Federal Records Management

AC 22. 2023

Date: February 10, 2023  

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Date for ERA Shutdown Delayed

As we stated in AC 10.2023 sent on December 20, 2022, the dates for current ERA shutdown and the launch of ERA 2.0 may change. We have been informed that these dates have in fact shifted. The projected shutdown date for the current ERA is mid-March and the launch date for ERA 2.0 is mid-April. Specific shutdown and launch dates will be provided three weeks prior to shutdown.

Upon closure of ERA, all schedules will be migrated to ERA 2.0 with an important exception. Please note that any draft schedules created in ERA prior to October 1, 2020 will NOT be migrated to ERA 2.0. In addition, Transfer Requests will also be migrated to ERA 2.0, carrying forward their same status or an equivalent status.

Please see AC 15.2023 that was sent on January 6, 2023 for detailed steps to be taken by agencies to prepare for ERA 2.0.  

More information including ERA 2.0 training materials created for agencies will be provided prior to the launch date. 

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government
