The National Declassification Center Releases Records Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Argentina

A Presidential Tasking from the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) on June 13, 2016, directed various Executive branch departments and agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), to search for records relating to human rights abuses committed in Argentina between January 1, 1975, and December 31, 1984, and to review responsive records for public access. In response, NARA assembled staff, including archivists from the National Declassification Center (NDC), the Presidential Libraries, and the Center for Legislative Archives to conduct this search and review. Responsive Presidential records were made available in previous releases and all identified Legislative records were already publicly available. This release represents responsive Executive Branch agency records that have been accessioned into the National Archives and have not been previously released. The NDC coordinated review of the records and prepared them for public release. Records that were released in full or in part may be accessed by using the search form below. Questions may be directed to


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Found 990 records.
Case IDRecord GroupDOCIDHMS REIDHMS EentryFrom ToDocument TypePagesSubject
570675933069145HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LINCOLN P. BLOOMFIELDZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, DAVID AARONMemorandum13 PDFHuman Rights Report on Argentina
570675933069243HS1-413915044UD-18D 5LPBloomfield and Tom ThorntonZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum3 PDFHuman Rights Policy
547558432455638HS1-79813475UD-10D 22Legal AttacheThe Ambassador via DCMMemorandum2 PDFKidnapping of Hugo Alfredo Anzoarregui, Chief Justice, Buenos Aires Provincial Supreme Court
547396532989906HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Legat- -Message2 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532989896HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Legat- -Message7 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532989360HS1-282347794UD 16D 15Legat- -Message2 PDF109-HQ-12-201
570675933065364HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Leslie H. GelbInteragency Working GroupMemorandum8 PDFLatin American Arms Transfer Study
570675933065296HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Leslie H. GelbThe Acting SecretaryMemorandum5 PDFDecision on Argentine Conventional Arms Transfer
570675933065295HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Leslie H. GelbThe Acting SecretaryMemorandum6 PDFDecision on Argentine Conventional Arms Transfer
570675933065341HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFArgentine Arms Transfers
570675933065430HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum2 PDFLetter from Congressional Group That Recently Visited Latin America
570675933065340HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFArgentine Arms Transfers
529688432734678HS1-187628901UD-14D17LuersThe Deputy SecretaryMemorandum7 PDFYour Meeting with Argentine Charge Prat Guy
570675933064681HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Luigi EinaudiWilliam Luers, Frank Devine, Stephen RogMemorandum6 PDFGuidance on Southern Cone Bloc Initiatives
570675933069307HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Luigi R. EinaudiSEE DISTRIBUTIONMemorandum15 PDFInteragency Group Meeting on Argentina
570675933069303HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Luigi R. EinaudiSEE DISTRIBUTIONMemorandum3 PDFReport on ARA/NSC-IG Meeting on Argentina
529688432734690HS1-187628901UD-14D17MChaplinThe AmbassadorMemorandum2 PDFViews on the Secretary's Visit to Argentina
570675933067527HS1-413915044UD-18D 5MHPF, CS, SC, RG, J, RC, RS, BB. JG, DM, FMessage2 PDFAttached GIST ***NO ATTACHMENT INCLUDED***
570675933065385HS1-413915044UD-18D 5MarkPatricia DerianTalking Points/Briefing Paper5 PDFHuman Rights Tlking Points-Argentina
540895932453436HS1-76850684UD-10D 3Mark L. SchneiderMr. David NewsomMemorandum2 PDFArgentina
570675933065509HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Mark L. SchneiderF. Allen HarrisLetter Official-Informal4 PDFDETENTION AND DISAPPEARANCE CASES
570675933067480HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Mark L. SchneiderViron P. VakyMemo of Conversation4 PDFLunch, Wednesday, April 25-12:30 p.m. PARTICIPANTS: Schneider, Cerda, Huergo, Listre
570675933064654HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Mark L. SchneiderPatt DerianMemorandum5 PDFArgentina Study Mission on Human Rights
570675933067460HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Mark L. SchneiderAmbassador VakyMemorandum3 PDFArgentine Lists
570675933065263HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Martin PackmanJonesMemorandum4 PDFCurrent Human Rights Situation in Argentina, Nicaragua, and Uruguay
570675933065261HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Martin PackmanJonesMemorandum1 PDFCurrent Human Rights Situation in Argentina, Nicaragua, and Uruguay
540885932451965HS1-76850586UD-10D 1Martin PackmanMr. JonesMemorandum4 PDFCurrent Human Rights Situation in Argentina, Nicaragua, and Uruguay
570675933065281HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Maxwell ChaplinPatricia DerianLetter Official-Informal3 PDFGENTE MAGAZINE interview with Ambassador Hill
528325932732649593170UD-07D 107MinetaToddmanLetter12 PDFRecommendations Concerning Military Assistance
5685721833059354543659UD 08D 1MuskieThe PresidentMemorandum2 PDFU.S. Policy Toward Argentina
570675933064650HS1-413915044UD-18D 5NORTH-SOUTHZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum2 PDFEvening Report
570675933065496HS1-413915044UD-18D 5NORTH-SOUTHZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFEvening Report (Thornton) ****UNREDACTED ORIGINAL NOT SCANNED****
570675933069310HS1-413915044UD-18D 5NSC StaffThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFMBB ITEM Sanctions Policy Towards Cuba
528345932732758437745A1-5747OrtizBowdlerReport8 PDFLuncheon on January 17 in Honor of the Argentine Trade Mission
570675933069209HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PATRICIA M. DERIANWARREN CHRISTOPHERPaper10 PDFProposed U.S. Human Rights Strategy Toward Argentina
570675933064624HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PETER TARNOFFZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKIMemorandum4 PDFHuman Rights Policy Impact: Latin America
570675933069245HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, Wednwesay, June 11th
570675933069311HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum10 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570675933069306HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFYour Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, October 30, 1980
570675933069287HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFSeptember 19 MMB--Annotated Agenda
570675933069312HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570675933069246HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, Wednwesay, June 11th
570675933069309HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570505933064184HS1-76935930UD 10D 7PalmerSkiffMemorandum1 PDFICRC Protection and Assistance Program for "Political" Detainees (PAPPD)
570495933064112HS1-76936014UD 10D 8PalmerLefeverMemorandum8 PDFBonker Subcommittee Hearing on 1980 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, March 12
570505933064178HS1-76935930UD 10D 7PasquierHunterLetter5 PDF
570675933065339HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFArms Transfer to Argentina (Fall List)