The National Archives Catalog

Proposer Name

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Public Element
No No Variable Character Length (700) None No



The name of the person, unit, or project responsible for the intellectual content of the Organization Name, Person Name, Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, Program Area, or an Authority List heading.


Purpose: Provides the name of the person or unit responsible for the description of the Organization Name, Person Name, Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, Program Area, or an Authority List heading. Enables NARA staff to track the authorship of a description of an authority record as distinct from a person responsible for data entry.


Relationship: This element is dependent on Organization Name, Person Name, Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, Program Area, or an Authority List heading. To have Proposer Name, one of these authority headings must be created. This element can be associated with Proposal Date.



Enter the name of person, unit, or project responsible for writing the description of the authority record.

If the author is a person, enter the name in direct order (first name, middle name/initial, last name).

If the intellectual content is the result of a NARA project by several individuals, enter the NARA organization code.

If the description is a product of a NARA product plan, enter the alpha-numeric designation of the product plan.




Product Plan NWMD9PB1


ARC Population Project

Table of Contents
Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide
