1986: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2017-0034
Ship Case Files Relating to the USS Los Angeles (SSN-688), 3/8/1983-3/17/1988: 4 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2017-0046
Ship System Performance Files, 1/1/1980-12/31/1987: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0054
Subject Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1972: 24 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0068
Subject Files, 1/1/1971-12/31/1972: 27 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0144
Submarine Systems Planning Files, 1/1/1972-12/31/1972: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0344-2018-0135
Record Group 345: Naval Electronic Systems Command
Program Files, 1/1/1985-12/31/1985: 9 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0345-2016-0001
Record Group 346: Naval Ordnance Systems Command
Program Files, 1/1/1968-12/31/1968: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0346-2016-0066
Technical Reports, 1/1/1940-12/31/1960: 168 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0346-2016-0002
Technical Reports, 12/1/1968-12/31/1969: 41 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0346-2016-0006
Record Group 359: Office of Science and Technology Policy
Policy Analyst Files, 1/1/1993-12/31/2000: 14 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0359-2018-0003
Policy Analyst Files, 1/20/1993-1/20/2001: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0359-2018-0004
Record Group 362: ACTION
Congressional Correspondence, 1/1/1999-9/30/2002: 10 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0362-2017-0004
Record Group 364: Office of the United States Trade Representative
Agriculture Subject Files Relating to Uruguay Round Negotiations, 1/1/1993-12/31/1993: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0114
Agriculture Subject Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0113
Bilateral Trade Relations Files, 1/1/1997-12/31/1997: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2018-0001
Committee Files, 1/1/1993-12/31/1996: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0011
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Files, 1/1/1981-12/31/1988: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0014
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Files, 1/1/1983-12/31/1986: 12 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0025
Position Papers, 1/1/1983-12/31/1984: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0023
Public Information Files, 1/1/1985-12/31/1986: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0018
Subject Files of Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, 9/8/1992-7/26/1996: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0002
Subject Files of Ambassador Michael Kantor, 1/1/1992-4/30/1996: 38 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0007
Subject Files of Ambassador Michael Kantor, 1/1/1993-12/31/1996: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0008
Subject Files of Ambassador Michael Kantor, 1/1/1994-12/16/1996: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0001
Subject Files of Assistant United States Trade Representative for GATT Affairs William Douglas Newkirk, 1/1/1975-12/31/1986: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0019
Subject Files of Assistant United States Trade Representative for GATT Affairs William Douglas Newkirk, 1/1/1978-12/31/1983: 11 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0015
Subject Files of Assistant United States Trade Representative for GATT Affairs William Douglas Newkirk, 1/1/1980-12/31/1986: 10 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0004
Subject Files of Assistant United States Trade Representative for GATT Affairs William Douglas Newkirk, 1/1/1986-12/31/1987: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0010
Subject Files of Associate General Counsel Irving Williamson, 1/1/1981-12/31/1988: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0038
Subject Files of Cecilia Klein, 1/1/1982-12/31/1985: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2017-0016
Subject Files of Daniel Hunter, 1/1/1974-12/31/1977: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0098
Subject Files, 1/1/1974-12/31/1992: 17 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0364-2016-0060
Record Group 370: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Publications and Reports, 01/01/1872-12/31/1993: 15 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0370-2018-0062
Record Group 412: Environmental Protection Agency
Water Program Enforcement, 1/1/1999-12/31/1999: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0412-2018-1301
Record Group 428: Department of the Navy
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1960-12/31/1965: 4 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2016-0012
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1962-12/31/1962: 6 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2018-0001
General Correspondence Files, 1/1/1963-12/31/1967: 8 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2018-0016
Investigation Final Report Files, 1/1/1987-12/31/1992: 20 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2018-0013
Meeting Minutes, Serial Files, and Award Summary Files, 1/1/1983-12/31/1992: 50 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2018-0002
Program Files, 1/1/1961-12/31/1961: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0428-2017-0011
Program Files, 1/1/1984-12/31/1987: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0428-2018-0003
Record Group 431: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Action Item Files, 6/1/1995-12/31/1996: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0431-2017-0050
Committee and Conference Files, 1/1/1991-12/31/1997: 12 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0037
Committee Reports, 1/1/1975-10/31/1979: 1 possibly restricted container accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0059
Final Investigative Reports, 10/1/1996-9/30/1997: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0003
Program Correspondence Files, 1/1/1994-12/31/1997: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0040
