The National Archives at Fort Worth

Record Groups 304 - 452

Record Group 304
Records of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization

Administrative History
The Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization (OCDM) was a redesignation by an act of August 26, 1958, of the Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization, which had been formed by a consolidation of the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) and the Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM) under Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958. OCDM was responsible for the national civil defense program and the coordination of military, industrial, and civilian mobilization. The civil defense operational functions of OCDM were transferred to the Secretary of Defense by Executive Order 10952 of July 20, 1961, and the rest of OCDM was redesignated the Office of Emergency Planning by an act of September 22, 1961. It was subsequently redesignated the Office of Emergency Preparedness by an act of October 21, 1968.

Records Description
Dates: 1950-1971
Volume: 28 cubic feet
Records of the Regional Office, Denton, Texas, which was responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing programs to deal with natural disasters and enemy attacks in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The records relate to exercises and alerts, maintenance of continuity of government, economic stabilization and recovery, medical and health programs, women's activities, regional civil defense mobilization boards, State emergency planning committees and task forces, and cooperation with Mexico under the International Good Neighbor Committee. The records include correspondence, directives, minutes of meetings of various committees, narrative reports, newspaper clippings, plans, published manuals, and subject files.

Finding Aids
Partial list of folder titles.


Record Group 309
Records of the Small Business Administration

Administrative History
The Small Business Administration (SBA), an independent agency, was established by the Small Business Act of July 30, 1953. The functions of the SBA, which were expanded by subsequent legislation and various Executive orders, are to counsel, assist, and protect the interests of small businesses; ensure that a fair proportion of Government purchases and contracts are placed with small businesses; make loans to small businesses and investment companies, victims of floods or other catastrophes, and State and local development companies; license and regulate small business investment companies; and assist small business owners in improving managerial skills.

Records Description
Dates: 1955-1982
Volume: 6 cubic feet
Records of the National Advisory Council, Region 6. The records document annual meetings and consist primarily of minutes but also include memorandums, news releases, and resolutions.

Finding Aids
List of folder titles.


Record Group 310
Records of the Agricultural Research Service

Administrative History
The Agricultural Research Administration was established in the Department of Agriculture by an Executive order of February 23, 1942, to coordinate the activities of several scientific bureaus. It was consolidated with these bureaus on November 2, 1953, to form the Agricultural Research Service, which plans, administers, and conducts research and related regulatory programs.

Records Description
Dates: 1927-1969
Volume: 146 cubic feet
Records of the Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orleans, 1939-1969. The records document basic and applied research on new uses and markets for agricultural products, especially citrus and other fruits, cotton, cottonseed, naval stores, peanuts, rice, sugar, sweet potatoes, tung, and vegetables. Included are correspondence, minutes of technical and advisory committee meetings, and technical reports.

Records of the San Antonio office, 1927-1957. The records document the control of grasshoppers, phony peach and peach mosaic, pink bollworms, sweet potato weevils, white fringed beetles, and other insects or plant diseases in: Arkansas; Colorado; Kansas; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Oklahoma; South Carolina; and Texas.

Records of the following:

  • Cotton Field Station, Greenville, Texas, 1927-1949;
  • Fruit and Vegetable Products Lab, Weslaco, Texas, 1932- 1949;
  • Mexican Fruit Fly Laboratory, Mexico City, 1951-1968.

The records document research activities and are primarily correspondence and laboratory reports.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 319
Records of the Army Staff

Administrative History
The Army Staff, dating from 1947, is the military staff of the Secretary of the Army and includes the Chief of Staff and his immediate assistants, the Army General Staff, the Special Staff, and the Administrative and Technical Staffs. Its duties include preparing plans, investigating and reporting on Army efficiency and readiness, and preparing instructions for and supervising Army operations.

Records Description
Dates: 1942-1948
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot
Records of the Tulsa Finance Office relating to operations and including statistical reports, 1942-1946.

Records of the San Antonio Finance Office relating to operations and including office memorandums, 1946-1948.


