New Accessions and Openings for the 1st Quarter 2007
Presidential Libraries
The library accessioned a five-foot accretion to the papers of Elliot Rosen, a scholar of the Hoover-Roosevelt transition. The library also accessioned four feet of research files of Mordecai Lee, professor of governmental affairs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, from his recently published book, Institutionalizing Congress and the Presidency: The U.S. Bureau of Efficiency, 1916–1933.
The museum received four significant donations: 1) black-and-white framed pictures of Hoover's birthplace and the Hoover blacksmith shop; 2) a donation from Lewis H. Strauss of a one-page (handwritten) note from Mr. Hoover to the donor's mother, Alice Strauss; 3) three aprons and a pair of cuffs that servants wore during the Hoover administration; and 4) U.S. Food Administration certificates with Hoover's signature transferred from the Hoover archival collection to the museum collection.
Notable archival acquisitions this quarter include the papers, recordings, and research materials of Curtis Roosevelt, the eldest grandson of President and Mrs. Roosevelt; research files of Mordecai Lee related to the Office of Government Reports; an "Eyes for the Navy" certificate issued to J. W. Bridwell by Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Roosevelt; papers and memorabilia of Frederick C. Schneider, Jr., a member of the 240th Military Police Battalion stationed in Hyde Park during World War II, donated by his widow Helen M. Schneider; and an April 14, 1945, edition of the Calcutta (India) Statesman announcing the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, donated by Ross D. Netherton.
The new acquisitions include four Franklin D. Roosevelt commemorative stamp covers from Russell D. Sibert, a 1946 "Fala at Hyde Park" MGM movie poster, and a limited-edition parabolic Jazz bowl from artist Viktor Schreckengost that is identical to a bowl he produced in 1930.
The library acquired the papers of Niles W. Bond, a State Department official during the Truman administration (less than one linear foot, ca. 1947–49). The papers include correspondence with the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of the Army regarding the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Korea. This collection is closed pending processing.
The library acquired the papers of May Southern Wallace, sister-in-law of Harry S. Truman (less than one linear foot, ca. 1946–76). The papers include photographs, printed material, and scrapbooks concerning Margaret Truman and the Truman family. This collection is closed pending processing.
The library acquired the papers of Martha Ann Swoyer, niece of Harry S. Truman (less than one linear foot, ca. 1940–91). The papers include copies of letters from Truman to Swoyer and other items. This collection is closed pending processing.
The library acquired the papers of Alonzo Hamby, historian and biographer of Harry S. Truman (about 15 linear feet, ca. 1945–95). The papers include copies of correspondence and newspaper clippings, research notes, manuscript drafts, and other items mostly relating to Hamby's books, Beyond the New Deal and Man of the People. This collection is closed pending processing.
The library acquired the papers of John Robertson Clagett, an official in the War Crimes Division of the Judge Advocate General's Office (less than one linear foot, ca. 1944–46). The papers include correspondence, photographs, and other items relating to Clagett's work in the War Crimes Division. This collection is closed pending processing.
During the quarter, the museum acquired 214 items of 1952 and 1956 campaign posters and related items from Dr. John Pendergrass.
The library added more than 17,000 pages to its holdings during the quarter from the accretions to the papers of Fred C. Scribner, Jr., and Abbott Washburn and the World War II Participants and Contemporaries collection.
As part of its efforts documenting World War II, the Eisenhower Library continued the nationwide solicitation of personal papers, diaries, printed material, and photographs of veterans who served overseas or on the home front. Manuscript items were received from eight individuals this year. To date, the archives section has collected some 83 linear feet of material from 501 donors.
Ten oral histories was accessioned this quarter: Sherman Adams (OH-539); Ruth Buchanan (OH-540); Jacqueline Cochran (OH-541); Barbara Eisenhower (OH-542); John S. D. Eisenhower (OH-543); Andrew Goodpaster (OH-544); Robert Hallman and James F. McCown (OH-548); Bryce Harlow (OH-545); Stewart E. McClure (OH-546); and George Tames (OH-547). Finding aids were prepared for 19 oral histories. The library received permission from Columbia University to change the restrictions on Malcolm Moos OH-503 from PRRCQ to PRCQ.
The library accessioned 25 textual accessions totaling 88 cubic feet including:
- An accretion to the Personal Papers of John Kenneth Galbraith, economist, educator, author, professor of economics, Harvard University (1949–75). Correspondence and writings. 40 feet. Closed pending processing.