Program Correspondence Files, 1/1/1997-12/31/1997: 4 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0011
Program Correspondence Files, 10/1/1996-1/31/1998: 3 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0012
Program Correspondence Files, 10/1/1996-9/30/1997: 2 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0431-2018-0060
Record Group 434: Department of Energy
Files of Activation Task Force Head T.M. Albert, 1/1/1977-10/31/1977: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0434-2013-0057
Files of Under Secretary Worth Bateman, 6/1/1974-12/31/1981: 10 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0434-2013-0101
Record Group 436: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Administrative Publication Files, 1/1/1979-12/31/1981: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0436-2017-0001
Quarterly Bulletin Files, 1/1/1973-1/31/2002: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0564-2018-0001
Record Group 440: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Instruction Files, 1/1/1998-12/31/1998: 10 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0059
Instruction Files, 1/1/1999-12/31/1999: 11 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0016
Instruction Files, 1/1/1999-12/31/2000: 13 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0009
Instruction Files, 1/1/2000-12/31/2000: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0071
Instruction Files, 1/1/2000-12/31/2001: 18 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0040
Instruction Files, 1/1/2001-12/31/2002: 15 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0440-2018-0008
Record Group 441: Department of Education
Subject Files of Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, 1/1/2005-12/31/2005: 37 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0441-2016-0008
Record Group 456: Defense Mapping Agency
Charting Source Material Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1956: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0456-2018-0022
Record Group 457: National Security Agency/Central Security Service
SIGINT Product (48896), 1/1/1967-12/31/1967: 126 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0457-2018-0005
SIGNIT Analysis Information and Records, 1/1/1937-12/31/1967: 32 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0457-2017-0027
Record Group 468: Department of Health and Human Services
Schedules of Chief of Staff Mary Beth Donahue, 1/1/1993-12/31/2001: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0468-2012-0006
Record Group 483: Office of Thrift Supervision
Adjudicatory Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0483-2018-0063
Record Group 485: Federal Housing Finance Board
Meeting Transcripts, 1/1/1991-12/31/2004: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0543-2018-0001
Record Group 490: Peace Corps
Annual Budget Justification for Fiscal Year 1997, 11/1/1995-11/30/1995: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2019-0012
Country Review and Assessment Files, 1/1/1966-12/31/2001: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0037
Country Welcome Books, 1/1/1975-12/31/2006: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0017
Organizational History Files, 6/1/1962-1/31/1996: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0038
Post Histories, 11/1/1961-12/31/1964: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0041
Program and Training Journal, 1/1/1973-12/31/1977: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0035
Public Relations Periodicals, 7/1/1963-5/31/1991: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0040
Report Files Relating to the Volunteer Delivery System, 9/1/1999-9/30/1999: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0043
Reports and Studies, 1/1/1995-12/31/2002: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0039
Reports, Special Studies, and Survey Files, 5/1/1961-11/30/2000: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0036
Small Projects Assistance Annual Progress Reports, 5/1/1970-12/31/1994: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0490-2018-0042
Record Group 567: Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Investigative Case Files, 1/1/2002-12/31/2002: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0567-2018-0011
Record Group 568: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Investigative Case Files, 1/1/1979-5/31/1987: 16 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0568-2018-0001
National Archives at Atlanta, GA
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Civil Case Files, 1958-1974: 76 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1287
Civil Case Files, 1972-1977: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1297
Civil Case Files, 1975-2002: 46 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2018-1148
Civil Case Files, 1981-1981: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1288
Civil Case Files, 1983-1992: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2018-1147
Civil Case Files, 1984-1994: 44 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1298
Civil Case Files, 1984-1996: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1300
Civil Case Files, 1998-2004: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1299
Record Group 95: Forest Service
Land Status Title Files - Chattahoochee National Forest, 1913-2016: 91 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0501
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Multiple Military District Records, 1/1/1950-12/31/1958: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0338-2019-0058
Record Group 483: Office of Thrift Supervision
Acquisition Approval Applications, 1987-1987: 22 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0483-2018-0133
National Archives at Boston, MA
Record Group 26: United States Coast Guard
Aids to Navigation, 1864-01-13-12/31/1949: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0026-2019-0270
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Multiple Military District Records, 1/1/1953-12/31/1953: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0338-2019-0055
National Archives at Chicago, IL
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Naturalization Records, 6/8/1928-6/11/1984: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1290
