Ansel Adams Photographs
Records of the National Park Service

Photograph of Photographer Ansel Adams Visiting the National Archives. Local Identifier: 64-MISC-1-5, National Archives Identifier: 7580919.

View of Valley from Mountain, "Canyon de Chelly" National Monument, Arizona. Local Identifier: 79-AAC-2, National Archives Identifier: 519852.
In 1941 the National Park Service commissioned noted photographer Ansel Adams to create a photo mural for the Department of the Interior Building in Washington, DC. The theme was to be nature as exemplified and protected in the U.S. National Parks. The mural project was halted because of World War II and never resumed, however the photographs remained.
Much later in 1962 the photographs were accessioned into the holdings of the Still Picture Branch at the National Archives and Records Administration. The original prints created for the project now reside within the series 79-AA: Ansel Adams Photographs of National Parks and Monuments, 1941 - 1942, while the negatives were originally retained by Adams at the time. Ansel Adams would later visit the Still Picture Branch and review his photographic prints in 1979.
The holdings of the National Archives' Still Picture Branch include 226 photographs taken for this project, most of them signed and captioned by Adams. They were taken between 1941 and 1942 at the Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Kings Canyon, Mesa Verde, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Carlsbad Caverns, Glacier, and Zion National Parks; Death Valley, Saguaro, and Canyon de Chelly National Monuments. Other pictures were taken at the Boulder Dam; Acoma Pueblo, NM; San Idelfonso, NM; Taos Pueblo, NM; Tuba City, AZ; Walpi, AZ; and Owens Valley, CA. Many of the latter locations show Navajo and Pueblo Indians, their homes and activities.
The Kings Canyon photographs were taken in 1936 when the establishment of the park was being proposed. These prints were added by Adams to the mural project. The one photograph of Yosemite (79-AAU-1) was a gift from Adams to the head of the Park Service, Horace Albright, in 1933.
In addition, there are eight photographs taken by Adams of Yosemite in the General Photographic Files of the National Park Service (79-G). While the majority of Adams’ photographs in the Still Picture Branch holdings are within the public domain, these specific photos may still be under copyright protection.
Additional updates to this introduction were made as recently as May 2021.
The photographs within this list--with the exception of those in the series 79-G--are within the public domain. If you’d like to use an image from the Still Picture Branch holdings, please see our Copyright and Permissions page.
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Note: Quotation marks indicate information which was copied from the reverse of the mount cards.
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519831 | 79-AAA-1 | " Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico," full side view of adobe house with water in foreground. |
519832 | 79-AAA-2 | " Acoma Pueblo," full side view of adobe house with water in foreground, nearly identical to #1. |
519833 | 79-AAA-3 | " Church, Acoma Pueblo," corner view showing mostly left wall. |
519834 | 79-AAA-4 | " Acoma Pueblo," side view of adobe house with water in foreground. |
519835 | 79-AAA-5 | " Church, Acoma Pueblo," side wall and tower with cross. |
519836 | 79-AAA-6 | " Acoma Pueblo," looking across street toward houses. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519837 | 79-AAB-1 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," looking across water to dam. |
519838 | 79-AAB-2 | " Boulder Dam Power Unit, 1941," electrical wires of power unit. |
519839 | 79-AAB-3 | " Transmission lines in Mojave Desert, 1941". |
519840 | 79-AAB-4 | " Boulder Dam, 1942," vertical close-up of section of the dam. |