Record Group 336
Records of the Office of the Chief of Transportation

Administrative History
The Office of the Chief of Transportation was established in the Services of Supply (SOS), War Department on March 2, 1942, to head the Transportation Division. It was abolished by General Order 39 of December 1, 1964.

Records Description
Dates: 1942-1954
Volume: 5 cubic feet
Records of the

  • Dallas Headquarters, 8th Transportation Zone, 1943-1946;
  • El Paso Transportation Corps Regulating Station, 1950-1954;
  • New Orleans Office and Port Agency, 1942-1945;
  • New Orleans Port Embarkation Office, 1951-1954.

The records document operations and include general orders, memorandums, minutes of conferences, narrative historical reports, planning and organization files, port regulations, and weekly reports. Nontextual records include organization charts and photographs.


Record Group 338
Records of U.S. Army Commands

Administrative History
The present system of U.S. Army commands, which are organized both functionally and geographically, emerged from a War Department reorganization of February 28, 1942.

Records Description
Dates: 1950-1965
Volume: 25 cubic feet
Records of the Southwestern Traffic Region, Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service, relating to operations in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas and including some correspondence with Members of Congress. The records are primarily correspondence and drafts and printed copies of publications and issuances.

Records of the following:

  • U.S. Army Advisory Groups in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, 1950-1964;
  • Signal Fire Distribution Systems Activity and the Service Group, Fort Bliss, Texas, 1961-1964;
  • Delta Depot Storage Activity, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1956-1963;
  • Camp Stanley Storage Activity at San Antonio, Texas, 1956.

The records document the command structure and the activities conducted at each facility and are primarily general orders.

Records from the 4th Army Area Food Service School, Fort Hood, Texas, and the military hospitals at:

  • Camp Leroy Johnson, New Orleans, Louisiana;
  • Fort Bliss, Texas;
  • Fort Chaffee, Arkansas;
  • Fort Hood, Texas;
  • Fort Polk, Louisiana;
  • Fort Sill, Oklahoma;
  • Hot Springs, Arkansas;
  • Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico;
  • White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

The records document policies, procedures, and administration and generally include annual reports, organization and planning files, regulations, medical publications and reports, and various types of orders.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 341
Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff)

Administrative History
Headquarters U.S. Air Force, also known as the Air Staff, was established September 18, 1947, under terms of the National Security Act of 1947. The Chief of Staff is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Air Force and presides over the Air Staff which is divided into five functional groupings each headed by a deputy chief of staff.

Records Description
Dates: 1948-1954
Volume: 74 cubic feet
Records from the Director of Construction, Southwest Region in Fort Worth), who reported t the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, Installations. The records relate to construction and maintenance of various air force bases and installations in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Included are correspondence, lists of property, and reports. Nontextual records include site maps.

Finding Aids

  • Box contents list
  • "Places" database in RG 269.
  • Entries 505 through 511 in Helene Bowen, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of Headquarters, United States Air Force, NM 15 (1963).


Record Group 355
Records of the National Agricultural Statistics Service

Administrative History
The Bureau of Agricultural Economics was established within the Department of Agriculture on July 1, 1922. It continued the work of conducting studies and disseminating information relating to agricultural production, crop estimates, marketing, finance, labor, and other agricultural programs begun as early as 1903 by several other bureaus. In 1953, it was replaced by the Agricultural Marketing Service and Agricultural Research Service, which were merged in 1961 to form the Economic Research Service. The latter service became the Statistical Reporting Service in 1981.

Records Description
Dates: 1918-1970
Volume: 10 cubic feet
Records of marketing offices in

  • Austin, Texas, 1920-1970;
  • Las Cruces, New Mexico, 1918-1970;
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1930-1948.

The records document the agricultural labor market, crop and livestock production, and weather conditions. Included are narrative and statistical reports.

Finding Aids

  • Draft inventory.
  • Vivian Wiser, comp. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, PI 104 (1958).


Record Group 369
Records of the Employment and Training Administration

Administrative History
The Employment and Training Administration was established in the Department of Labor on November 12, 1975, as a successor to the Manpower Administration. The latter had been created in 1963 to consolidate all departmental organizations and activities that directed, coordinated, or supported manpower programs or operations. The Employment and Training Administration consists of the United States Employment Service, the Office of Comprehensive Employment Development Programs, the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, and the Unemployment Insurance Service. It conducts work experience and work training programs, funds and oversees programs conducted under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, and administers the Federal-State Employment Security System.

