National Declassification Center Issues Fifth Report
Press Release · Thursday, July 19, 2012
Washington, DC
The National Archives National Declassification Center (NDC) has issued its fifth biannual Report on Operations of the National Declassification Center, covering the period of January 1 through June 30, 2012. The report is online [].
"The declassification review merry-go-round where records get on for a ride but are never able to get off is over,” said NDC Director Sheryl J. Shenberger. “The work of the NDC has streamlined the declassification process, implemented a proven quality assurance program, and developed a complete equity identification and reviewing curriculum. This has led to millions of pages that no longer contain sensitive information to move off that merry go round. No more records taking multiple rides on a single ticket!"
Report highlights include:
- The NDC has assessed 90% of the classified records backlog, with 55% cleared for final processing.
- The biggest challenge facing the NDC is records that were not properly reviewed for atomic energy information by the originating agency (known as the Kyl-Lott requirement). An interagency team including representatives from the Air Force, Army, Navy, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Office of the Secretary of Defense has been working collaboratively to complete these reviews.
- The NDC has started review of special media records and has reviewed 1,341 motion pictures and 235 sound recordings.
- Through its Remote Archives Capture, the National Archives Office of Presidential Libraries prioritized 1,364,471 pages within certain collections of the administrations of Harry Truman through Jimmy Carter, as well as the China-associated materials within the Kissinger Personal Paper Collection, for completion of referral review.
The National Declassification Center was established by Executive Order (E.O.) 13526, “Classified National Security Information.” Under the direction of the Archivist of the United States, the NDC coordinates the timely and appropriate processing of referrals 25 years old and older classified records of permanent historical value.
Updated information on NDC records releases, initiatives, and upcoming forums is online at the NDC website []. Public input, questions and comments are welcome and can be sent to or the NDC Blog [].
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