Federal Records Management

AC 20.2018

May 29, 2018

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS:  Agency Action Needed on Draft Transfer Requests in Electronic Records Archive (ERA)

Agency Records Officers: Please distribute this to your agency staff involved in Annual Move activities.

This is a reminder to agencies that have records stored at Federal Records Centers. If your agency has records eligible for transfer to the National Archives, please propose your agency’s Transfer Requests (TRs) in ERA.  TRs that have not yet been proposed to NARA are identified within ERA in “Draft” or “Submitted for Agency Approval” status. If you have already reviewed and proposed your ERA Transfer Requests to NARA, thank you.

NARA encourages agencies to review and submit their draft TRs in ERA. By now your agency records officers should have received a spreadsheet for the TRs we identified as having expired.  TRs that were created by NARA as part of the 2017 Annual Move will be deleted after June 15, 2018, if agencies do not propose them.

To propose a TR to NARA agencies must complete the following actions:

  • Identify the TRs by searching by statuses of “Draft” and/or “Submitted for Agency Approval,” or searching by keywords such as “Annual Move” (see page 67 of the ERA User Manual)
  • Review each of the TRs (see Agency Annual Move Tips)
  • Propose them for accessioning (see Transferring Records)

It is important to note there are two agency roles in ERA that must act to propose a TR to NARA. These roles are sometimes performed by the same user:

  • The “Transferring Official” submits the TR to the “Agency Approving Official”
  • The “Agency Approving Official” submits the TR to NARA

If you have questions about the annual move please contact annual.move@nara.gov. As always, you may call or email the ERA Help Desk at ERAHelp@nara.gov or 877-372-9594

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