Record Group 77: Office of the Chief of Engineers
Civil Works Projects, 1/1/1987-12/31/1997: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2018-0099
Civil Works Small Project Files, 1/1/1978-12/31/1978: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2018-0164
MDC Installation Historical Files, 1/1/1917-12/31/1992: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2018-0261
Record Group 95: Forest Service
Publications, 1/1/1990-12/31/2007: 9 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0497
Publications, 1/1/2000-12/31/2006: 10 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2018-0500
Record Group 184: Railroad Retirement Board
Board Correspondence Files, 1/1/1986-12/31/2003: 71 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0011
Digest of Legal Opinions, 10/1/2010-9/30/2017: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0006
Operations Manuals and Administrative Manuals, 1/1/1936-12/31/2005: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0008
Operations Memoranda, 1/1/1936-12/31/1960: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2019-0004
Organizational Charts, 1/1/1972-1/12/2013: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0009
Press Releases, Informational Items, and Benefits Pamphlets, 1/1/1939-12/31/2009: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2019-0005
Publications, 1/1/1938-12/31/2013: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2019-0002
Publications, 1/1/1970-12/31/2008: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2019-0003
Railroad Legislation, 1/1/1950-12/31/2001: 9 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0007
Railroad Legislation, 1/1/1973-12/31/2015: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2018-0010
Railroad Legislation, 1/1/1975-12/31/1986: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0184-2019-0001
Record Group 291: Federal Property Resources Service
Real Property Disposal Case Files, 1/1/1974-12/31/1987: 19 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0291-2018-0035
Real Property Disposal Case Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1987: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0291-2018-0046
Real Property Disposal Case Files, 1/1/1982-12/31/1987: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0291-2018-0030
Real Property Disposal Case Files, 1/1/1992-12/31/1992: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0291-2018-0048
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Multiple Military District Records, 1/1/1951-12/31/1957: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0338-2019-0054
Record Group 430: Energy Research and Development Administration
Litigation Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1992: 100 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0430-2018-0006
Record Group 434: Department of Energy
Litigation Files, 1/1/1951-12/31/1992: 55 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0430-2018-0007
National Environmental Policy Act and Related Laws Documentation, 1/1/1973-12/31/1992: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0434-2018-0250
Procedures Governing Disposal and Cleanup, 1/1/1980-10/31/2006: 33 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0434-2018-0248
National Archives at Denver, CO
Record Group 49: Bureau of Land Management
Directives Masters, 1/1/1993-12/31/1993: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0004
Land Withdrawal Files, 1/1/1937-12/31/1953: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0111
Land Withdrawal Files, 1/1/1952-12/31/1963: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0017
Patent Issued Official Case Files, 1/1/1988-9/30/1988: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0100
Patent Issued Official Case Files, 9/1/1983-9/30/1983: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0128
RMP Case Files, 10/1/1995-9/30/2001: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0018
Record Group 64: National Archives and Records Administration
Program Direction Files - Records Documenting the Transfer of Sealed Columbine High School Shooting Court Case Records, 1/1/2003-5/20/2012: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0064-2018-0024
Record Group 79: National Park Service
Service-wide NAGPRA Correspondence between National Park Service and Tribes, 1/25/1994-5/31/1996: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0079-2018-0077
National Archives at Fort Worth, TX
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Docket Books, 1/1/1912-12/31/1955: 13 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2018-1146
Judgment Books, 5/23/1949-4/15/2010: 25 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1292
Magistrate and Commissioner Docket Sheets, 1/1/1968-12/31/1992: 9 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1289
Minute Sheets, 1/1/1935-12/31/1975: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2018-1143
National Archives at Kansas City, MO
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Civil Dockets, 1936-1990: 14 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1301
Criminal Dockets, 1959-1994: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1303
Judgment and Order Books, 1949-1959: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1302
Record Group 578: United States Bankruptcy Courts
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1986-1998: 11 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0106
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1986-1999: 38 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0095
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1989-2000: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0109
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1990-1990: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0156
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1990-1997: 11 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0133
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1991-1997: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0141
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case Files, 1992-1999: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0117
