AC 32. 2021
Date: September 1, 2021
Memorandum To Federal Records Management Contacts: Issuance of revised form NA-1005, Verification for Implementing GRS 6.1, Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach
NARA is transitioning the form NA-1005, Verification for Implementing GRS 6.1, Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach, from a fillable PDF form to a Microsoft Excel form. This change will better facilitate the collection of information needed to allow NARA to properly review and approve the forms; and utilizes an application more widely accessible and familiar to users.
Those submitting a form NA-1005 -- either as a new user of the GRS 6.1 or due to resubmission requirements -- may begin using this new form immediately. The fillable PDF form will not be accepted after October 1, 2021.
GRS Transmittal 31, issued in May 2020, established the process for resubmission and reappraisal of the form NA-1005. More guidance on resubmission requirements will be forthcoming.
Transmittal 31, the GRS 6.1, and the new NA-1005 Excel form are all available on the GRS website at
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government