Records Management Training Program
Supporting the Development of Records and Information Management Professionals
The Records Management Training Program provides five services that support records management training performed by Federal agencies.
Training Materials Catalog

Our Training Materials Catalog contains most of the training materials that we develop, including all of the new online lessons that are part of the new training curriculum that we call Curriculum 2.0.
The catalog includes:
- online lessons that can be viewed on this website
- videos
- job aids
- practice activities that agencies can use to train employees
- legacy training materials (Knowledge Area courses).
Training Development

We develop:
- elearning lessons,
- videos
- job aids
- practice activities that agencies can use to train employees
Agency training needs and changes in NARA records management policies influence what training we develop.
We also develop customized training for specific agencies; however, most of the time we try to build training that can be used by multiple agencies.
Please send your requests for new training materials to

We host webinars on records management topics that are of interest to Federal records managers.
A list of previously recorded webinars is in the Training Materials Catalog.
Please send your requests for webinars about specific topics to
Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC)

The Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC) is required for all Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) designated Agency Records Officers.
More information about the certificate is available.
Records Management Instruction Support (ReMIS)

Our team of experts can assist you with questions you have about how to use NARA training materials.
We can help you determine what training materials fit your audience and need, assist you with how to use those materials, and help you design records management training for your agency.
You can contact at to set up a meeting to talk with us.