Hispanic / Latino Heritage

US Air Force (USAF) Brigadier General (BGEN) Edward Ellis (left), Co-Commander, Combined Task Force Operation, NORTHERN WATCH (ONW) presents television actor Andy Garcia ...

Automobile in the Second Ward, El Paso's Chicano Neighborhood.

TV Satellite File No. 233
First two minutes of video that includes segment on Hispanic Art in the US. From the Recordings from the "TV Satellite File" Program Series, 1983 - 1990. Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency
Also described in the National Archives Catalog:
Chicanos in Transition: Mexican-American Culture in Northern Ohio

Davis, H.G. - Dominican Republic, From: May 13, 1908, Pan American Railroad Commission Records

Program for the State Visit to the United States of their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain

Letter from President Jose Balta to President Andrew Johnson

Letter from President Nicolas de Pierola to the President of the United States [William McKinley]

HRC Speeches 9/98-12/98: [11/17 Domestic Violence Conference, San Salvador]

Video: Cuban Crisis. Produced in 1962. Length is 12:02. Record Group 111, Dept. of Defense, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer.

Video: Cuban Prisoners Return ("Project X"). Return of 1,113 Cuban prisoners who participated in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Length is 18:40 . Dept. of the Air Force, Record Group 342.

Video: Cuba: World Verdict - 1963: First two minutes of film online. From U.S. Information Agency, Record Group 306.

Video: Castro's Cuba Today. Length is 6:45. Produced 1962. Dept. of Army, Record Group 111.

Video: Puerto Rico: Land of Enchantment. Length is 18:48. Produced in 1935. Dept. of the Interior, Record Group 48.
Other Resources

Oral Deposition of Gordon Green, Hermino Hernandez, et al v. Driscoll Consolidated Independent School District (DCISD), et. al.

Complaint in Intervention from El Comite De Padres Pro Defensa De La Education Bilingue

MALDEF [Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund] 5/16/2000

MALDEF [Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund] Correspondence of Mario G. Obledo, General Counsel .
View on the Ford Library website

Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended in 1976. City of San Antonio, TX, Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights, Stanley Pottinger; and MALDEF. 1976 controversy.
View on the Ford Library website.

Materials in this folder include telegrams, memoranda, and correspondence between President John F. Kennedy, Assistant Special Counsel to the President Lee C. White, various White House staff members, and individual citizens concerning incidents of discriminatory employment practices.
View on JFK Library website

This folder contains a copy of President John F. Kennedy's message honoring Joe A. Garza, State Director of the League of United Latin American Councils (LULAC) of Texas, for his support of LULAC's academic scholarship program for American students of Mexican descent.
View on JFK Library website

The ramshackle Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas.
View on Truman Library website

Side view of the ramshackle Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas.
View on Truman Library website

Front view of the unstable Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas.
View on Truman Library website

Side view of the conditions of the Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas. Some windows can't be opened and the screens are falling off. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by Hector Garcia of the League of United Latin American Citizens, May 1948.
View on Truman Library website

The newest addition to the Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis Texas. The building is an old war surplus building, which has no indoor sanitation facilities and poor ventilation. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by Hector Garcia of the League of United Latin American citizens. May 1948.
View on Truman Library website

Classroom in the Main building of the Mexican Ward School in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas. Notice the blackboard is the only thing on the wall, the study table is homemade and inadequate, and the alphabet is backwards.
View on Truman Library website

Classroom in the newest building, a war surplus building, in a labor camp in Mathis, Texas. The walls are bare, the classroom is overcrowded, and there is improper lighting.
View on Truman Library website

Rear view of the modern and nicely kept Mathis High School outside of the labor camp in Mathis, Texas. Very few non-white students attended this school; Mexican students attended the school in the labor camp.
View on Truman Library website
Also described in the Catalog:
MALDEF, Committee on Immigration and Refugees
MALDEF - Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
In the National Archives Catalog:
Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Calexico, California, 3/1907 - 12/1952
Mexican Border Crossing Records
Other Websites:
Caribbean Genealogy Library
Resources provided by the Caribbean Genealogy Library located in St. Thomas.
Cuban Genealogy Center
A genealogical web site dedicated to people of Cuban descent. This site provides valuable pointers for getting started, cemetery records, church records, military records, passenger lists, Cuban phone books, and indices to the history of Cuban families the country. A list of published resources is also provided.
Cyndi’s List: Central and South America
One of the most respected genealogy resources on the Internet. Cyndi’s List provides general Hispanic genealogy resources as well as information for individual countries.
Hispanic Genealogical Society
This organization offers information about families of Northern Mexico, South Texas, California, and New Mexico.