519841 | 79-AAB-5 | " Boulder Dam Power Units, 1941," vertical, looking up at wires. |
519842 | 79-AAB-6 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," looking across river to dam. |
519843 | 79-AAB-7 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," looking over top of dam, transmission wire on left, mountains in background* |
519844 | 79-AAB-8 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," looking toward transmission lines on mountains, clouded sky. |
519845 | 79-AAB-9 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," close-up of transmission lines on side of cliff. |
519846 | 79-AAB-10 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," looking down river toward dam. |
519847 | 79-AAB-11 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," close-up of transmission lines. |
519848 | 79-AAB-12 | " Boulder Dam, 1941," vertical of side of cliff with transmission lines above, river to left. |
519849 | 79-AAB-13 | " Boulder Dam, 1942," vertical, looking toward mountain with transmission lines on peak, close-up of wires. |
519850 | 79-AAB-14 | " Boulder Dam," close-up of transmission line on side of cliff, dam and river in foreground. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519853 | 79-AAD-1 | " Death Valley National Monument," looking across desert toward mountains. |
519854 | 79-AAD-2 | " Near Death Valley," panorama of mountains. |
519855 | 79-AAD-3 | " Near Death Valley National Monument," more distant view of mountains, desert, shrubs highlighted in foreground. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519856 | 79-AAE-1 | " St. Mary's Lake, Glacier National Park," looking across toward snow-capped mountains, lake in foreground. |
519857 | 79-AAE-2 | " In Glacier National Park," valley, snow covered mountains in background. |
519858 | 79-AAE-3 | " Burned area, Glacier National Park," pine trees, snow covered mountains in background. |
519859 | 79-AAE-4 | " In Glacier National Park," trees and bushes in foreground, mountains in background. |
519860 | 79-AAE-5 | " In Glacier National Park," mountain partially covered with clouds. |
519861 | 79-AAE-6 | " Evening, McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park," looking across lake toward mountains. |
519862 | 79-AAE-7 | " From Going-to-the-Sun Chalet, Glacier National Park," close in view of mountain side. |
79-AAE-8 | No Image for this item number has been received by NARA. | |
519863 | 79-AAE-9 | " In Glacier National Park," looking across forest to mountains and clouds. |
519864 | 79-AAE-10 | " From Logan Pass, Glacier National Park," looking across barren land to mountains. |
519865 | 79-AAE-11 | " Two Medicine Lake. Glacier National Park," high, lone mountain peak, in foreground. |
519866 | 79-AAE-12 | " Going-to-the-Sun Mountain, Glacier National Park," full view of mountain. |
519867 | 79-AAE-13 | In Glacier National Park, tops of pine trees, snow covered. |
519868 | 79-AAE-14 | " McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park," lake and mountains. |
519869 | 79-AAE-15 | " St. Mary's Lake, Glacier National Park," similar to #1 with less of the lake visible. |
519870 | 79-AAE-16 | " Evening, McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park," looking across lake to mountains and clouds, nearly identical to #14. |
519871 | 79-AAE-17 | " Heaven's Peak," dark foreground and clouds, mountains highlighted. |
519872 | 79-AAE-18 | " In Glacier National Park," vertical, full view of snow covered mountain, including area below timberline. |
519873 | 79-AAE-19 | " McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park," looking across lake, similar to #14 and #16. |
519874 | 79-AAE-20 | " Two Medicine Lake, Glacier National Park," identical to #11. |
519875 | 79-AAE-21 | " In Glacier National Park," nearly identical to #13. |
519876 | 79-AAE-22 | " Linchons, Glacier National Park," close-up. |
519877 | 79-AAE-23 | " In Glacier National Park," close-up of leaves, from directly above. |
