Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

Introduction to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
Course 1: Introduction to Controlled Unclassified Information
CUI Training

d This is an interactive graphic with four selectable folders. When each folder is selected the corresponding text is displayed. The CUI Executive Agent (EA) will offer training. Agencies will develop CUI agency-specific training as well. Select each of the folders below to learn more. When the EA: Awareness for CUI folder is selected, the following is displayed: Introduction to CUI: The EA has developed this short computer-based training (CBT) describing the history and benefits of CUI and providing a timeline of what to expect next. When the EA: Executive Order Overview folder is selected, the following is displayed. Executive Order Overview: There will be an Executive Order (E.O.) CBT to introduce key elements of E.O. 13556. When the EA: CUI Training folder is selected, the following is displayed. CUI Training: With the issuance of the implementing directive on CUI, training includes: Implementing Directive Overview CBT introduces the CUI program as described in the implementing directive. Executive Briefing designed to provide senior officials with information that will help implement the CUI program within departments and agencies. Instructor-led training (ILT) materials available on specific CUI program topics. When the Agency-Specific: CUI Training folder is selected, the following is displayed: CUI Training: Each agency will develop agency-specific training on CUI policies and processes.
Select each folder to learn more, then select Next to continue.
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