- An accretion to the Personal Papers of Kay Halle, journalist, author, and Kennedy family friend. Management papers for the Kay Halle estate, including inventories, registers, tapes, books, and photographs. 2.25 feet. Closed awaiting deed.
- Veterans Administration Records. Copies of Navy personnel files of John F. Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy. 0.25 cubic feet.
- The Papers of Patricia Kennedy Lawford, sister of John F. Kennedy. Founder, National Committee for the Literary Arts. Files related to the establishment of the John F. Kennedy Library and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. 1 foot. Closed pending processing.
- An accretion to the Personal Papers of Edward Moore Kennedy, brother of President Kennedy. Senator from Massachusetts, (1963– ). Videos received from Senator Kennedy's office through the Presidential Materials Staff. 30 feet. Closed pending deed.
- Eight accretions to the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Collection and 22 oral history interviews with:
- Katie Langland, Guatemala (1999–2001)
- G. Wright Meyer, Haiti (1999–2002)
- Lucinda Boyd, Nigeria (1962–64)
- Jack Finlay, Nigeria (1961–63)
- John Skeese, Nigeria (1961–63)
- Heather Mortenson, Sri Lanka (1997–98) and Ecuador (1998–2000)
- Marge Shannon Snoeren, Nigeria (1964–66)
- Roger Howard, Tanzania (1965–67)
- Prudence Barber, Colombia (1962–64)
- Laura Buchs, Micronesia (1997–99)
- Sophie Zermuehlen, Morocco (1983–85)
- Lisa Goldman, Lesotho (1991–93)
- Cristina Kyle, Armenia (2003–2005)
- Tom Katus, Tanganyika (1961–63)
- James Good, Philippines (1982–84)
- Anne Thompson, Tanzania (1965–67)
- Molly Bogan, Paraguay (2003–2005)
- Ann Cohen, Marshall Islands (1989–91)
- Joseph Roberts, Guyana (1997–2000) and Romania (2000–2002)
- James Chapman, Nepal (1975–
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- Lynn Polloi, Palau (1966–69)
- Alan Olsen, Palau (1966–69)
One addition to the John F. Kennedy Tributes Collection and seven additions to the Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection were accessioned, processed, and opened.
A total of 358 photograph items and 76 hours of audio were accessioned and described.
The following oral history transcripts were accessioned and are available for research:
- Louis Shanks, Austin furniture dealer, member of the Austin City Council, and Mayor Pro Tem, 19 pages.
- L. Wade Lathram, Director of the Office Personnel Administration, Agency for International Development (1963–65), Director of Office of Civil Operations at the American Embassy in Vietnam (1966–67), and Deputy Chief of Mission at the American Embassy in South Korea (1968–71), 37 pages.
The following personal papers collections were accessioned during this quarter:
- Glen P. Wilson, Assistant to Senator Lyndon Johnson (1955–57), staff member of the Senate Special Committee on Space and Astronautics (1958–59) and Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences (1959–77); an accretion (four cubic feet) of NASA materials, 1963–82.
- An accretion of three cubic feet to the Personal Papers of Sheldon S. Cohen, Commissioner of the IRS (1965–69), consisting of speeches, diaries, and materials on White House activities in conferences and foundations, 1962–75.
- Frederick O'Reilly Hayes, Assistant Commissioner for Urban Planning and Community Development of Urban Renewal Administration (1961–63), containing three cubic feet of material pertaining to OEO, CAP, and other domestic programs.
- Files of Dallas Morning News, consisting of two cubic feet of the Washington bureau files on Lyndon Johnson and his family, 1940s–73.
- Edwin L. Weisl, Jr., Assistant Attorney General in charge of Land and Natural Resources (1965–67) and in charge of the Civil Division, Department of Justice (1967–69), containing four cubic inches of correspondence between the Weisl family and Lyndon Johnson
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- A 16-page accretion to the Personal Papers of Drew Pearson, columnist, consisting of "thank-you" notes, photographs, and a guestbook page concerning his 70th birthday party in 1967.
- An accretion of 41 cubic feet to the Personal Papers of W. Thomas Johnson, covering his activities from Deputy Press Secretary to Chairman, President, and CEO of the CNN News Group, 1965–2000.