519878 | 79-AAE-24 | " In Glacier National Park," close-up of ferns, from directly above. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519879 | 79-AAF-1 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama, looking down. |
519880 | 79-AAF-2 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama with shrub detail in foreground. |
519881 | 79-AAF-3 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama with rock formation in foreground. |
519882 | 79-AAF-4 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama with rock formation, different angle. |
519883 | 79-AAF-5 | " Grand Canyon from N. Rim, 1941," closer view of cliff formation. |
79-AAF-6 | No Print Accessioned by NARA. The item previously assigned this number is now assigned to 79-AAG-06. | |
519884 | 79-AAF-7 | " Grand Canyon," close in panorama looking down toward peak formations. |
519885 | 79-AAF-8 | " Grand Canyon from S(outh). Rim, 1941," vertical panorama with shadowed ravine. |
519886 | 79-AAF-9 | " Grand Canyon National Park," horizontal of #8, lighter shadows. |
79-AAF-10 | No Image for this item number has been received by NARA. | |
519887 | 79-AAF-11 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama of rock formations. |
519888 | 79-AAF-12 | " Grand Canyon National Park," broad panorama with detail of canyon, horizon, and mountains above. |
519889 | 79-AAF-13 | " Grand Canyon, from N. Rim". |
519890 | 79-AAF-14 | " Grand Canyon from N. Rim, 194l," canyon in foreground, horizon, mountains and clouded sky. |
519891 | 79-AAF-15 | " Grand Canyon from S. Rim, 1941," darkly shadowed canyon at left and center. |
519892 | 79-AAF-16 | " Grand Canyon National Park," canyon with ravine winding through center, high horizon. |
519893 | 79-AAF-17 | " Grand Canyon National Park," canyon and ravine, from higher angle than #16. |
519894 | 79-AAF-18 | " Grand Canyon National Park," nearly identical to #17. |
519895 | 79-AAF-19 | " Grand Canyon National Park," from Yava? Pt, rock formations and valley. |
519896 | 79-AAF-20 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama, dark shadows to right, high horizon. |
519897 | 79-AAF-21 | " Grand Canyon National Park," panorama, dark shadows in foreground and right framing cliffs at left and center. |
519898 | 79-AAF-22 | " Grand Canyon National Park," close in panorama of curred cliff. |
519899 | 79-AAF-23 | " Grand Canyon National Park," close in panorama taken from opposite of cliff formation, high horizon. |
519900 | 79-AAF-24 | " Grand Canyon National Park," canyon edge, low horizon, clouded sky. |
519901 | 79-AAF-25 | " Grand Canyon from N. Rim, 1941". |
519902 | 79-AAF-26 | " Grand Canyon National Park." |
519903 | 79-AAF-27 | " Grand Canyon National Park." |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519904 | 79-AAG-1 | " The Tetons - Snake River." |
519905 | 79-AAG-2 | " Grand Teton," view from river valley towards snow covered mountains, river in foreground from left to right. |
519906 | 79-AAG-3 | " Grand Teton" |
519907 | 79-AAG-4 | " Grand Teton" |
519908 | 79-AAG-5 | " Mt. Moran, Teton National Park," view across river valley toward Mt. Moran. |
519909 | 79-AAG-6 | No caption provided by Mr. Adams. [ Jackson Lake in foreground, with Teton Range in background, view looking southwest from north end of the lake.] |
519910 | 79-AAG-7 | Mt. Moran and Jackson Lake from Signal Hill, [Grand] Teton National Park. |
519911 | 79-AAG-8 | " Near [Grand] Teton National Park," roadway, low horizon mountains, clouded sky (2 copies). |
519912 | 79-AAG-9 | " Tetons from Signal Mountain," valley, snow-capped mountains, low horizons (2 copies). |
519913 | 79-AAG-10 | " In [Grand] Teton National Park," snow covered peak. |
519914 | 79-AAG-11 | " Grand Teton," grassy valley, tree covered mountain side and snow covered peaks. |
All prints are labelled: "Kings River Canyon (Proposed as a national park). Photos donated by Ansel Adams, February 1936."
