Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

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Instructions: Determine whether each of the statements below is true or false by making a selection on the right, and then select Submit to continue.

Below are controls that require a response via form radio buttons
Statement True False
CUI is classified information. Select your response from the following radio buttons
CUI categories and subcategories are designated upon approval of the CUI Executive Agent. Select your response from the following radio buttons
Approved CUI categories cannot be published in the CUI Registry. Select your response from the following radio buttons
CUI is not authorized for public release unless it has 1) been decontrolled and released in accordance with an agency's public release procedures, or 2) disclosure was approved in response to a FOIA request. Select your response from the following radio buttons
Markings automatically create an exemption. Select your response from the following radio buttons
The Federal Government retains control of CUI that is disseminated to non-Federal entities. Select your response from the following radio buttons
CUI is a way of influencing FOIA reviews and disclosures. Select your response from the following radio buttons
Submit your answer