Tax Records
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U.S. Internal Revenue Assessment Lists, 1862-1866 (Record Group 58)
Please Note: Most records are just for 1862-1866, but records for a few states, namely Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon and Wyoming cover additional years, up to 1874 or beyond.
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Other Resources
Tax Records at the National Archives, Narations blog post from Sept. 2010
More on Tax Records at the National Archives, Narations blog post from Oct. 2010
1798 Federal Direct Tax Records for Connecticut, Prologue article, from Spring 2007
Income Tax Records of the Civil War Years, Prologue article, from Winter 1986
"What does the Civil War have to do with Income Taxes?", article The Civil History newsletter, April 2011, p. 3
Taxes! , a special topics page