Files of David G. Marwell
Folder Title ListVolume: 8.4 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190 or e-mail: 1:
- Alyea, Tom
- Adamson, Bruce Campbell
- Administrative/Office
- Agency Responses
- Agency Status
- Air Force One tapes
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Alcorn, Daniel S.
- American Historical Association
- Analysis of JFK Act
- Annual Report (FY 95) Working file
- Annual Report (FY 96) Working file
- Applications on Hold
- Appraisers and Valuation Experts
- ARRB Record Tracking Chart
- ARRB Regulations
- ARRB Organization
- Backes, Joseph
- Board Meeting - July 17 & 18, 1995
- Board Meeting - August 2-3, 1995
- Board Meeting - August 28-29, 1995
- Board Meeting - August 30, 1995
- Board Meeting - September 20-21, 1995
- Board Meeting - October 23-24, 1995
- Board Meeting - November 13-14, 1995
- Board Meeting - December 12-13, 1995
- Board Meeting - January 30-31, 1996
- Board Meeting - February 29 - March 1, 1996
- Board Meeting - March 18-19, 1996
- Board Meeting - April 16-17, 1996
- Board Meeting - May 13-14, 1996
- Board Meeting - June 4, 1996
- Board Meeting - July 9-10, 1996
- Board Meeting - August 5-6, 1996
- Board Meeting - September 17, 1996 - Hearing in Los Angeles
- Board Meeting - September 27, 1996
- Board Meeting - October 15-16, 1996
- Board Meeting - November 13-14, 1996
- Board Meeting - December 16-17, 1996
- Board Meeting - January 8-9, 1997
- Board Meeting - January 29-30, 1997
- Board Meeting - February 13-14, 1997
- Board Meeting - March 13-14, 1997
- Board Meeting - April 2, 1997 (Zapruder Hearing)
- Board Meeting - April 23-24, 1997
- Board Meeting - May 12-13, 1997
- Board Meeting - June 9-10, 1997
- Board Meeting - July 9 - 10, 1997
- Board Meeting - August 5, 1997
- Board Meeting - September 17, 1997
- Board Procedures
- Board Working File
- Bronson Film
- Center for International Policy
- CIA Sequestered Collection
- Church Committee
- Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
- Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
- Compliance
Box 4:
- Compliance (3 folders)
- Computer System Development
- Confidential Sources
- Congress
- Cuba
- Cunningham, Kathleen
- Cusak, Lawrence X.
- Customs, U.S.
- Dallas Trip file - April 29 - May 1, 1996
- Deeds of Gift
- Defector Study
- Defense Department
- Draft Guidelines / Draft Definition
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- Early Phone Log DGM
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Kodak (Rochester Trip file)
- Department of Energy
- Ethics Issues
- Executive Office of the President
- Executive Order 12958
- Experts Conference
- Extension
- Federal Register
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Ballistics
- FBI Computer
- FBI/HSCA Collection
- FBI Procedures
- FBI Record Keeping
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Florida
- Flow Charts
- F O I A
- Gerald R. Ford Library
- Foreign Records
- FY 96 Appropriations
- FY 97
- FY 98
- General Working file
- Georgetown University Library
- Goodwin, Richard
- Grodin, Robert
- Guidelines for Review of Postponements in the Sequestered Collections
- Hall, Kermit L. - Article 1997 Maryland Law Review (Checked out to Tunheim)
- Harris, Robert
- Hoch, Paul
- Holland, Max
- Holmes, Russell
- Hosty, James P.
- HSCA Ex-Staff Responses
- "HSCA Non-Disclosure Form"
- HSCA Records
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
- Informants
- Information Council of the Americas
- Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- International Association of Chiefs of Police
- Interview
- Investigation Requests
- Investigative Records Repository (IRR) - Dept. of the Army
- Jack
- JFK Library
- Justice, Department of
- LBJ Library
- Library of Congress
- Lifton, David S.
- Livingstone, Harrison
- Los Angeles Trip file
- Manchester, William
- Marshall, Burke
- Medical Records
- Medical Records
- David Marwell
- Memos to Staff
- Military Records
- Miller, Herbert J. Jr.
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
- Nagell, Richard Case
- National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
- National Performance Review
- National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
Box 13:
- New Orleans District Attorney
- New Orleans Trip file, April25-26, 1996
- Nix Film
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
- Parole Commission (U.S. Department of Justice)
- Marina Oswald Porter
- Position Description
- Postal Service
- Powers, Dave (Powers Film)
- Presidential Libraries
- Press
- Press
- Press and Public Affairs Officer
- Priorities Committee
- Public
- Ragano, Frank
- Research & Analysis Projects (R&A)
- Review Board FY 95 Report
- Review Board FY 96 Report
- Review Process
- Richard B. Russell Library
- Russia/Belarus Trip file
- Russian Archives
- Russian Records
- Russian State Humanities University
- Samoluk, Tom
- Scott, Peter Dale
- Secret Service
- Secret Service
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Security
- Sr Staff - Agenda
- Sr Staff - Minutes
- Sheridan, Nancy (Mrs. Walter)
- Sheridan, Mrs. Nancy (2.14)
- Social Security Administration
- Sociaty of American Archivists (SAA)
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
- Specter/Warren Commission
- Spencer, Sandra
- Sprague Collection
- Springer, Lindsey
- State and Local Records
- State Department Records
- Department of State
- Subpoena
- Team Leader Reports
- Transportation, Department of
- Treasury Department
- Twyman, Noel H.
- Underwood, Martin L. (Marty)
- United States Information Agency (USIA)
- Updates (Board)
- Updates (Staff)
- Veterans Affairs
- Vezey Film
- Vouchers
- Warren Commission
- Weisberg, Harold
- White House
- Zapruder