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519915 | 79-AAH-1 | " Peak near Rae Lake." |
519916 | 79-AAH-2 | " Grand Sentinel." |
519917 | 79-AAH-3 | " Rae Lake." |
519918 | 79-AAH-4 | " Bishop Pass." |
519919 | 79-AAH-5 | " North Dome, Kings River Canyon." |
519920 | 79-AAH-6 | " Fin Dome." |
519921 | 79-AAH-7 | " Kearsarge Pinnacles." |
519922 | 79-AAH-8 | " An Unnamed peak." |
519923 | 79-AAH-9 | " Mt. Winchell." |
519924 | 79-AAH-10 | " Mt. Brewer." |
519925 | 79-AAH-11 | " Junction Peak." |
519926 | 79-AAH-12 | " Pinchot Pass, Mt. Wynne." |
519927 | 79-AAH-13 | " Rock and Cloud." |
519928 | 79-AAH-14 | " Peak above Woods Lake." |
519929 | 79-AAH-15 | " From Windy Point, Middle Fork, Kings River." |
519930 | 79-AAH-16 | " Clouds - White Pass." |
519931 | 79-AAH-17 | " Center Peak, Center Basin." |
519932 | 79-AAH-18 | " North Palisade from Windy Point," vertical. |
519933 | 79-AAH-19 | " Colosseum Mountain." |
519934 | 79-AAH-20 | " North Palisade from Windy Point," vertical. |
519935 | 79-AAH-21 | " Owens Valley from Sawmill Pass." |
519936 | 79-AAH-22 | " From Windy Point." |
519937 | 79-AAH-23 | " Paradise Valley." |
519938 | 79-AAH-24 | " Clouds - White Pass." |
519939 | 79-AAH-25 | " Roaring River, Kings Region." |
519940 | 79-AAH-26 | " Middle Fork at Kings River from S. Fork of Cartridge Creek." |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
79-AAJ-1 | No Image for this item number has been received by NARA. | |
519941 | 79-AAJ-2 | " Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park," vertical close-up. |
519942 | 79-AAJ-3 | UNTITLED |
519943 | 79-AAJ-4 | " Mesa Verde National Park, 1941" cliff dwellings. |
519944 | 79-AAJ-5 | " Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park," vertical of tower, taken from above. |
519945 | 79-AAJ-6 | " Interior at Ruin Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, 1941" interior showing wall and window. |
519946 | 79-AAJ-7 | " Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park," section of house. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519947 | 79-AAK-1 | " Navajo Woman and Infant, Canyon de Chelle, Arizona." |
519948 | 79-AAK-2 | " Navajo Girl, Canyon de Chelle, Arizona." |
519949 | 79-AAK-3 | " Navajo Woman and Child, Canyon de Chelle, Arizona." |
519950 | 79-AAK-4 | " Navajo Girl, Canyon de Chelle, Arizona, 1941". |
519951 | 79-AAK-5 | " Navajo Woman and Child, Canyon de Chelle, Arizona". same subject as #3. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519954 | 79-AAM-1 | " Long's Peak from Road. Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama of trees and snow-capped mountains. |
519955 | 79-AAM-2 | " Moraine, Rocky Mountain National Park," rock formation. |
519956 | 79-AAM-3 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park." panorama of hills and mountains. |
519957 | 79-AAM-4 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," mountain tops, low horizon, dramatic clouded sky. |
519958 | 79-AAM-5 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama of hill with trees, clouded sky. |
519959 | 79-AAM-6 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," vertical panorama of snow-capped mountain timbered area below. |
519960 | 79-AAM-7 | " Rocky Mountain National Park. Never Summer Range," panorama at timberline, dark foreground, light snow capped mountain, gray sky. |
519961 | 79-AAM-8 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama of wooded hills with mountains in background. |
519962 | 79-AAM-9 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," valley surrounded by mountains. |
519963 | 79-AAM-10 | " Long's Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park," close in panorama, dark shadowed hills in foreground, mountains in background. |
519964 | 79-AAM-11 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," mountain tops, low horizon, low hanging clouds. |
519965 | 79-AAM-12 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," mountain tops. |
519966 | 79-AAM-13 | " Long's Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama of barren mountains with snow. |
519967 | 79-AAM-14 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," lake and trees in foreground, mountains and clouds in background. |
519968 | 79-AAM-15 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," full view of barren mountain side with snow. |
519969 | 79-AAM-16 | " Long's Peak from North, Rocky Mountain National Park," trees in foreground, snow covered mountain in background. |
519970 | 79-AAM-17 | " Long's Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama of plateau, snow covered mountain in background. |
519971 | 79-AAM-18 | " In Rocky Mountain National Park," panorama with trees in foreground, barren mountains in background. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519972 | 79-AAN-1 | " In Saguaro National Monument," vertical full view of cactus and surrounding shrubs. |
79-AAN-2 | No Image for this item number has been received by NARA. | |
519973 | 79-AAN-3 | " Saguaros, Saguaro National Monument," vertical full view of cactus with others surrounding. |