Correspondence Tracking Worksheet - Obledo asking President to pardon former U.S. Congressman Albert Bustamante

Letters petitioning for clemency for Juan Garza on Death Row.

HRC Speeches 6/98-8/98: 7/20 Annual National Conference of La Raza, Philadelphia, PA

MALDEF [Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund] 5/16/2000

HRC Speeches 7/94-10/94: League of United Latin American Citizens 10/6

Appointment of Fernando de Baca, Letters from John Flores of Hispanic Export-Import Corporation, NYC.

Proceedings, List of Attendees and other Records of the Forum of National Council of Hispanic Organizations Meeting of May 23, 1975. Kansas City, Missouri.

Proclamation Copies and letters between White House Staff on recipients of copies of proclamations for years 1974-1976.

Secretary Mel Martinez with El Salvador Vice President Carlos Quintanilla Schmidt.

President Signing Hr 2230 Establishing a New Commission on Civil Rights with Linda Chavez and Clarence Pendleton in Oval Office

Event marking the establishment of the Cesar Chavez National Monument at Nuestra Senora Reina de la Paz, Keene, California: [President Barack Obama joined by Secretary Ken Salazar, National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis, United Farm Workers of America co-founder Dolores Huerta, United Farm Workers of America President Arturo Rodriguez, Cesar Chavez Foundation President Paul Chavez, and other dignitaries] - 10/8/2012

Meeting with Hispanic-American Members of Congress and major administration appointees, 9/4/1974. Response to request from Democratic congressmen to discuss with President Ford the needs and status of Spanish-Speaking community.
View on Ford Library Website

Letter from Congressman Lujan (New Mexico), on needs of Spanish-Speaking People in New Mexico. View on Ford Library Website

Staff Note Regarding whether President Ford should accept invitation to organization IMAGE.
View on Ford Library Website

HJR92, Statistics for Americans of Spanish Origin or Descent, Box 47, folder 6/16/76.

Interview with Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) officials about the 1962 Cuban prisoners’ exchange. The four interviewees planned and executed the prisoners’ US homecoming, and include Cull, who was Chief of the Press Information Office (1962-1975).
View on JFK Library website

Henry, E. William: Oral History Interview - 3/14/1966. In this interview Henry E. William discusses working on John F. Kennedy’s [JFK] 1960 presidential campaign as part of the Nationalities Division of the Democratic National Committee; getting the vote of different ethnic groups in the 1960 presidential election.
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Houghteling, Joseph C.: Oral History Interview - 6/19/1969. This interview focuses on rallying support for John F. Kennedy prior to the election of 1960, Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign in 1968, and John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy’s roles in ethnic politics, among other topics.
View on JFK Library website

This interview with the Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Muñoz Marin (1898-1980) focuses on John F. Kennedy’s visits to Puerto Rico, the political situation in Puerto Rico, and the debate over expanding the military base on Vieques Island.
View on JFK Library website

Sanjuan, Pedro A.: Oral History Interview - 8/6/1969. This interview covers the Kennedy campaign’s efforts to recruit Puerto Rican voters in New York,
View on JFK Library website

Sheridan, Walter: Oral History Interview, 8/13/1969. Sheridan discusses Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential primary campaign in California, outreach efforts to Mexican-American voters with the help of Cesar Chavez, outreach to African-American voters, differences among moderate and liberal voters, and security.
View on JFK Library website

Sound recording of a telephone conversation held on August 16, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. They discuss the possibility of appointing United States Ambassador to Costa Rica Raymond L. Telles to a new position.
View on JFK Library website

In this interview, Ambassador Raymond Telles discusses his personal experiences with John F. Kennedy [JFK], how JFK handled international relations, and his visit to Costa Rica, among other issues.
View on JFK Library website

Sound recording of an undated Spanish-language Voice of America (VOA) radio program of news and popular music ["Moonglow," "Marie (The Dawn is Breaking)," and instrumentals]. Accession MR-1965-089.
View on JFK Library website

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Lady Bird Johnson applaud during a dinner held by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. Past National President of LULAC, George Garza.
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This folder contains a press copy of President John F. Kennedy's remarks to members of the League of United Latin American Citizens at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. In his speech the President explains the goals of the Alliance for Progress, and discusses the importance of a prosperous and politically stable western hemisphere.
View on JFK Library website

Letter to Senator Edward Kennedy from Mrs. Toby O. Perez regarding labor discrimination of her Mexican husband and other minorities at state organization. July 4, 1966. Letter from US Civil Rights Commission General Counsel Howard Glickstein to Senator Edward Kennedy regarding Perez case. Clipping from The Arizona Republic, September 18, 1966.
View on JFK Library website