The library completed work for 24 accessions this quarter, including the papers of James Lynn. This collection contains material related to his government service under President Ford as Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Assistant to the President for Management and Budget.
The library also received a scrapbook from Hortense Klebe. Her father created this scrapbook, which includes letters from state Governors, as well as territorial and national leaders, regarding their thoughts on the 1976 bicentennial celebration.
The library also received accretions to the James Cannon Papers, Melvin R. Laird Papers, Gerald R. Ford Scrapbooks, Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files, Gerald R. Ford Personal Papers, Betty Ford Papers, Composite General Accessions, Composite Grand Rapids Accessions, Gerald R. Ford Foundation Office Files, and the U.S. Department of Defense Historical Office collection.
The library continues to add material from the Carter Center. Donor deed donations included Solar Panels from the White House during Carter's administration; Unity College in Maine made the donation. Jan Hefner from the Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation donated photographs of President Carter. John Gunter Dean added files on the Beautification of Cardinal Cooke to his collection.
The library received approximately 18 linear feet of textual material for accessioning. These materials consisted of the donation of the Robert ("Bobby") Holt papers and accretions to the George Bush Post-Presidential papers. Holt, a businessman from Midland, TX, has served in various capacities throughout George Bush's political career, including National Finance Chairman for Bush/Quayle 1992, and as co-chairman of the American Bicentennial Inauguration Committee (1993).
The museum has stored 528 post-Presidential artifacts this quarter.
The painting USS George H.W. Bush by Stan Stokes was donated to the library by the artist.
Six black-and-white photographs of the construction of the Panama Canal, 1918, were donated by George MacNeil, Houston, TX.
The Clinton Library received three new collections (one deed of gift and two unsolicited collections) this quarter. The Stanley E. Cohen deed of gift collection consists of correspondence between Cohen and senior executives with the Washington Post regarding their coverage of Travelgate. The two unsolicited collections are A Guide Book to the Personal Origin Collections of the Russian State Archive of the Economy, donated by the Russian State Archive, and The President's Programs in the U.S.A.: The Outline of Economic Policy, 1933–2004, donated by Ven Motylev.
The library opened for research the papers of Earl D. Johnson, Assistant Secretary of the Army from 1950 to 1952 and Under Secretary of the Army from 1952 to 1954 (7.5 linear feet, 1940–55). The papers consist of correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, memorandums, photographs, and speeches primarily relating to Johnson's military career and his service as an official in the Department of the Army during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations.
The library processed an addition (0.75 cubic feet) to the White House Staff Papers of Dean F. Markham, consisting of correspondence, planning and public relations materials, transcripts and records of meetings, publications, and background materials. 23 feet.
Integrated declassified portions (0.25 cubic feet) of the personal papers of McGeorge Bundy, concisting of personal and professional papers. Approximately 30 feet of the last two series remain closed for review.
Processed the White House staff files of Dan H. Fenn. The files relate to Fenn's position as staff assistant to President John F. Kennedy and his involvement in government recruitment. 3.75 feet.
Processed the Veterans Administration Records of John F. Kennedy. 0.25 cubic feet.
Preserved, rearranged, and described the Personal Papers of Ronald M. Linton, an environmental affairs consultant. The papers consist of research and background materials concerning the environment. 20 feet.
Betty Rainwater's Press Office Files were opened. The Files of Beth Abramowitz of the Domestic Policy Staff and Tim Kraft's office files were processed and opened.
The library opened 32,377 pages this quarter in response to FOIA. The opened material included select folders from various staff and office files including staff collections for the Appointments & Scheduling Office; Elizabeth Dole; Executive Secretariat, NSC—Country File & National Security Decision Directives (NSDDs); Donald Fortier; David Gergen; Charles Hobbs; Robert Kimmitt; Nelson Ledsky; Edwin Meese; Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate; Gregory Newell; and Frederick Ryan. WHORM Subject File categories include select case files within CO163 (Turkey), FE010-01 (Access to Records), HO (Holidays), HU030 (Genocide) and IV085 (Invitations, 1985).
The following collections were opened in whole: James Cicconi, Daniel Crippen, Richard Darman, and John Tuck.
Major topics covered in the openings include Acid Rain; Micronesia; NATO; Presidential Scheduling; Reagan Correspondence; Turkey; and Welfare.