2014 Archives Fair
Find an EventThursday, April 3, 2014
9:30-4:00 pm
Twitter: @usnatarchives #ArchivesFair
National Archives Building
700 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20408
Enter through the Special Events Entrance of the Archives I building on 7th St. and Constitution Ave.
In-person participants: email specialevents@nara.gov with subject line "Archives Fair". Please include your name and institution in the email (optional, but recommended).
Online participants: Use the followng event URLs:
Morning Session
9:30 to 11:30 am
Link to: http://event.on24.com/r.htm?e=763730&s=1&k=56E5BFA2C88C84E866AA2636466C5C4F
Afternoon Session
1:00 to 4:00 pm
Link to: http://event.on24.com/r.htm?e=763743&s=1&k=58E6B5DEBA74D123C555FC5087D154C5
- Must use Internet Explorer to work correctly
- Users must click both URLs during the appropriate AM and PM schedule time to view the event
- webcast compatible with Citrix
- this is a public event (available to non-NARA users)
Recommended that participants pre-register in advance of the actual event so you can:
- test your system
- complete the required registration (name, email address)
See example, below.
Please see the Audience System Requirements sheet for further guidance
The atrium outside the McGowan Theater will serve as an exhibit hall for archival groups and organizations.
If interested in reserving a exhibit table for the Archives Fair, please contact Ellen.Mulligan@nara.gov.