Research Our Records

Researcher Team Cards at the National Archives

Researcher Team Cards Expire on March 30, 2018

As announced in a previous Researcher Notice, all existing team cards will expire on March 30, 2018.

Based on researcher feedback, Research Services will institute a new one time only reassignment of record pulls beginning on April 2, 2018. Each pull may be reassigned to another researcher once. In order to do this, you will need to fill out a new pull slip (or pull slips) and identify the researcher name and researcher card ID # for the other researcher. Each pull may be reassigned to another researcher one time. After that researcher is done, the records must be refiled. 

As of April 2, 2018, only one researcher name is permitted on a reference service slip (NA Form 14001), and records may only be used by the individual whose name is on the reference service slip.

If you have any questions please email Trevor Plante ( at A1 in Washington, DC or Michael Knight ( at A2 in College Park, MD.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is changing?

A:  There will no longer be a recognition of established teams to enable multiple researchers to access the same record pull.  The only individual who can use a records pull as of April 2 is the individual whose name and researcher card ID # is on the pull slip for a particular pull.

Q:  Why is this policy changing?

A:  It is necessary for NARA to establish better documentation for chain of custody, to limit the opportunities for theft and mishandling of the records, and to ensure that we are able to track the use of all records by individual researchers when necessary.

Q:  Can other researchers use records with the researcher whose name is on the pull slip? 

A:  Yes, if they are looking at the same record at the same time.  Multiple researchers cannot use the same pull if they are looking at different records, folders, or boxes.

Q:  Is it permitted for another individual to use records pulled under my name if I am not present?

A:  No, the only researcher permitted to use records once they are pulled is the individual whose name and researcher card ID # match the pull slip and who has signed them out for use.

Q:  Can I reassign my pull slip to another researcher?

A:  Yes, each pull may be reassigned to another researcher once.  In order to do this, you will need to fill out a new pull slip (or pull slips) and identify the researcher name and researcher card ID # for the other researcher.  Your pull will be documented as refiled in the pull log and the new pull slip(s) will be entered in the pull log for the new user.  The records will be available to the new user if that researcher is not beyond the record pull limits.  Each pull may be reassigned to another researcher one time.  After that researcher is done, the records must be refiled.

Q:  How does the reassignment process work?

A:  Specific steps include:

  • You will notify the main circulation desk that you want to reassign your pull slip to another researcher.
  • Both the primary and secondary researcher must be present to complete a reassignment request.
  • You will fill out new pull slips with the same information as the old pull slips and identify the researcher and researcher card number for the individual the records will be reassigned to.
  • The pull will be marked as refiled in the pull log so it will no longer count towards your pull limits.
  • If the researcher you are assigning the records to has not exceeded their pull limits, the pull will be entered in the pull log as a new pull and given a new pull control number.
  • If the researcher you are assigning the records to has exceeded their pull limits, they must return records or the pull will be refiled.
  • Once the pull has been entered in the pull log and the new pull number is noted, the researcher may begin using the records as a regular pull.
  • Records may be reassigned only once to another researcher.   When that researcher is done with the pull, they must be returned and refiled for others to use.

Q:  Can I add another individual to my pull slip once it is pulled?

A:  No, each pull slip(s) for a particular pull can only have one name and researcher card ID # assigned to them. 

Q:  If I need to have another individual use the records, how can I do that?

A:  You may choose to reassign a particular pull to another researcher at the desk.  It will then be available to the researcher you identify by name and researcher card ID # if that researcher has not exceeded their pull limits. 

Q:  Who can submit pull slips?

A:  Only the individual whose name and researcher card ID # is on the slips.

Q:  Why can’t other individuals submit pull slips?

A:  NARA has limited resources to pull, refile, and store pulls that are out of the stack areas.  In our experience, individuals whose pulls were submitted by another researcher often never use the records pulled.  We need to make sure we are using our limited resources to pull, refile, and store pulls that will be used.  At the same time, we need to strengthen our record-keeping around what records were pulled when and for whom.

