Federal Records Management

AC 18.2016

March 15, 2016

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Update to General Records Schedule  6.1, Item 010

NARA’s General Records Schedule (GRS) 6.1, item 010, Email of Capstone Officials, which was previously approved and issued in September 2015, has been revised as follows to amend the cutoff instructions:

The original instructions for GRS 6.1, item 010 read:
"Permanent. Cut off at the end of the calendar year. Transfer to NARA when the records are 15 years old, or after declassification review (when applicable), whichever is later."

The new instructions read:
"Permanent. Cut off in accordance with agency's business needs. Transfer to NARA 15 years after cutoff, or after declassification review (when applicable), whichever is later."

This change reflects comments received from various agencies, who required different -- yet still acceptable -- cutoff instructions for their Capstone implementation. NARA has made these changes in accordance with existing guidance concerning changes to previously approved records schedule items.

NARA’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about GRS 6.1, Email Managed under a Capstone Approach, has also been updated to include an additional question related to the above change in the cutoff instruction for item 010. This new question is included in the  section “Questions Related To Item 010.”

Lastly, the instructions in Section A, Additional Scope Comments, of NA-1005 Verification for Implementing GRS 6.1have been revised.  Agencies must now include their cutoff instructions for item 010, Email of Capstone Officials, within this field.

NARA acknowledges that many agencies have already begun filling out, or have already submitted, the previous version of the form. Agencies will not be required to complete a new form in cases where they have already filled out the older version.  NARA asks that agencies supply this new required information in their existing form in the “Additional Scope Comment” field prior to submission.  For those who have already submitted this form, NARA will request this information from the agency and add it to the correct field.

For any questions, contact NARA’s GRS Team at GRS_Team@nara.gov.

Acting Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government