Historical Adversary Case Files, 1992-1998: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0108
Historical Adversary Case Files, 1995-1997: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0132
Historical Adversary Case Files, 1997-1998: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0105
Historical Adversary Case Files, 1998-1998: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0116
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1974-1996: 37 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0096
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1984-1997: 13 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0142
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1985-2001: 54 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0110
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1989-1990: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0107
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1995-1995: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0118
Historical Bankruptcy Case Files, 1997-1997: 16 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0134
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1976-1996: 49 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0158
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1989-1996: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0041
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1990-1997: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0031
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1991-1999: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0033
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1995-1998: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0026
Sampled Non Trial Adversary Case Files, 1996-1997: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0024
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 10/1/1997-9/30/2000: 46 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0030
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 10/1/1997-9/30/2000: 24 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0029
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1956-1997: 306 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2018-0157
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1977-1997: 32 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0027
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1984-1994: 14 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0023
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1985-1999: 22 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0025
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1987-1999: 24 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0032
Sampled Non Trial Bankruptcy Case Files, 1992-1999: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0022
National Archives at New York City, NY
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1970-12/31/2000: 50 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1286
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1993-2/25/1994: 17 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-3415
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1994-12/31/1999: 17 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-0856
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1996-2/29/2000: 9 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-2699
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1998-9/28/1998: 16 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-3019
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1998-9/28/1998: 23 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-1200
Criminal Case Files, 1/1/1998-9/28/1998: 22 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-0764
Criminal Case Files, 1/4/1989-12/10/1991: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-0713
Criminal Case Files, 1/4/1989-12/10/1991: 21 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-0212
Criminal Case Files, 4/25/1984-7/10/1990: 20 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-1948
Criminal Case Files, 7/16/1969-4/3/1991: 13 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2016-1218
Record Group 174: Department of Labor
Official Case Files, 1994-2015: 9 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0174-2019-0079
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Multiple Military District Records, 1/1/1951-12/31/1957: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0338-2019-0060
Record Group 578: United States Bankruptcy Courts
Bankruptcy and Adversary Dockets, 01/01/1871-12/31/1993: 30 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0578-2019-0019
National Archives at Philadelphia, PA
Record Group 12: Office of Education
Adams Order Files/Desegregation Files - MD State Plan, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 24 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0012-2016-0005
Adams Order Files/Desegregation Files - DE State Plan, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 7 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0012-2016-0003
Adams Order Files/Desegregation Files - PA State Plan, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 73 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0012-2016-0002
Adams Order Files/Desegregation Files - VA State Plan, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 35 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0012-2016-0004
Adams Order Files/Desegregation Files - WV State Plan, 1/1/1995-12/31/1995: 5 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0012-2016-0001
Record Group 16: Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
Case Files, 1/1/1980-12/31/1980: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0016-2016-0003
OGC Case Files, 1/1/1980-12/31/1980: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0016-2016-0001
Project Files, 1/1/1958-12/31/1980: 6 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0016-2016-0002
Record Group 48: Department of the Interior
Minutes, 1/1/1988-12/31/2008: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0048-2016-0007
Policy And Bylaws, 1/1/1988-12/31/2008: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0048-2016-0003
