Image Provenance To Learn (IP2Learn)
The IP2Learn tool is a simulation framework that allows archivists to explore some of the issues involved with capturing computer-aided decision-making processes. The simulation involves capturing information from a system as a person analyses a digital image. It enables an archivist to make decisions about what should be captured from that analysis – and at what level of granularity.
IP2Learn also allows the archivist to “play back” the analysis at the different levels of granularity. It then displays metrics about the costs associated with capturing the information at the different levels of granularity.
Additional capabilities of IP2Learn are:
- Simulation framework for capturing records of computer-aided decision-making;
- Archivists can perform appraisal and accessioning "what-ifs;" and
- Immediate feedback on
- What would be captured
- User experience "playing back" the captured information
- Costs associated with different appraisal and accessioning decisions
- Automated grouping of documents
Use this URL to download the IP2Learn software: