Federal Records Management

AC 12.2023

December 23, 2022  

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: OMB/NARA Memorandum Updating M-19-21 Due Dates

OMB and NARA have just released a new memo, OMB/NARA M-23-07, Update to Transition to Electronic Records, (December 23, 2022). This memo extends the M-19-21 deadlines to June 30, 2024. The new deadline allows agencies more time to complete their transition to electronic records due to implementation delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

This memorandum reinforces the requirements established in M-19-21, Transition to Electronic Records, and embraces the opportunities afforded to improve government by transitioning fully to an electronic environment. As noted in the first sentence of the new memorandum, “strong records management is necessary for transparency and accountability and underpins our democracy”.

If agencies are unable to meet these goals by the deadlines, they can request an exception. Information about exceptions is available in NARA Bulletin 2020-01, Guidance on OMB/NARA Memorandum Transition to Electronic Records (M-19-21). NARA will revise this guidance to reflect the requirements in the new memorandum.


Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government
