Documents relating to JFK's Casket
Document ListVolume: 1 Inch
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: 64, Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, NL Basic Documents, Kennedy Deed File:
- John M. Steadman, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Memorandum for Record,
February 25, 1966, 3 pages.
- Walter Robertson, Jr., Administrative Officer, NARS, Memorandum for the Record,
Subject: Kennedy Casket, February 24, 1966, 1 page. File includes 2 carbon copies.
- Lewis M. Robeson, Chief, Archives Handling Branch, NARS, Memorandum for the Record,
Subject: Kennedy Casket, February 21, 1966, 2 pages. File includes 2 carbon copies.
- Letter, Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, AG to Hon. Lawson B. Knott, Jr., Administrator of
General Services, February 11, 1966, 2 pages. File includes 1 carbon copy and 3 electrostatic
- Summary of a telephone conversation between Sen. Robert Kennedy and Lawson Knott,
February 3, 1966, 6:10 pm., 2 pages.
- Letter, Representative Earle Cabell to Hon. Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, September 13, 1965,
1 page carbon copy.
- Discussion Paper, President John F. Kennedy Funeral Expenses to Oneal Incorporated,
Funeral Directors, Dallas, Texas, 3 pages.
- Summary of telephone conversation between Mr. McGee and Lawson Knott, February 25,
1965, 1 page.
- Summary of article from the Houston Chronicle, February 25, 1965, concerning the payment
of the bill to Oneal Funeral Home, 2 pages.
- Copy of H.R. 9545, An Act providing for the acquisition and preservation by the United
States of certain items of evidence pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 4
- Senate Report No. 851, 89th Congress, 1st Session, on H.R. 9545, 4 pages.
- SF 63, Memorandum of Call containing John Steadman's phone number, 1 page.
- GSA Form 1237, Receipt made out to John M. Steadman from Walter Robertson, Jr., dated
February 25, 1966, signed by Mary Mead at 1645 on February 25, 1966, for an undescribed item,
1 white copy and 1 yellow copy, 2 pages.
- Coast and Geodetic Survey Map, #1000, Cape Sable to Cape Hatteras (Soundings in
Fathoms), showing location and time.
- US Air Force Aeronautical Chart, East Coast CEC-1, Continental Entry Chart.