NARA Privacy Act Systems: NARA 43
SYSTEM NAME: Internal Collaboration Network (ICN).
SYSTEM LOCATION: ICN files are maintained electronically on servers under the control of the National Technical Information Center as part of the Department of Commerce. NTIS servers are located in Alexandria, Virginia.
CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Individuals covered by this system include all ICN users who are solely National Archives employees.
CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: ICN files may include any of the following information about users in the user profile: Name, title, department, home address, work address, home phone, work phone, mobile phone, hire date, biography, expertise, personal email, and official duty station. Users are not required to share information other than name and work email. Users may collaborate on the network to create other files including: discussion threads, interest groups, project plans, tasks, ideas, and documents.
AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 5 U.S.C. 552a(a)(3), as amended, and 44 U.S.C. 2104(a), as amended.
ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: NARA maintains ICN files for the benefit and use of all ICN users to enhance communication and collaboration among all users and to facilitate the work flow among all NARA locations and offices. The routine use statements A, B, C, D, E, F, H, and I described in Appendix A apply to this system of records.
STORAGE: Electronic records.
RETRIEVABILITY: Information in these case files may be retrieved by keyword or the individual's name. All content is fully searchable and indexed.
SAFEGUARDS: The files are at all times maintained in a secure network environment, in compliance with the Federal Information Management and Security Act system security requirements at a moderate-impact system level
RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: NARA ICN files are unscheduled at this time.
SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS: The system manager is the Chief Innovation Officer. The business address for this system manager is listed in Appendix B.
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: People interested in inquiring about their records should notify the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.
RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: People who wish to access their records should submit a request in writing to the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address given in Appendix B.
CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: NARA rules for contesting the contents of a person's records and appealing initial determinations are found in 36 CFR part 1202.
RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Information in the ICN is obtained directly from the ICN users, except in cases of name and work email address, which is populated automatically by the system.
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