Publications, 1/1/1988-12/31/2008: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0048-2016-0004
Reports and Studies Produced by or for the Commission, 1/1/1988-12/31/2008: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0048-2016-0005
Record Group 118: United States Attorneys
Permanent Records from Former US Attorney DeCarl Schnee, 1999-2001: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0118-2018-0017
Record Group 181: Naval Districts and Shore Establishments
General Aeronautical and Astronautical Material Records, 1/1/1988-12/31/1992: 11 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0181-2013-0025
Record Group 370: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Recordings of the Minutes of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meetings, 11/1/1977-11/1/2004: 12 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0370-2014-0049
National Archives at San Francisco, CA
Record Group 49: Bureau of Land Management
Survey Plats Originals, 1/1/1959-9/30/2015: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2018-0197
W/D Classification ORD, 1/1/1968-12/31/1968: 2 partly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2019-0125
Record Group 57: U.S. Geological Survey
Program Mission Files, 10/1/1992-9/30/1993: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0057-2019-0007
Record Group 77: Office of the Chief of Engineers
Civil Works Project Files - Little Dell Lake - Salt Lake City - Parleys Creek Isabella Lake - Kern River, CA Fort Irwin, CA New Melones Lake, Lower Stanislaus River, CA, 1/1/1977-12/31/1988: 4 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0306
Civil Works Project Files - Dye Dispersion Studies, 1/1/1985-12/31/1986: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2017-0126
Civil Works Project Files - Lower San Joaquin River, 1/1/1982-12/31/1997: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0194
Civil Works Project Files - Richmond Harbor Surveys, 01/01/1898-12/31/1981: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2017-0159
Civil Works Project Files, 1/1/1929-12/31/1998: 10 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0205
Civil Works Project Files, 1/1/1981-12/31/1993: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0207
Civil Works Projects Files - Design Records, Various Projects, 8/1/1973-9/1/1996: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0193
Construction Files - Asbestos Environmental Restoration Harold J. Younger, Inc., 3/1/1984-12/31/1988: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0040
Investigation Project Files, 1/1/1942-12/31/1998: 11 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0259
L.J. Kruse Company Asbestos Removal Environmental Restoration, 8/1/1985-12/31/1988: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0252
National Dam Inspection Reports, 11/1/1977-9/1/1981: 8 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0304
Organization Planning Files, 1/1/1959-12/31/1980: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2017-0247
Real Estate Audit Files - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1916-12/31/1976: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0196
Real Estate Civil Works Files - Historic Files - Folsom Dam - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1919-12/31/1965: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0179
Real Estate Civil Works Files - Miscellaneous Sites - Real Property Title Files, 4/2/1942-7/7/1967: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0276
Real Estate Civil Works Historic Files - Hidden, Hensley Lake, Martis Creek Lake - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1928-12/31/1977: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0258
Real Estate Civil Works Historic Files - Real Property Title Files, 01/01/1867-12/31/1985: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0303
Real Estate Civil Works Historic Files - Russian River Deeds - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1956-12/31/1967: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0266
Real Estate Military Files Historic Files - Camp Beale Air Force Base -Real Property Title Files, 01/01/1874-12/31/1976: 2 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0184
Real Estate Military Files Historic Files - Folsom Dam and Reservoir - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1943-12/31/1961: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0182
Real Estate Military Historic Files - Miscellaneous Sites - Real Property Title Files, 1/1/1940-12/31/1947: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0077-2019-0189
Record Group 95: Forest Service
Fire Reports - Sequoia National Forest, 10/1/1983-9/30/1996: 3 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2019-0018
Individual Fire Reports - Klamath National Forest, 1/1/1910-12/31/1993: 7 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0095-2019-0068
Individual Fire Reports - Shasta-Trinity National Forest, 1/1/1991-12/31/1998: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0095-2019-0065
Record Group 174: Department of Labor
Global Horizon Case, 3/11/2005-10/9/2014: 7 possibly restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0174-2018-0019
Record Group 578: United States Bankruptcy Courts
Courtroom Minute Sheets, 1/1/1993-12/31/1993: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-0512
National Archives at Seattle, WA
Record Group 21: District Courts of the United States
Attorney Admission Records, 1919-2005: 2 fully restricted containers accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1293
Attorney Disbarment Proceedings, 1890-2003: 1 fully restricted container accessioned under LTI-0021-2019-1294
Record Group 49: Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Advisory Board Minutes [Boise, Idaho], 1976-2000: 5 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0049-2017-0030
Record Group 338: U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
Oregon Military District, General Correspondence and General Orders, 1951-1956: 1 unrestricted container accessioned under LTI-0338-2019-0057
Record Group 434: Department of Energy
Hanford Project Construction Files, 1/1/1943-12/31/1971: 110 unrestricted containers accessioned under LTI-0434-2018-0255