Records Description
Dates: 1955-1980
Volume: 66 cubic feet
Records of the Manpower Administration regional office for Region VI, consisting of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. The records document unemployment insurance programs and the recruitment, training, and placement of trainees under the Job Corps, and other training programs. Included are bulletins, correspondence, narrative and statistical reports, newspaper clippings, and press releases.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 378
Records of the Economic Development Administration

Administrative History
The Economic Development Administration was established in the Department of Commerce in 1965 to create jobs and increase income in depressed areas through grants and loans for public works projects and to provide technical planning and research assistance to communities.

Records Description
Dates: 1965-1974
Volume: 25 cubic feet
Records of the southwest region in Fort Worth)al office. The records document the planning and construction of harbor improvements, industrial parks, recreation areas, and water/sewage systems in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. They are approved public works project case files.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 381
Records of the Community Services Administration

Administrative History
The Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) was established in the Executive Office of the President by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, which created the Economic Opportunity Council. The Council, which included members from several Federal agencies, was to develop a coordinated approach in eliminating poverty. Regional offices were established in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. The Economic Opportunity Act established programs that provided opportunities for low income persons to receive education and job training, to be employed, and to live in decent housing. The programs included Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Community Action Programs, Job Corps, Economic Development Programs, and Legal Services Programs. Title I of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 added the Model Cities Program as another OEO program. In July 1973 several of the programs were transferred to other agencies. Eighteen months later, OEO ceased functioning after Job Corps, VISTA, and the Community Action Program were transferred to the Community Services Administration.

Records Description
Dates: 1965-1981
Volume: 58 cubic feet
Records of the Southwest Regional Office, Austin, Texas, which had jurisdiction over Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas including records of the:

  • district director, deputy director, and VISTA regional administrator document VISTA programs and include correspondence and central files;
  • regional administrator of Community Action Programs document county community action agencies and city economic opportunity boards and include correspondence and grantee budgets;
  • Model Cities Program document urban improvement programs and consist of applications and comprehensive demonstration plans.

Records of the Regional Operations Division, Region VI, located in Dallas, Texas, with jurisdiction over Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. The records document administrative operations, organization, and planning. Included are administrative files, application materials, audit reports, board meeting minutes, correspondence, financial reports, personnel policies, program progress review reports, and trip reports.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 392
Records of the U.S. Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-1942

Administrative History
In 1901, the Artillery Corps was divided into field artillery batteries and coast artillery companies under newly created artillery districts. Each district consisted of harbor defense forts, with accompanying minefields and land defenses. In 1913, the coast artillery districts were redesignated coast defense commands.

Records Description
Dates: 1903-1922
Volume: 24 cubic feet
Records of the Galveston Coast Defense Command, 1915-1920, relating to defense of the coast and including general and special orders.

Records of the New Orleans Coast Defense Command, 1903-1922, relating to defense of the coast and including general and special orders, letters sent and received, general correspondence, and related indexes.

Finding Aids
Entries 131-134 and 200-220 in Sarah D. Powell, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the United States Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-1942, NM 88 (1967).


Record Group 406
Records of the Federal Highway Administration

Administrative History
The Department of Transportation Act of 1966 established the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and transferred to it the Bureau of Public Roads (see RG 30). The FHA administers Federal financial assistance to the States for highway construction and conducts research and programs relating to highway safety.

Records Description
Dates: 1960-1975
Volume: 118 cubic feet
Records of Federal aid projects for: Arkansas, 1962-1971; Oklahoma, 1960-1967; Texas, 1964-1975. The records document acquisition of rights-of-way and construction. They are project case files. Nontextual records include right-of- way maps with references to survey lines and annotations about land ownership, physical features, and existing structures.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 407
Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-

Administrative History
The Adjutant General's Office was given authority to assign, promote, transfer, retire, and discharge all Army officers and enlisted men under the National Defense Act of 1916. In 1942 it was placed under the Commanding General, Services of Supply (later Army Service Forces). It has responsibility for administrative services including records accounting, management, and publications.