Appointment of Fernando de Baca, Letters from John Flores of Hispanic Export-Import Corporation, NYC
View on Ford Library website

Proceedings, List of Attendees and other Records of the Forum of National Council of Hispanic Organizations Meeting of May 23, 1975. Kansas City, Missouri.
View on Ford Library website

Hispanic appointees, copy of Los Angeles Times clipping on Spanish-Surnamed needs (1974).
View on Ford Library website

Proclamation Copies and letters between White House Staff on recipients of copies of proclamations for years 1974-1976.
View on Ford Library website

Letter from US Congressman Bernie Sisk, California's 12th District dated August 8, 1961 to Special Asst to the President Harris L. Wofford, Jr. requesting for President Kennedy to send a message to Mexican Americans at Mexican Independence Celebration in Mexico, Sept. 15-16th (1961)in Fresno, CA.
View on JFK Library website

Materials collected by the office of President John F. Kennedy's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, concerning the weekly activities of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), includes material on Mexican-American voters in California and Texas
View on JFK Library website

Memo on voter-registration of Spanish speaking. Majority of file concerns Equal Opportunity Commission and African Americans.
View on JFK Library website

NSDD 299 Restoring Normal Immigration Procedures for Cuban Nationals

The card can be found on Roll 4. Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Calexico, California, March 1907-December 1952

A group of Cuban migrant refugees play a game of dominoes to help pass the time, while they wait to fulfill their "American" dream inside Safe Haven Camp 2, located at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the background a refugee holds an American flag. From AIRMAN Magazine's May 1995 issue article "Trail of Dreams"

Welfare - Correspondence - Immigrants, Records of the Clinton Administration

Visit of Secretary Ken Salazar [and other officials] to the National Cesar Chavez Center, Keene, California: [American Latino Heritage Initiative La Paz Forum, launching National Park Service (NPS) study of Latino heritage] - 6/16/2011

In Their Own Words, 1980. First two minutes of video showing a cross section of newly-arrived Cuban refugees, telling of their experiences in Cuba. Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900 - 2003

Video: President Ronald Reagan’s Remarks at a Hispanic Heritage Week Signing Ceremony in the East Room, September 10, 1984. Collection: Records of the White House Television Office (WHTV) (Reagan Administration). Length is 10:40.

White House News Reports – March 21 1995, includes newspaper article about Nicaraguans.
Other Resources:
- Records Relating to the Mexican Labor ("Bracero") Program, 1950 - 1964
- Mexican Border Crossings
- Cuban Refugee Program, 1960-1970
- Land Ownership in California and the Transition to a New Government
- Guide to Puerto Rican Records in the National Archives at New York City
- Resources on Hispanic History and Genealogies in the Archives Library Information Center, National Archives Building, Washington, D.C.

News from U.S. Department of Labor regarding alleged violations of the "Migrant Labor Agreement" by farmers in the El Centro area.

Telegram from Hector Garcia, head of LULAC to President Truman requesting end of migrant laborers from Mexico. View on Truman Library site

Hand written letter from farmer in Mission, Texas, to President Harry S. Truman requesting more help from the President to help Border Patrol move "wetbacks" from the Rio Grande Valley who are taking Mexican American jobsl
View on Truman Library website

Nicholas C. Dragon, Elmer F. Vickers, et al. A Report To President Truman's Commission on Migrant and Alien Labor, August 7, 1950.
View on Truman Library website

Telegram from G. Garza, president of LULAC to Congressman Cleveland Bailey (D-WVA) requesting passage of bills prohibiting hiring undocumented Mexican laborers in order to maintain standard of living for Mexican American workersl
View on Truman Library website

Testimony from Agricultural Producer from Yuma, Arizona to President's Commission on Migratory Labor.

"Americans All" - Lets fight for victory, World War II Poster

Korean war veteran, Sergeant First Class (Ret) Modesto Cartagena, one of the highest decorated men of the conflict, during a ceremony being held at the US Army Reserve center in Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico...
Towards a History of Mexican American Participation in World War I, blog posts

Secretary Ken Salazar in Albuquerque, New Mexico [for award reception, speech at the] League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) [2010 Convention] - 7/17/2010

Latino Inaugural 2013 Reception, Washington, D.C., [with guests including Secretary Ken Salazar] - 1/19/2013

First two minutes of video that includes segment on Hispanic Astronaut. TV Satellite File No. 126, October 31, 1985. Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency
Also described in the National Archives Catalog:
Carter Meets with League of United Latin American Citizens and G.I. Forum / Presentation of Goddard Memorial Trophy, 3/24/80,

MS Ochoa at commanders station on the forward flight deck.