519974 | 79-AAN-4 | " Saguaros," vertical, detail of cactus. |
519975 | 79-AAN-5 | " Saguaros, Saguaro National Monument," vertical of cactus and surrounding area. |
519976 | 79-AAN-6 | " Saguaro National Monument," cactus at left and surroundings. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519977 | 79-AAP-1 | " Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," Indian descending wooden stairs with drum, another in background looking on. |
519978 | 79-AAP-2 | " Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," two Indians descending wooden stairs, carrying drums; another Indian and child near by. |
519979 | 79-AAP-3 | " Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," three Indians in headdress in foreground watching tourists. |
519980 | 79-AAP-4 | " At San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," two young girls sitting on steps. |
519981 | 79-AAP-5 | " Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," two Indians in headdress ascending stairs to house. |
519982 | 79-AAP-6 | " Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico," Indians in headdress, male and female, descending stairs. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519983 | 79-AAQ-1 | " Church, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, 1942," full front view of entrance. |
519984 | 79-AAQ-2 | " Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, 1941," full view of city, mountains in background. |
519985 | 79-AAQ-3 | " Church, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, 1941," full side view of entrance with gate to the right, same subject as #1. |
519986 | 79-AAQ-4 | " At Taos Pueblo," New Mexico. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
519991 | 79-AAT-1 | " Central Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park," vertical, stream winding back toward geyser. |
519992 | 79-AAT-2 | " Castle Geyser Coye, Yellowstone National Park". |
519993 | 79-AAT-3 | " Yellowstone Falls". |
519994 | 79-AAT-4 | " Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," erupting, against dark sky. |
519995 | 79-AAT-5 | " Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park," lake, narrow strip of mountains, low horizon. |
519996 | 79-AAT-6 | " Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park," similar to #5, wider strip of mountains. |
519997 | 79-AAT-7 | " Rocks at Silver Gate, Yellowstone National Park," boulder with hill in background. |
519998 | 79-AAT-8 | " Mountains - N.E. Portion, Yellowstone National Park," stream at bottom, trees, snow on mountains. |
519999 | 79-AAT-9 | " Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park," vertical. |
520000 | 79-AAT-10 | " Roaring Mountain, Yellowstone National Park," barren tree trunks rising from water in foreground, stream rising from mountains behind. |
520001 | 79-AAT-11 | " Yellowstone Lake, Mt. Sheridan," similar to #6. |
520002 | 79-AAT-12 | " The Fishing Cone - Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park." |
520003 | 79-AAT-13 | " Yellowstone Lake - Hot Springs Overflow, Yellowstone National Park." |
520004 | 79-AAT-14 | " Firehold River, Yellowstone National Park," river in foreground, trees behind. |
520005 | 79-AAT-15 | " Firehold River, Yellowstone National Park," nearly identical to #14. |
520006 | 79-AAT-16 | " Jupiter Terrace - Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park," from above. |
520007 | 79-AAT-17 | " Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park," pool in foreground steaming, high horizon. |
520008 | 79-AAT-18 | " Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park," similar to #17, different texture in water. |
520009 | 79-AAT-19 | " Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park," similar to #17 and #18. |
520010 | 79-AAT-20 | " Jupiter Terrace, Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park." |
520011 | 79-AAT-21 | " Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520012 | 79-AAT-22 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520013 | 79-AAT-23 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520014 | 79-AAT-24 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520015 | 79-AAT-25 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520016 | 79-AAT-26 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
520017 | 79-AAT-27 | Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," taken at dusk dawn from various angles during eruption. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
520018 | 79-AAU-1 | " Half Dome, Apple Orchard, Yosemite," trees with snow on branches, April 1933. |
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
520019 | 79-AAV-1 | " Court of the Patriarchs, Zion National Park." |
520020 | 79-AAV-2 | " In Zion National Park," vertical of rock formation, from below. |
520021 | 79-AAV-3 | " In Zion National Park," vertical of rock formation, from below. |
520022 | 79-AAV-4 | " Zion National Park, 1941, rock formation against dark sky." |
All prints are labelled: "Carlsbad Caverns National Park."