Records Description
Dates: 1960-1975
Volume: 10 cubic feet
Records of the San Antonio Regional Office relating to the records depository at the San Antonio Army Service Forces Depot. Included are monthly reports of accomplishment, circulars, and organization charts.


Record Group 412
Records of the Environmental Protection Agency

Administrative History
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in the executive branch as an independent agency pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970, effective December 2, 1970. The EPA was created to coordinate Federal action in cooperation with State and local governments to abate and control pollution in the areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances. It conducts research, monitoring, standard setting, and enforcement activities.

Records Description
Dates: 1970-1983
Volume: 58 cubic feet
Records of the Dallas regional office, responsible for Arkansas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. The records document program objectives and financing. Included are program planning and evaluation files, 1970-1975, as well as narrative and statistical reports and some Water Quality Management Plans, 1974-1983, developed by State agencies for river basins in Oklahoma and Texas.

Records of public hearings, 1973-1976. The records concern requests for permits for ocean dumping and pollutant discharge. They are case files maintained for reference, including applications for permits, exhibits, press releases, and transcripts of testimony.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 414
Records of Regional Committees and Commissions

Administrative History
The U.S. Study Commission Texas was established on August 28, 1958, under Public Law 85-843 to formulate a plan for the development of the land and water resources of the Neches, Trinity, Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, and San Jacinto River Basins. The Commission submitted its final report to the President on March 31, 1962, and was terminated in August 1962.

Records Description
Dates: 1959-1962
Volume: 53 cubic feet
Records of the U.S. Study Commission Texas. The records document the economic and agricultural conditions in the following river basins:

  • Brazos;
  • Colorado;
  • Guadalupe;
  • Neches;
  • San Jacinto;
  • Trinity.

Included is the Commission's final report, as well as correspondence, memorandums, minutes of meetings, preliminary reports, and technical data submitted by Federal, State, and local groups. Nontextual records include maps.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 424
Records of the Consumer Product Safety Commission

Administrative History
The Commission was established as an independent regulatory agency on October 27, 1972, by the Consumer Product Safety Act. In addition to some functions transferred from the Food and Drug Administration, it is responsible for the protection of the public against unreasonable risk of injury from consumer products. It is authorized to collect information on injuries, require manufacturers to report defects and take corrective action, assist with the development of voluntary standards, establish mandatory standards, and ban hazardous consumer products.

Records Description
Dates: 1965-1973
Volume: 2 cubic feet
Records of the Dallas area office. The records relate primarily to misbranding products under the Hazardous Substances Act, and the chemical composition of substances. Included are case files containing citations, copies of documents filed in Federal court, correspondence with manufacturers, injunctions, laboratory reports, and seizure action reports.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory.


Record Group 435
Records of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Administrative History
The Board was established by an act of August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 891), to serve Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and the general public as an informational, promotional, and advisory clearinghouse for all matters pertaining to the development of authentic Indian and Eskimo arts and crafts. It receives administrative support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Records Description
Dates: 1935-1967
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot
Records from the Oklahoma Field Office, Muskogee. The records document activities under the direction of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency, Quapaw Agency, and Sequoyah Training School. They are primarily correspondence.


Record Group 452
Records of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration

Administrative History
The American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (ARBA) was established by an act of December 11, 1973, to stimulate, coordinate, schedule, and facilitate the planning and implementation of projects, events, and activities to celebrate 200 years of American life. It replaced the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, which was established by an act of July 4, 1966. The ARBA worked closely with State Bicentennial Commissions to plan and conduct a wide variety of programs and provided grants-in-aid for various activities. The ARBA was terminated on June 30, 1977, pursuant to the terms of the 1973 act.

Records Description
Dates: 1971-1976
Volume: 3 cubic feet
Records of the Dallas regional office. The records document activities in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas involving the general public, Members of Congress, public and private institutions, and State and local officials. Included are correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, press releases, and schedules of activities.

Finding Aids
Draft inventory
