NARA and Declassification


Soviet Space Program 

Location:  Lyndon B. Johnson Library

(Appeal Adjudicated in FY21: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021)

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Document Title or Subject [PDF] Document
Current Intelligence Weekly Special Report; Russia's Kapustin Yar Scientific Satellite Program 1966/10/07 2012-023-doc01 
Special Report; Soviet Space Exploration Programs: A Status Report 1966/01/14 2012-023-doc02 
Intelligence Memorandum: the SS-12 1965/12/30 2012-023-doc03 
Special Report: Soviet Missile Disaster in 1960 1965/10/22 2012-023-doc04
Soviet Lunar Probe Launched 1965/10/04 2012-023-doc05
Memorandum: The Soviet Lunar Probe, Lunik 5 1965/05/10 2012-023-doc06