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
520023 | 79-AAW-1 | "The Rock of Ages, Big Room," rock information with women, dark background. |
520024 | 79-AAW-2 | "The Giant Domes in the interior of Carlsbad Cavern." |
520025 | 79-AAW-3 | "Large Stalactite Formation in the Kings Palace," illuminated stalactite, man on right. |
520026 | 79-AAW-4 | "Large Formation at the "Hall of Giants" in Carlsbad Cavern," path and rock formations, man on path. |
520027 | 79-AAW-5 | "Large formations or dome in the "Hall of the Giants" or "Big Room"." |
520028 | 79-AAW-6 | "The Giant Dome, largest stalagmite thus far discovered. It is 16 feet in diameter and estimated to be 60 million years old. Hall of Giants, Big Room." |
520029 | 79-AAW-7 | Same caption as #6, nearly identical. |
520030 | 79-AAW-8 | Same caption as #6, nearly identical. |
520031 | 79-AAW-9 | "Elevator House," distant view. |
520032 | 79-AAW-10 | "Elevator House," closer in. |
520033 | 79-AAW-11 | "The large stalagmite formations and the onyx drapes above it, in the Kings Palace." |
520034 | 79-AAW-12 | "In the Queen's Chamber," stalagmites and stalactites. |
520035 | 79-AAW-13 | " Formations and Pool, large drapery formation known as the Guillatine, and the pool in the King's Palace." |
520036 | 79-AAW-14 | " Formations - detail, formations in the Queen's Chambers, at the entrance." |
520037 | 79-AAW-15 | " Formations, a few of many natural formations at Carlsbad Caverns." |
520038 | 79-AAW-16 | " Formations, along trail in the Big Room, beyond the Temple of the Sun." |
520039 | 79-AAW-17 | " Formations, stalagmites in the Queen's Chambers." |
520040 | 79-AAW-18 | " Formations above Green Lake, Large stalagmite with draped stalactite above it. One of the principal features in the King's Palace." |
520041 | 79-AAW-19 | " Onyx drapes in the Papoose Room." |
520042 | 79-AAW-20 | " Stalactite formations in the Queen's Chamber, detail." |
520043 | 79-AAW-21 | " Stalactite formations near entrance to the Queen's Chamber, detail." |
520044 | 79-AAW-22 | " Large stalagmite and stalactite formations in the King's Chamber, detail." |
520045 | 79-AAW-23 | " Formations in the Big Room near the Temple of the Sun, detail." |
520046 | 79-AAW-24 | " Formation along trail in the Big Room, near the Temple of the Sun." |
520047 | 79-AAW-25 | " The Chinese Pagoda, Big Room, detail." |
520048 | 79-AAW-26 | " Formations along the wall of the Big Room, near Crystal Spring Home." |
520049 | 79-AAW-27 | " The Rock of Ages in the Big Room," two people in background. |
520050 | 79-AAW-28 | " Giant Domes." |
Records of the National Park Service
General Photographic File
(These photos may still be under copyright protection.)
Ansel Adams Photographs
National Archives Identifier | Local Identifier | Title |
79-G-27c-1 | Yosemite, Ahwahnee Hotel | |
79-G-27c-5 | Yosemite, Reflections of Three Brothers on Merced River. | |
79-G-27c-6 | Yosemite, El Capitan | |
79-G-27c-7 | Yosemite, Girl Climbing Half Dome | |
79-G-27c-8 | Yosemite, Fishing at the White Cascade | |
79-G-27c-9 | Yosemite, Falls | |
79-G-27c-10 | Yosemite, Top of Nevada Falls | |
79-G-27c-11 | Yosemite, Nevada Falls |
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